Saturday, April 30, 2016

Wonders of Creation Coloring Book Review and Giveaway

My family and I love coloring! It is a favorite pastime in our household. It helps us slow down, relax, and mediate on just coloring the pages. This trend of "adult coloring books" is wonderful in my honest opinion. Coloring the shapes and patterns is actually soothing to me and it fills my need for being least a little bit. With the high levels of stress going around these days, we need something calming to help us stay levelheaded and more mindful. Coloring is a fantastic therapy.

The Wonders of Creation: Illustrations to Color and Inspire is a coloring book that is published by Zondervan helps us also contemplate God's amazing world. This coloring book has a gorgeous foil embossed cover. It has 96 pages of back to back detailed black-and-white illustrations of animals, landscapes, and other wonders of our created world on high quality paper. The drawings are illustrated by Cindy Wilde and Pimlada Phuapradit. Promises hours of coloring inspiration in any hue of your choosing. You may use felt markers, coloring pens, coloring pencils, or even crayons to complete each page. Just make sure your art media doesn't bleed through to the other side since the pages are double-sided.

I love this particular coloring book myself because of all the lovely, whimsical pages of Eden-esque flora and  fauna from around the globe. The pages are filled with line art of intricate patterns and fanciful scrolling designs. I love that the Wonders of Creation includes a couple pages at the beginning to explain this artwork. This book is great for ages tween to adult, but my girls who are younger loved watching me color the beautiful pages and flipping through the pages just to look at them too. It is a unique element to my personal quiet time and devotions.

This would make a wonderful gift for someone and Mother's Day is coming up! You can purchase it from Zondervan for $15.99.

Prize: Win a copy of Wonders of Creation: Illustrations to Color and Inspire.

I run giveaways with Rafflecopter on my blog. Please click on this post link if you do not see the script for it below. Also, if there is anything that is wrong with it let me know by emailing me: finamoon AT gmail DOT com I will try my best at fixing it. Thanks for being awesome readers!

DISCLOSURE/DISCLAIMER: I received this product for free to facilitate this review and an opportunity to give a copy away. My thoughts are mine and my family's own opinion and have not been altered by anyone else. I did not receive any other compensation for doing this review. Affiliate links may be in this posting. Thanks for supporting my blog.

Permaculture for the Rest of Us: Abundant Living on Less Than an Acre Book Review and Giveaway

Permaculture for the Rest of us: Abundant Living on Less Than an Acre by Jenni Blackmore is a wonderful book on how to live a sustainable, self sufficient life with less than ideal circumstances. This book is an insightful, down-to-earth, user-friendly guide. If you have small acreage, have poor soil, don't live in the ideal climate, have a lack of water, are discouraged or overwhelmed by other permaculture resources, or just don't know where to start, this book is for you!

Jenni takes you on her journey from how she got started to what she did and encountered herself through trial and error over the course of 20 years. She is a great teacher for those of us that are novices to permaculture because she tells from experience. For those of us that are experts I am sure this book will provide a great refresher. In her book Jenni talks about building soil, planning, planting a veggie garden, seed saving/swapping, easy starter crops, her suggestions about what and when to plant, greenhouses, poultry and meat rabbits, ethics and principles of permaculture, & harvesting and preserving. Her book doesn't cover every aspect of permaculture, but it covers enough of the basics to get a great start. With main information consolidated into sidebars of what she calls, "executive notes", this book is an educational easy read.

As I am still learning a lot in my own journey in permaculture, I found this book to be a wonderful resource of sage advice and wisdom and while reading I highlighted my favorite parts. When I was reading I heard her mention keyhole gardens and hugelkultur and I had never heard of these garden bed methods, so I started pinning them on my Pinterest Garden Path board so that I might incorporate them into my own techniques down the line. I already have 8 raised beds, but they are rectangular, which is fine for what we have done with them. As I am learning though I feel compelled to mold and shape my land how I see fit with the knowledge amassed under my belt.

I am learning about soil and soil building to make my own fertile soil. I even went to "Soil School" after I became a Master Gardener in my state, so that I could learn more about soil. I might be a geek, but I think it is fascinating. Permaculture for the Rest of Us goes into some depth about this in chapter two, "The Nitty Gritty on Building Dirt". Most of this was review for me, but only because I had taken these classes.

My farm already has one laying hen and 10 chickens we raised from chicks, of which I hope will provide me and my family with many eggs soon as the hens of the flock start laying. They have already supplied me with rich manure to add to be composted for my gardens. I love Jenni's idea for a "Hen-poster", a compost pile set up in the chicken run. The chickens scratch at it and mix it while adding chicken manure to it as well. What a great idea! I want to set one up now too. I love her and her husband's ingenuity.

I think Permaculture for the Rest of Us: Abundant Living on Less Than an Acre is a wonderful addition to my library as it would be to yours. It opened my eyes to some techniques and things that I could do, or do better on my own property. I love Jenni's encouragement and her friendly, genuine demeanor. She helped me feel welcome and more capable to accomplish even the most surmountable of tasks.


Prize: Win a copy of Permaculture for the Rest of Us: Abundant Living on Less Than an Acre.

I run giveaways with Rafflecopter on my blog. Please click on this post link if you do not see the script for it below. Also, if there is anything that is wrong with it let me know by emailing me: finamoon AT gmail DOT com I will try my best at fixing it. Thanks for being awesome readers!

DISCLOSURE/DISCLAIMER: I received this product for free to facilitate this review and an opportunity to give away another copy. My thoughts are mine and my family's own opinion and have not been altered by anyone else. I did not receive any other compensation for doing this review and giveaway.

Friday, April 29, 2016

Get Herb Fairies Book One Absolutely Free!

So I told you about Herb Fairies the other day and maybe you are on the edge about enrolling. Well I have a great surprise for you! You can download Herb Fairies Book One absolutely free! That way you can see for yourself how awesome this book series really is and how much of a great learning opportunity it will be for you and your child!

Follow this link to get it free without obligation!...

If you do decide to enroll you will also get all sorts of added bonuses along with the complete eBook series too! Hurry though because you don't want to miss this offer! Enrollment will end on April 30th at midnight! Don't delay! If you act now you will also be able to save $10 on the subscription!

Get your free book now and see what others say about Herb Fairies!

DISCLOSURE/DISCLAIMER: I wrote this blