Saturday, July 31, 2010

Kung Zhu Pets Review

Kung Zhu Pets is the hottest new toy line from Cepia, the creater of the cute furry toy hamsters called the Zhu Zhu Pets. The Kung Zhu Pets are toys that are targeted towards boys and are 8 warrior hamsters that are separated into two groups, the special forces and the ninja warriors. These hamsters are trained through special training grounds that have obstacle courses. The hamsters have smart chip technology that allows the hamsters to remember and upgrade themselves once they have trained. Once transformed into ultimate battling machines to have their hand fighting opponents in the Battle Arena. Their armor also comes with a "Tablet of Zhu". Swipe the hamsters on the back of the "Tablets of Zhu" to power up the armor! Each set of Battle Armor also has its own unique action sounds!

The Special Forces of the Delta Forces Tribe Kung Zhu army includes Stonewall, Rock'O, Rivet and Sergeant Serge. These tough hamsters will evolve into Special Force Warriors after training in either the Alpha or Bravo training grounds with different weapons, armors and defense technology. In the meantime, the Ninja Warriors including Drayko and Yama from the good Dragon Clan and Azer and Thorn from the evil Skull Tribe, will transform into rough fighters after training in their Samurai and Ninja grounds using their own weapons and armors. Each of these Ninjas has a skull or dragon symbol on their fur while the Special Forces have either a star or comet army sign. You can get to know each hamster by clicking on their bio. Collect them all for your very own Kung Zhu Battle!

We received the Kung Zhu Pets Party Pack which included: 11 Kung Zhu hamsters with 11 sets of Battle Armor(most to give away to the guests), Kung Zhu Play Sets and Accessories (which included: Giant Battle Arena, Special Forces HQ, Training Ground - Alpha, Training Ground - Bravo, Combat Bridge, Missile Attack Tower, Ninja Dojo Base, Ninja Training Ground, Samurai Training Ground, Ninja Snake Pit, Dragon Alley U-Turn, Wheel of Fire, Dragon Hammer, Rhino Tank, Buzzsaw Tank, Spider Skull Tank, and Scorpion Tank. We didn't get the: Mission Control, Ambush Alley U-Turn, KZ-18 Fighter Jet and the Garages... but it does say on the box that they are constantly improving and updating their products so colors and contents may vary from those shown on the packaging.) themed games and activities, and easy-to-make recipes. My boys were even more excited to open these than the Zhu Zhu Pets! We set a date for our Kung Zhu Pets in-home party and everyone had a blast playing with the toys.

We also made all the recipes they suggested we make for the party. All were a hit especially the Kickin' Kung Fu Kabobs which were gone in a matter of minutes. Here they all are in case you want to try them out too:

Sgt. Serge’s Swamp Punch
2 cups Boiling water
1 large Package lime-flavor Jell-O
2 cups orange juice
1 liter bottle seltzer
1 pint Orange sherbet; slightly softened
Optional: Thinly sliced Oranges and Limes

Stir boiling water into Jell-O in large bowl until completely dissolved (approx. 2 min). Stir in orange juice. Cool to room temperature. Just before serving, pour into punch bowl. Add cold seltzer and ice cubes. Place scoops of sherbet and fruit slices in punch.

For an extra swampy treat, freeze raisins in your ice cubes. True Kung Fu warriors won’t mind a bug or two!

Kickin’ Kung Fu Kabobs
These fun little kabobs are so colorful, it will be hard for your pals to pass up…and they’re healthy too! Great for up and coming Kung Fu Warriors!
1 lb. Brick cheddar cheese (cut in ½ inch slices)
Honeydew Melon (remove seeds and rind)
Strawberries (washed and hulled)
10-12 wooden skewers

Using a 2 inch star-shaped cookie cutter, cut cheese and melon shapes. Alternating 2 cheese pieces and 1 melon piece on each skewer and place whole strawberries on ends. Serve with cottage cheese or yogurt dip – yum, yum!

Rocko’s Turkey Roll-ups
These turkey roll-ups pack a powerful punch of protein that will benefit all who study the art of battle! Cut them into small 2 inch sections to make them more snack-friendly!

2 (8-ounce) packages nonfat cream cheese, softened
3 whole green onions, finely chopped
1-ounce package dry nonfat ranch salad dressing mix
6 low-fat flour tortillas
1/2 pound low-fat turkey breast, roast beef, chicken or ham slices
6 whole iceberg lettuce leaves (we used fresh spinach leaves)

Combine cream cheese, green onions and ranch mix; blend ingredients until mixed. Divide cream cheese mixture among tortillas, spreading an even layer on each tortilla. Place a lettuce (spinach) leaf on each tortilla and top with 3 or 4 slices turkey breast. Roll tortilla tightly and cut into ½ or thirds and serve immediately or place in plastic wrap and refrigerate up to 2 days.

We played some fun games that were included with the party too. Kung Zhu Pilot Practice which included making paper airplanes and seeing whose plane flew the farthest, Kung Zhu Basic Training which involved a homemade outdoor obstacle course and having the kids run through it and Hot Grenade which is a lot like hot potato.

After it was over we handed out the extra Kung Zhu hamsters and armor and some stayed to play with the playset for a while longer. Some of the hamsters got stuck in the tubes and turned over on their sides, but despite the little quirks in the toys the kids were having a blast and after everyone went home my boys couldn't get enough of the hamsters and their training base camp and fighting grounds. I highly recommend this toy for ages 4 and up (this age limit is also what is stated on the boxes)! Buy them at your local Walmart, ToysRUs, Target or online at eToys or!

DISCLOSURE: Thanks to MomSelect and BSM Media and Cepia LLC. for giving me information about the Kung Zhu Pets and for providing me a Party Pack for free to test and review. My thoughts are mine and my family's own opinion and have not been altered by anyone else. I did not receive any other compensation for doing this review.

Friday, July 30, 2010

Foodie Friday Deep Fried Turkey, Skin On Mashed Potatoes and Green Beans

Here is my husband deep frying a large turkey in our new to us outdoor deep fryer. He is posing with his blow torch because he said he needed to be holding something, LOL! Get all the DIY info on deep frying a turkey HERE. While he did the frying I made the side dishes for the meal. Here are the recipes for the skin on mashed potatoes and the green beans:

Skin On Mashed Potatoes

8-10 large potatoes, washed & cubed
1/2 cup butter
1/4 cup milk
2 tablespoons sour cream
2 teaspoons chopped garlic
2 teaspoons dried dill
salt and Lawry's seasoned pepper to taste

Bring a pot of lightly salted water to a boil. Add potatoes, and cook until tender, about 15 minutes. Drain potatoes, and transfer to a large bowl. Add butter, and mash with a potato masher or electric mixer until potatoes are starting to become smooth. Add milk and sour cream, and mix to your desired texture. Careful not to over mix the potatoes once they are creamy. Season with garlic, dill, salt and pepper.

Green Beans With Bacon and Onion

1-1/2 pounds fresh long green beans, ends snapped off & broken in half
6 bacon strips, diced
1 medium onion, chopped
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/8 teaspoon Lawry's seasoned pepper

In a large skillet, cook bacon over medium heat until crisp. Sauté onion in the skillet until caramelized. Stir in salt and pepper. Place beans in a large saucepan and cover with water; add other ingredients. Bring to a boil. Cover and cook for 8-10 minutes or until crisp-tender; drain. Place in a large serving bowl.

The Old Schoolhouse Magazine Subscription Special

The Old Schoolhouse (TOS) Magazine, the magazine for homeschool families, has a VERY exciting special happening from now until August 1, only. So HURRY!! Normally their two-year subscriptions are $39, but right now they are $17.95 AND anyone who subscribes for those two years will receive for FREE their Schoolhouse Expo to Go which is hours and hours of their recent (Spring) online convention recordings. Speakers like Susan Wise Bauer, Diana Waring, Todd Wilson, Mark Hamby, Deborah Wuehler, Andrew Pudewa, Carol Barnier, Amanda Bennett, and more are all YOURS, free with a two year subscription. Click Here to see more information:

DISCLOSURE: Because I am The Old Schoolhouse Magazine support leader and posting this information I am getting a one year subscription to the magazine AND the Expo to Go free. This information is from The Old Schoolhouse Magazine's email to me. I did not receive any other compensation for doing this post.

Online with God, A 90 Day Devotional by Laurie Lazzaro Knowlton FIRST Wild Card Tour Book Review

It is time for a FIRST Wild Card Tour book review! If you wish to join the FIRST blog alliance, just click the button. We are a group of reviewers who tour Christian books. A Wild Card post includes a brief bio of the author and a full chapter from each book toured. The reason it is called a FIRST Wild Card Tour is that you never know if the book will be fiction, non~fiction, for young, or for old...or for somewhere in between! Enjoy your free peek into the book!

You never know when I might play a wild card on you!

Today's Wild Card author is:

and the book:

Zonderkidz (April 9, 2010)
***Special thanks to Pam Mettler of Zondervan for sending me a review copy.***


Laurie’s first published work was a note passed to a boy in elementary school. You would have thought that this most embarrassing moment would have stopped her writing career. But instead, Laurie is the author of thirty five books and author/illustrator of two more. Laurie lives in rural Ohio with her husband and two daughters.

Visit the author's website.

Product Details:

List Price: $9.99
Reading level: Ages 9-12
Paperback: 192 pages
Publisher: Zonderkidz (April 9, 2010)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0310716152
ISBN-13: 978-0310716150

Press the browse button to view the first chapter:

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Oregon Chai Twitter Party

What: Oregon Chai is hosting a Twitter party to celebrate its new 10-ounce canister product. Wellness expert Peggy Hall will host and share Me Time tips and answer guests’ questions. There will also be plenty of giveaways and one participant will win the $100 Me Time Supreme prize!

When: Tuesday August 10 from 8–9 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time.

Who to Follow: @OregonChai @oregonchaijulie and @PeggyHall to join in on the fun!

Hashtag: #Chaifor10

Oregon Chai's website
Follow Oregon Chai on Twitter
Fan/Like Oregon Chai on Facebook.

DISCLOSURE: This is a post sponsored by Oregon Chai and told to me about by By posting I am entering to possibly be selected to be one of five bloggers to get samples of the new 10-ounce canister plus an oversized Oregon Chai tea mug and have a chance to be one lucky blogger to win a $50 Visa gift card!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Wordless Wednesday Slip n Slide Fun

If you are participating in Wordless Wednesdays, click on the Mister Linky image, enter your name and URL in the form, and press Enter.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Woobie Wear Review

Woobie Wear is a lovely children's boutique that carries hair accessories and hats. They have flower clips, headbands and hats that you can mix and match to create your own style. Not only do they have cute fashion accessories but they work hand in hand with their community and donate to several charities. Part of their product line is packaged by people with disabilities and they also donate Woobie Wear to help families that have a child with pediatric cancer and are undergoing chemotherapy.

I received a Fuchsia Pink Headband, Pink Peony Flower Clip, White and Fuchsia Zebra Peony Flower Clip and Black Hat from Woobie Wear for free to test and review. I love how interchangeable everything is! I could put the flower clips on the headband, hat or just in Teela's hair and everything can also be worn separately too. The pieces are so versatile! Teela loves hats and she didn't want to take this one off. I had her model each of the pieces different ways and they are all fabulous!

You can go to their website and enter a giveaway that they are having for a Ivory crochet hat and flower clip. They have quarterly giveaways, so make sure you subscribe to their Woobie Mail to receive updates! You can also fan/like them on Facebook and follow them on Twitter.

Shop Woobie Wear. The prices are $9 for the flower clips, $16 for the headbands with a flower clip, and $25 for the hats with a flower clip.

DISCLOSURE: Thanks to ChicExecs, a company which was created to promote small business campaigns, I was able to let you know about this product. I received a sample from Woobie Wear free of charge. All information about the products I received from the products, ChicExecs, and information from the Woobie Wear website. My thoughts are mine and my family's own opinion and have not been altered by anyone else. I did not receive any other compensation for doing this review.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Tot Yoga Review and Giveaway

Tot Yoga is a great DVD that is that features 23 practical, easy-to-learn warm ups and stretches, sitting and standing exercises for both parents and young children. These are great for beginners and advanced Yoga lovers alike. This wonderful DVD lets you bond with your toddler and have fun doing it. It is geared towards kids 10 months to 3 years. I love Yoga! I have been doing my prenatal Yoga in the mornings and Teela has been watching me and trying to do some of the moves. Not all Yoga is toddler friendly, however, and so this DVD provides the toddler friendly Yoga and some Yoga to do while your toddler is napping. Yoga is great to increase strength and flexibility, reduce stress and calm restlessness, improve fine motor development, increase confidence, improve concentration, and promote better sleep. Some of the moves in this DVD were a bit difficult for me because I am pregnant, but it was fun to do the poses with my daughter that I could do. Here Teela is doing a frog pose :)

Go HERE to purchase TOT YOGA for $20.

Havona from Tuesdays at Ten, Ltd., producers of TOT YOGA has generously offered a TOT YOGA DVD to give away to one of my readers!

1. Go to the TOT YOGA website and tell me something about the DVD you learned that I did not mention here.

Additional entries:
1. Subscribe to my blog by feedburner or by email and let me know which way. (2 extra entries each)

2. Become my fan/like on facebook and write that you are entering this giveaway on my wall. (1 extra entry)

3. Blog about this giveaway on your blog and provide me with the link. Make sure you have the link to this post and TOT YOGA in your blog entry or it won't count. (2 extra entries)

4. Grab My Button (see sidebar to the left) AND/OR Put My Blog URL in Your Blogroll - Leave Your Link. (1 extra entry)

5. Technorati my blog and let me know your link. (1 extra entry)

6. List this giveaway on any giveaway listing website or blog and tell me where you listed it. (2 extra entries)

7. Follow me on Twitter. (1 extra entry)

8. Tweet this: @finamoon: @totyoga WIN A TOT YOGA DVD #giveaway
(Daily Extras are Available)

9. Fave me on Momfaves. (2 extra entries)

10. Comment on any of my other posts or enter my other giveaways and let me know which post you commented on. (1 extra entry per post you comment on)

11. Fan TOT YOGA on Facebook. (1 extra entry)

11. Follow TOT YOGA on Twitter. (1 extra entry)

Make sure you leave me your email in all posts so that I can contact you. If you subscribed, blogged about this, listed it, or faved me on Momfaves leave 2 entries saying you did. This contest ends on Friday August 13, 2010 at midnight (GMT-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada). This Giveaway is open to U.S. Only!

DISCLOSURE: Thanks to ChicExecs, a company which was created to promote small business campaigns, I was able to let you know about this product. I received a sample from TOT YOGA free of charge. All information about the products I received from the products, ChicExecs, and information from the TOT YOGA website. This giveaway is also provided by TOT YOGA. My thoughts are mine and my family's own opinion and have not been altered by anyone else. I did not receive any other compensation for doing this review.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Bubalina Beauty Review and Giveaway

Bubalina has the most fantastic smelling line of beauty products ever! Choose from any one of these divine scents: Acai Berry, Acapulco Lily, Blueberries, Chocolat, Citron Rose, Coco Lime Verbena, Coconut Papaya, Cool Cucumber Melon, Cranberry Brown Sugar, Dolcetto, Grapefruit, Mandarin Vanilla Spice, Orange Vanilla, Peach Mango, Spicy Pumpkin, Tahitian Vanilla, Tropical Lime, Tuberose, and Wild Pomegranate. They have a variety of different scented: Butter Cremes, Shower Gels, Sugar Scrubs, Lip Treatments, and Lotions. They also carry gift sets, products in the professional size, and travel packs. They come with these fun illustrations on the packaging too, like woman indulging themselves in chocolate baths or smothering themselves in a luscious Orange Creamsicle.

I received a small sample of Bubalina's yummy scented Orange Vanilla Hand & Body Lotion for free to test and review from Bubalina. The scent this has reminds me of a Orange Creamsicle and it smells so scrumptious that my husband jokingly said he wanted to eat me, LOL! I would love to try some more of their products!! This hand & body lotion has Organic Aloe and Orange Flower Extract that has been known to heal, tighten, tone, detoxify and minimize cellulite. It has antioxidants and ingredients such as Vitamin E. I loved how it nourished and hydrated my skin. It is a great moisturizing lotion that leaves my skin feeling soft and smooth. I just wish I had more of it!

Prices on their store website range from $11 for some Vanilla Natural Therapy Lip Balm to $250.00 for their professional sized 1 gallon of Body Sugar Scrub or Body Butter Creme.

Karen from Bubalina has generously offered a Bubalina Shower Gel to give away to one of my readers!

1. Go to the Bubalina website and tell me which fragrance in Shower Gel would be your favorite and why.

Additional entries:
1. Subscribe to my blog by feedburner or by email and let me know which way. (2 extra entries each)

2. Become my fan/like on facebook and write that you are entering this giveaway on my wall. (1 extra entry)

3. Blog about this giveaway on your blog and provide me with the link. Make sure you have the link to this post and Bubalina in your blog entry or it won't count. (2 extra entries)

4. Grab My Button (see sidebar to the left) AND/OR Put My Blog URL in Your Blogroll - Leave Your Link. (1 extra entry)

5. Technorati my blog and let me know your link. (1 extra entry)

6. List this giveaway on any giveaway listing website or blog and tell me where you listed it. (2 extra entries)

7. Follow me on Twitter. (1 extra entry)

8. Tweet this: @finamoon WIN: Bubalina Beauty Shower Gel #giveaway
(Daily Extras are Available)

9. Fave me on Momfaves. (2 extra entries)

10. Comment on any of my other posts or enter my other giveaways and let me know which post you commented on. (1 extra entry per post you comment on)

11. Fan Bubalina on Facebook. (1 extra entry)

11. Follow Bubalina on Twitter. (1 extra entry)

Make sure you leave me your email in all posts so that I can contact you. If you subscribed by email, blogged about this, listed it, or faved me on Momfaves leave 2 entries saying you did. This contest ends on Friday August 13, 2010 at midnight (GMT-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada). This Giveaway is open to U.S. and Canada Only!!

DISCLOSURE: Thanks to ChicExecs, a company which was created to promote small business campaigns, I was able to let you know about this product. I received a sample from Bubalina free of charge. All information about the products I received from the products, ChicExecs, and information from the Bubalina website. This giveaway is also provided by Bubalina. My thoughts are mine and my family's own opinion and have not been altered by anyone else. I did not receive any other compensation for doing this review.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Sprout Safety First (Let's Grow Series) Review and Giveaway

I am very proud to be part of the Sprout Band of Bloggers and be able to share with you upcoming events and new products. If you aren't already aware, Sprout is a wonderful 24 hour PBS kids channel on TV geared towards preschoolers ages 2-5. They have a lineup of wholesome shows including Sesame Street, Bob the Builder, Caillou, The Wiggles, Thomas & Friends, etc. Some of the shows I mentioned above are on a DVD called, Safety First, which is the second in a series called Let's Grow. This DVD features the Sunny Side Up Show with Chica the Chicken and host Sean as they introduce each show and its themes. The themes of Safety First are all about: home safety, being prepared, not going too fast, being careful, water safety, wearing your safety gear. My sproutlet, Teela, enjoyed watching this DVD a lot! She loves Sprout and as a parent so do I because the messages have wonderful morals. Teela watched this DVD all the way through without being distracted. I enjoyed watching it with her. This DVD is very educational and a great way to bond with your child.

Episodes Include:
Barney: "Home, Safe Home"
Thomas & Friends: "Thomas and the Runaway Car"
Bob the Builder: "Slow Down Scrambler"
Fireman Sam: "High Jinx"
Kipper: "Skates"
Bonus Episode: Angelina Ballerina: "Angelina's New School"

A printed Parent Resource Guide will accompany each DVD and include additional information, such as tips, discussion starters and websites tied to the DVD's theme.

You can purchase this DVD for $13.49 HERE.

Shannon from PBS Kids Sprout has generously offered a Sprout Safety First DVD to give away to one of my readers!

1. Go to the Sprout website and tell me which show on Sprout is your sproutlet's or your favorite and why.

Additional entries:
1. Subscribe to my blog by feedburner or by email and let me know which way. (2 extra entries each)

2. Become my fan/like on facebook and write that you are entering this giveaway on my wall. (1 extra entry)

3. Blog about this giveaway on your blog and provide me with the link. Make sure you have the link to this post and Sprout in your blog entry or it won't count. (2 extra entries)

4. Grab My Button (see sidebar to the left) AND/OR Put My Blog URL in Your Blogroll - Leave Your Link. (1 extra entry)

5. Technorati my blog and let me know your link. (1 extra entry)

6. List this giveaway on any giveaway listing website or blog and tell me where you listed it. (2 extra entries)

7. Follow me on Twitter. (1 extra entry)

8. Tweet this: @finamoon WIN: Sprout Safety First DVD #giveaway
(Daily Extras are Available)

9. Fave me on Momfaves. (2 extra entries)

10. Comment on any of my other posts or enter my other giveaways and let me know which post you commented on. (1 extra entry per post you comment on)

11. Fan Sprout on Facebook. (1 extra entry)

11. Follow Sprout on Twitter HERE. (1 extra entry)

Make sure you leave me your email in all posts so that I can contact you. If you subscribed by email, blogged about this, listed it, commented on another post, or faved me on Momfaves leave 2 entries saying you did. This contest ends on Friday August 13, 2010 at midnight (GMT-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada). This Giveaway is open to U.S. Only!!

DISCLOSURE: I received a free Sprout Safety First DVD from the Let's Grow Series and the press release because I am part of the Sprout Band of Bloggers. This giveaway is also provided free by Sprout. My thoughts are mine and my family's own opinion and have not been altered by anyone else. I did not receive any other compensation for doing this review.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Foodie Friday Cold Food and Drink for Hot Summer Days

When it is blazing hot I don't feel like cooking on the stove or in an oven. I want something light and cool! The above picture is of a berry sorbet I made. Here is my list of cold food and drink for hot summer days...

1. Salads: pasta salad, potato salad, fruit salad, egg salad, chicken salad, tuna salad, coleslaw, Waldorf salad, pickled beets, deviled eggs, etc.
2. Cold soups: gazpacho, borscht, okroshka, cucumber soup (you can add dill), avocado soup, spinach soup, squash soup, yogurt soup, celery soup
3. Desserts: ice cream, frozen yogurt, shaved ice, slushy, frozen custard, parfait, sorbet, sherbet, yogurt, pudding, popsicles, ice cream sandwiches, frozen pastries, granola, key lime pie, lemon meringue pie
4. Beverages: ice cold water, lemonade, limeade, iced tea, iced coffee, smoothies, milk shakes, soda floats, chilled yogurt drink, 100% juice drinks, fruit nectar, homemade ginger ale, frappe, sparkling cider or juice
5. Fruits: watermelon, mangos, kiwis, bananas, peaches, pears, citrus fruit (grapefruit, oranges, etc.), pineapple, avocado, frozen fruit (melon, grapes, berries, bananas, pineapple, peaches, etc.), fruit salad, Jell-O (add fruit, shredded carrots, mini marshmallows, nuts...if wanted, etc.), fruit and cottage cheese, fruit skewers, etc.
6. Sandwiches: cold deli sandwiches, pinwheel sandwiches, peanut butter and jelly, tuna, chicken salad, egg salad, BLT, tortilla wraps or pita sandwiches
7. Fancy breads: add...nuts, raisins, dates, shredded veggies (carrots, zucchini, squash, etc.)
8. BBQ or Grilled: anything cooked on a grill outside (for example corn on the cob, shish kabobs, grilled chicken, grilled fish, etc. Try to cut down on red meats.)
9. Raw veggies: celery, carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, cucumber, green leafy, sprouts, radishes
10. Dip: hummus, bean dip, 7 layer dip, spinach dip, artichoke dip, ranch dressing, yogurt dip, salsa, fruit salsa, guacamole, peanut butter, fruit dip, etc.
11. Seafood: shrimp cocktail, ceviche, sushi
12. Cold pasta or grain: couscous, tabbouleh, pasta salad, cold peanut noodles, quinoa

In the summertime you have to keep your body hydrated to stay healthy and prevent dehydration, exhaustion, and heat stroke. Alcoholic beverages are not really a good option because of their alcohol and high sugar content, which can quickly dehydrate you (although I believe that alcohol at any time is not good). Soda pop (even diet) in high quantities can also dehydrate you. If you are not big into the taste of drinking city water straight from the tap, like me, then you might want to try some of these awesome things to flavor your water with. You can also flavor your lemonade or iced teas with these too and make sure you go to my friend Darcey Blue's blog, Gaia's Gifts to see some yummy naturally flavored water recipes.:

1. Herbs, spices, edible flowers and extracts: mint (chocolate mint, apple mint, pineapple mint, spearmint, peppermint, etc.), basil, thyme, parsley, cilantro, catnip, marjoram, rosemary, chamomile, lavender, pansies, rose petals, red clover, ginger, bagged/flowering teas chilled, aloe, nettles, lemon balm, lemongrass, lemon verbena, vanilla extract, crushed cardamom seeds, cinnamon, etc.
2. Fruit and fruit juices: berries, pineapples, peaches, watermelon, kiwis, oranges, grapefruit, lemons, limes, pomegranate, tomato juice, fruit nectar, 100% juice added to mostly water, etc.
3. Vegetables and veggie juices: cucumber, carrot juice, wheat grass juice
4. Ice cubes: Freezing ice cubes with fruit or fruit juices and add it to your water. Frozen fruit works just as well.
5. Natural Sweeteners: stevia and honey (herbal infused honey is yummy too) are better options for sweetening than sugar or artificial sweeteners.

Do you have a favorite food or drink that you love during hot days? What other things do you love to flavor your water with? Please make a comment on this post.

Target Black Friday Sale - Online and Today Only!

Get a head start on holiday shopping this year. is having it's Back In Black Friday Sale today only!! Black Friday only happens once a year so get your savvy shopping on and go to online to see all the great deals happening now!! This exclusive online-only sale will begin at approximately 12:00 a.m. (PST) and conclude at 11:59 p.m. (PST) on This fabulous sale will offer an average of a 40% off regular prices on must-have items across all categories, including apparel, electronics, toys, housewares, movies, music, books and more.
I was just looking around and saw some very cute Maxi dresses I would love to have and they are only $21.99 and BOGO free!! I love both the Mossimo Supply Co. Juniors Sleeveless Maxi Dress, in Patchwork Blue and in Patchwork Purple!! So my style and very pretty! I will have to look some around on some more because I am sure I will find some more bargains that I must have :) I love shopping!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

OnlinePosterPrinting 16x20 Rolled Canvas Print Giveaway

The above picture is a photo I took of my daughter Tatiana and I. I am going to make it into a canvas print by a subsidiary of Uprinting, who guarantees the quality of their printing posters.

Because my blog is sponsored by Uprinting and a subsidiary of Uprinting, is offering a gift for me and a giveaway for you! They are offering me and one of you a free 16x20 inch Rolled Canvas Print from is sponsoring/hosting this giveaway. I am excited to be able to choose canvas prints from digital photos that I pick from.

Turn your most precious moments into masterpieces! Get that artist’s feel and transform your favorite photos or work into canvas art. These thick and high-quality canvases are ultra durable and will a long time.

16x20 Rolled Canvas Print for One (1) Winner
Limited to US residents; 18 years old and above
Specifications: 1 Business Day Turnaround

1. Leave a comment explaining how you would use the Canvas Print if you won and what picture you might use. (example: a poster of your favorite travel destination on your wall in your office)

Additional entries:
1. Subscribe to my blog by email and let me know. (2 extra entries)

2. Become my fan on facebook. (1 extra entry)

3. Blog about this giveaway on your blog and provide me with the link. Make sure you have the link to this post and in your blog entry or it won't count. (2 extra entries)

4. Grab My Button (see sidebar to the left) AND/OR Put My Blog URL in Your Blogroll - Leave Your Link. (1 extra entry)

5. Technorati my blog and let me know your link. (1 extra entry)

6. List this giveaway on any giveaway listing website or blog and tell me where you listed it. (2 extra)

7. Add me on twitter and retweet this: Tweet this: @finamoon: @uprinting WIN 16x20 Rolled Canvas Print #giveaway (Daily Extras are Available)

8. Fan Uprinting on Facebook. (1 extra entry)

9. Follow Uprinting on Twitter. (1 extra entry)

Make sure you leave me your email in all posts so that I can contact you. This contest ends on Friday July 30, 2010 at midnight (GMT-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada). This Giveaway is open to all 18 years of age and older in the U.S. Only and entrants also get FREE UPS Ground Shipping!!

Because my blog is sponsored by Uprinting and all of their subsidiaries they offer gifts for me and giveaways for my readers! is offering me and one of my readers an 16x20 rolled canvas print. I am excited to be able to make a 16x20 rolled canvas print with a picture of my choice. My thoughts are mine and my family's own opinion and have not been altered by anyone else. I did not receive any other compensation for doing this post.

What's in the Bible? Vol. 3 Wanderin' in the Desert Review

The creator of Veggie Tales has come out with a third episode of his great series "What's In the Bible?"! Instead of animated anthropomorphic vegetables telling about the gospel we have puppets and animated cartoons to illustrate and tell about the Bible. We received a free advance viewer copy of episode 3 (Wanderin' in the Desert) from Tyndale House Publishers because I am a part of the Tyndale Blog Network.

Wanderin' in the Desert goes through the books of Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy. It has two parts in it. Part one is about the sometimes strange Old Testament laws and why they were necessary and part two is about Pentateuch: the first 5 books of the Bible and Israel’s 40-year journey. All of the "What's In the Bible?" episodes use humor, creative storytelling, and fun songs to create an entertaining and informative learning experience. These episodes would be a great homeschooling tool to use with Bible study. We love these and always learn something new from them.

Official Stop On The What's In The Bible Blog Tour

Order the Buck’s Bundle (DVDs 1,2&3) Enjoy the first 3 DVDs – "In the Beginning", "Let My People Go", & "Wanderin' in the Desert" for just $34.99! You can also buy them separately in the store.

DISCLOSURE: Thanks to Tyndale House Publishers because I am a part of the Tyndale Blog Network for letting me know about this product and for sending me a free advance viewer copy of episode 3 (Wanderin' in the Desert) to watch and review. My thoughts are mine and my family's own opinion and have not been altered by anyone else. I did not receive any other compensation for doing this review.

S'mores The Ultimate Summer Treat

S’mores made with Hershey®’s Milk Chocolate bars, Honey Maid® Graham Crackers and Kraft Jet-Puffed® Marshmallows are a centerpiece of summertime fun. Part of what makes preparing S’mores so special is creating memories while making them—whether you are off in the great outdoors or in your own backyard or kitchen.

My family loves making S'mores! We love making them outdoors around a campfire, but we have also made them indoors too as a special family treat. We love them paired with milk and even love to change it up a bit and put Hershey®’s Special Dark or Cookies 'n' Cream Chocolate bars in them instead of the Hershey®’s Milk Chocolate bars. We love the wonderful gooey sweetness and crunch of all the ingredients put together! So yummy and the perfect tasty confection for your sweet tooth during the summer...or anytime!

DISCLOSURE: I wrote this blog post while participating in a contest for a S’mores prize pack (The first 100 Mom Bloggers Club members who participate will win a Hershey’s and Kraft S’mores prize pack complete with Hershey®’s Milk Chocolate bars, Honey Maid® Graham Crackers, Kraft Jet-Puffed® Marshmallows and a special S’mores skewers kit. (US only)) as a member of the Mom Bloggers Club. For more information on how you can participate, click HERE.

Gotta Have It!: Freedom from Wanting Everything Right Here, Right Now by Gregg Jantz FIRST Wild Card Tour Book Review

It is time for a FIRST Wild Card Tour book review! If you wish to join the FIRST blog alliance, just click the button. We are a group of reviewers who tour Christian books. A Wild Card post includes a brief bio of the author and a full chapter from each book toured. The reason it is called a FIRST Wild Card Tour is that you never know if the book will be fiction, non~fiction, for young, or for old...or for somewhere in between! Enjoy your free peek into the book!

You never know when I might play a wild card on you!

Today's Wild Card author is:

and the book:

Gotta Have It!: Freedom from Wanting Everything Right Here, Right Now

David C. Cook; New edition (July 1, 2010)

***Special thanks to Karen Davis of The B&B Media Groupfor sending me a review copy.***


Dr. Gregg Jantz is the founder of The Center—A Place of Hope and the best-selling author (with Ann McMurray) of 25 books including Hope, Help, and Healing for Eating Disorders. His center is a leading healthcare facility in the Seattle, Washington area and specializes in whole-person care serving clients internationally.

Visit the author's website.

Product Details:

List Price: $14.99
Paperback: 272 pages
Publisher: David C. Cook; New edition (July 1, 2010)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1434766241
ISBN-13: 978-1434766243


A Toddler’s Tale

These are rebellious people, deceitful children, children unwilling to listen to the LORD’s instruction. (Isa. 30:9)

Who hasn’t viewed an irate toddler in a store, yelling at the top of his tiny lungs, demanding the object of his heart’s desire? In the mind of that boy, he needs the candy, the toy, the bag, the box, or whatever. In

his mind, what he wants is what he needs.

Recently, I found myself in the grocery store at the end of a long day, needing to pick up milk on my way home from work. I was tired, distracted, and just wanted to be home. It turns out I wasn’t the only unhappy person in that store. A couple of aisles over, a little girl began keening loudly. I admit, grocery stores are incubators of human nature that I find irresistible, so—milk temporarily forgotten—I walked over to observe.

Usually I’m most interested in how the adult in the situation deals with the child. Believe me, over the years I’ve seen a variety of styles—some that have made me smile and some that have made me cringe. This time, however, I was focused on the child. This two-year-old was gesturing desperately, fingers extended, at some object just out of reach. The important thing to me wasn’t what she was looking at, but rather how she was seeing it. In her mind, the object wasn’t a mere want—it had become a need. When her mother denied it to her, she became absolutely bereft, carrying on in a way only a despondent, denied toddler can.

As I made my way to the dairy section, through the checkout line, and back into my car, I kept thinking about how this kind of behavior is typical of small children. But I had to ask myself—do we ever really get over that?

Fast-forward into adulthood and you’ll find the same thing: wants masquerading as needs. When we were two, we cried out to a parent to fill our heartfelt desires; as adults we endeavor to fill them ourselves. Once a desire has been categorized as a need, we’re pretty resourceful at finding a way to fill it—even when our methods are addictive, damaging, or hurtful. In our current credit-card-toting, get-it-now-but-pay-for-it-later society, we’re about as happy with the words no and not now as that bawling two-year-old.

Add to that our concept of “rights.” Once we’ve identified a desire as a need, we tend to demand the right to fill that need. Deep down, we seem to acknowledge that a desire doesn’t quite meet the level of a basic need. Desires can be selfish, but a need is always a moral necessity. Once our desire gets translated into a need, it becomes a necessity in our lives; we’re pretty militant about getting that newly defined need met.

This leads me to a question: Are you ready to take a deep, hard look at your own self-identified needs? I’ve found generally people haven’t really done any sort of intentional, directed work in this area. Mainly, they have a vaguely articulated sense of what they consider needs in their lives. Sometimes the only true way to determine how you really look at a particular aspect of your life—as a desire or as a need—is through your behaviors and your willingness or unwillingness to change. We’re willing to change, postpone, modify, or even relinquish a desire; we tend to take an over-my-dead-body approach to anything we think is a need.

Lest you think this book is only going to be about what you think or I think, I want to establish the overriding theme we’ll be using, which doesn’t come from you or me. The theme of this book comes from Jesus, speaking to a crowd of people very much like us, with desires and needs and a difficult time differentiating between the two. They were just as apt to run after desires masquerading as needs. In Matthew 6:31–33, Jesus said, “So do not worry, saying ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” Even if we don’t have a good handle on what our needs are, God does. And not only is He God, He’s also our Father. And as a father, He’s generous. He knows our needs, and He has a plan to supply them—and much more as well.

Background Noise

Have you ever experienced the sheer relief that silence brings? There are days, with two rambunctious boys in my house, when the noise reaches an incredible decibel. Now don’t get me wrong, I love to be

right there in the mix with them. But there’s something about the calm and serenity silence brings. There are times silence is just what my jangled senses need to be still and hear God.

In some ways, all of the excessities of life come with their own noise. They fill up our lives but leave no room for silence and contemplation, for rest and relief. God, when He fills us up, does so through a whisper, through the breath of the Spirit. A little of God goes a lot further than a great deal of anything else. King David put it this way in Psalm 84:10: “Better is one day in your courts than a thousand elsewhere.” When we feed on God, we diminish our compulsion to binge on anything else. Just as a toddler must trust a parent to know how to supply true needs, we, as children of God, must look to our heavenly Father to do the same. Our challenge is to approach God, our Father, with the faith and trust of a child.

The Bottom Line from Job

There is a story in the Old Testament book of Job about a man who faced this question of what is a desire and what is a need. This man, Job, is literally stripped of all of the things that made up his life. It is not an easy book to read or understand, but it’s very instructive in determining desires verses needs.

At the beginning of the book God and Satan have a discussion about Job, and God agrees to allow Satan to test Job’s commitment to God. In the first test, God allows Satan to take away all of Job’s possessions, including his children, but doesn’t allow him to harm Job physically. In the course of a single day, all of Job’s livestock, sheep, camels, servants, and children are killed or taken away from him. At the end of this single day, Job still praises God.

Not to be deterred, Satan comes again and this time asks to remove Job’s health from him. God agrees but says Satan may not take his life. Satan promptly strikes Job with painful boils from head to foot.

God establishes the bottom line with Satan where Job is concerned. Throughout the book of Job, no matter what else happens to him, Job has his physical needs met enough for him to continue to live. Job’s desires for understanding, vindication, relief, and restoration have to wait. With nearly everything taken away from him, it becomes clearer to see what constitutes a true need. In our own lives, we need that kind of clarity.

Unraveling Needs and Wants

It can be very difficult to determine what you consider a desire and a need in your life. When asked, you may give what you think should be the right answer instead of the truth. You may admit, reluctantly, that you don’t really need your morning coffee. However, when faced with the choice of being late to work because the line at the Starbucks is eight cars deep or going without your morning beverage … well … “It’s just work.” You may concede that your late-night snack of cookies and ice cream is not really a need, but you’ll leave your house at 9:47 at night with a coat over your pajamas to drive to the store in

order to replenish your Ben & Jerry’s.

Desires are things you want; you can do without them, but you still want them. Life goes on in their absence, but having them would certainly enhance it. Needs, however, have a greater sense of urgency.

A desire deferred is inconvenient, even uncomfortable, but a need denied is depravation. So, how can we trust that what we define as a need is really a need? And how can we be honest about what category our perceived needs actually fall into?

It’s difficult for us to put ourselves in Job’s position because of the extreme devastation of what Job initially experiences. So let’s go for something a little bit easier. I’d like you to take a moment and think about life on a desert island. I’m not really thinking of the Swiss Family Robinson type of island. If you’ve seen the movie Castaway with Tom Hanks, this is the picture I’m working toward. I want you to picture yourself stranded on a desert island, in the middle of nowhere, with very few resources. You need to survive—yes, survival is a bona fide need. So, what do you need to survive? (Because you’re on the planet, assume you’ve got something to breathe so you can move past that most primal need of life, oxygen.) Write down your top three needs:

What I would need in order to survive




If I were to answer this question myself, I’d say water, food, and shelter are my primary needs. Actually, these are pretty much what Jesus mentioned in the Matthew 6 passage. He put it as what to eat, what to drink, and what to wear. (Clothing is really a form of shelter, so I’m going to accept the similarity.) Those are pretty basic. In fact, outside of this prosperous nation of ours, a good deal of the human population spends a large portion of their time and energy searching after these basic needs. Go too long without water and you die of thirst. Go too long without food and you die of hunger. Go too long without shelter and you die of exposure. Needs can be determined by how essential they are to sustaining life.

Ahhhh, there’s the dilemma, isn’t it? When we consider what is essential to life, we aren’t always talking about physical life, are we? We have an emotional, relational, and spiritual life to go with this physical one. So, go back and relabel your needs list as “My Physical Needs.”

Now, I want you to come up with at least three needs under each of the other categories.

My Emotional Needs:




My Relational Needs:




My Spiritual Needs:




Under emotional needs, you might have such things as optimism, hope, joy. Relational needs might include things like acceptance, affirmation, forgiveness. And for spiritual needs, perhaps you listed things like faith, trust, praise. I share these with you not to say that these are definitive answers, but to give you an idea of the types of things you could choose. Again, I find that many people have never done this type of inventory, let alone put intentional thought into dealing with these types of questions.

Going back to our desert-island exercise, we’ve already established what our physical needs are, but, as Jesus said in Luke 4:4, referencing Deuteronomy 8:3, “Man does not live on bread alone.” So, let’s say you’ve got your physical needs taken care of. You’ve got food to eat, water to drink, and shelter from the elements. What other three things would you personally want (or desire) to survive on that island?

What I would want in order to survive:




After thinking about it myself, here’s what I’d want: a Bible, a purpose, and a chance of escape. Even though we’ve categorized these as wants (or desires), they’re still pretty important. I doubt any of you

would seriously put lattes and ice cream on this list. When reduced to choices of these kinds, those behaviors are pretty easy to label.

Short of being stranded on a desert island or experiencing a Jobtype catastrophe, it can be difficult to stop long enough to make sense of our busy lives. That’s what this book is designed to help you do. In the next chapter, we’re going to start by looking at the most common ways I’ve seen over my twenty-five years in counseling that people try to fill themselves up. These ways all have a similar “if some is good, more is better” deception, leading to compulsive, impulsive behavior.

Next, we’re going to begin to identify our real needs because every person who engages in excessive behavior has a true need at the core of that behavior. By discovering what those core needs are, we can detach the power of the need from the excess of the behavior and begin meeting the need in a positive, healing way. Finally, we’ll look at the gifts God gives us to meet our true needs. We’ll bring the words of Jesus from Matthew 6 full circle and learn how to live with our needs fulfilled as we seek His kingdom and His righteousness.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Wordless Wednesday French Toast for Breakfast

If you are participating in Wordless Wednesdays, click on the Mister Linky image, enter your name and URL in the form, and press Enter.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

The Gardener and the Vine by Andrew McDonough FIRST Wild Card Tour Book Review

It is time for a FIRST Wild Card Tour book review! If you wish to join the FIRST blog alliance, just click the button. We are a group of reviewers who tour Christian books. A Wild Card post includes a brief bio of the author and a full chapter from each book toured. The reason it is called a FIRST Wild Card Tour is that you never know if the book will be fiction, non~fiction, for young, or for old...or for somewhere in between! Enjoy your free peek into the book!

You never know when I might play a wild card on you!

Today's Wild Card author is:

Andrew McDonough

and the book:

The Gardener and the Vine

Zondervan (January 15, 2010)

***Special thanks to Pam Mettler of Zondervan for sending me a review copy.***


Andrew is the creator, writer, and illustrator of the Lost Sheep series. Way back in 1989 as a young Bible college student, Andrew was asked to give the dreaded “children’s talk” at a large church. Andrew possessed one talent: he could draw sheep. He bought some overheard projector sheets and drew up the story of Cecil and the Lost Sheep. The congregation loved it, so Andrew continued to draw stories to use with kids and adults. Other student, pastors, and teachers started borrowing the stories.

Product Details:

List Price: $4.99
Reading level: Ages 4-8
Paperback: 32 pages
Publisher: Zondervan (January 15, 2010)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0310719461
ISBN-13: 978-0310719465


Monday, July 19, 2010

Coursing Around Review

Coursing Around is a great way to get your children active and off the couch. This awesome book comes with 15 fun filled outdoor sidewalk chalk activities to get your child moving. From jumping, skipping, hopping, running, and more! Create sidewalk chalk obstacle courses for your child to go through and learn: teamwork, increased motor skills, endurance, creativity, overall fitness level, social skills, listening skills, following directions, to share, to take turns, etc. Your younger children will also learn shapes, numbers, colors, and letters. This is a great homeschooling tool for recess and outdoor play! Just find a safe place outside to draw the courses and prepare for the fitness fun to begin!

My boys had a blast drawing with the chalk and doing the courses. They also loved making up their own courses and they got pretty creative. I like how this book kept my boys engaged in doing physical fitness and gets them outside. It is also very entertaining to watch the kids do these. Coursing Around is a great way to helping educate kids about the importance of staying active and keeping outdoor play alive in this day and age where TV and video games prevail.

Fan/Like them on Facebook. Follow them on Twitter.

Buy IT:
For $14.95 + tax you can buy the Coursing Around book with 2 pieces of chalk included.

DISCLOSURE/DISCLAIMER: Thanks to ChicExecs, a company which was created to promote small business campaigns, I was able to let you know about this product. Coursing Around provided me with the Coursing Around book and chalk set for free to try and review. My thoughts are mine and my family's own opinion and have not been altered by anyone else. I did not receive any other compensation for doing this review.

Facebook Like You Back Blog Hop Linky

Facebook Like-You-Back Button
Welcome to Facebook Like-You-Back (the meme formerly known as Fan-You-Back)! I am participating in this Blog Hop Linky hosted by Kelly's Lucky You, Coupon Mommy of 3, and Simply Stacie.

Are you looking for new Facebook pages to follow and new friends who like your page? Then join us!

1. Add your Facebook page to the MckLinky (you only have to add it to one and it will appear on all).
2. Click on the Facebook link for the three hostesses and “like” them on Facebook. Leave a comment on their wall and they will like-you-back.
3. Like as many more Facebook pages as you want, leaving comments with links so they’ll know where to like-you-back.

Want to help spread the word and add this MckLinky to your blog? Write your own post telling your readers about FLYB. Below the linky box, you’ll see “Want to be a part of this Blog Hop? Click here for instructions and code….”

Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Danbury Lane Custom Tutu Giveaway

I have the great opportunity to work with Danbury Lane again to give you a giveaway!! Read my review of her store and tutus HERE. This is a "choose-your-design" giveaway so the winner will be able to pick any tutu they want!! There are so many ideas you can choose, party, costume, special occasion, or for whatever the purpose this tutu is sure to be special! The tutu will be custom made just for your little girl!

STANDARD SIZING CHART- (each tutu stretches at least 3-4 inches.)

NEWBORN- 14” waist. Stretches up to at least 18” (fits up to 18 months) Max Custom waist for this tutu is 15”

INFANT- 16” waist. Stretches up to at least 20” (fits 6 months up to 2 years) Max Custom waist for this tutu is 18”

TODDLER- 19” waist. Stretches up to at least 22” (fits 2 years up to 5 years) Max Custom waist for this tutu is 22”

OLDER GIRLS- 23” waist. Stretches up to at least 26” (fits 5 years up to 8 years) Max Custom waist for this tutu is 25”

She also does TEEN AND ADULT sizes with 26” waist and up, but these sizes are not available for this giveaway.

Danbury Lane has generously offered a Custom Hand Knotted Tutu to one of my readers to win. (This is a custom handmade tutu that can be up to a 25" waist and a max length of 12". She is also throwing in one hair accessory or wand of your choosing along with it.)

1. Go to the Danbury Lane website and tell me by commenting on this post what tutu you think you would like to get.

Additional entries:
1. Subscribe to my blog by email and let me know. (2 extra entries)

2. Become my fan/like on facebook and write that you are entering this giveaway on my wall. (1 extra entry)

3. Blog about this giveaway on your blog and provide me with the link. Make sure you have the link to this post and Danbury Lane in your blog entry or it won't count. (2 extra entries)

4. Grab My Button (see sidebar to the left) AND/OR Put My Blog URL in Your Blogroll - Leave Your Link. (1 extra entry)

5. Technorati my blog and let me know your link. (1 extra entry)

6. List this giveaway on any giveaway listing website, linky, or blog and tell me where you listed it. (2 extra)

7. Add me on Twitter and Tweet this: @finamoon WIN A Custom Tutu from Danbury Lane #giveaway (Daily Extras are Available)

8. Comment on any of my other posts or enter my other giveaways and let me know which post you commented on. (1 extra entry per post you comment on)

9. Fan/Like Danbury Lane on Facebook.

10. Follow Danbury Lane on Twitter.

11. Heart her Etsy shop. (Requires a account.)

Make sure you leave me your email in all posts so that I can contact you. This contest ends on Friday July 30, 2010 at midnight (GMT-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada). This Giveaway is open Worldwide!!

DISCLOSURE: Thanks to Danbury Lane for participating in this giveaway and providing the custom tutu for the winner. My thoughts are mine and my family's own opinion and have not been altered by anyone else. I did not receive any other compensation for hosting this giveaway.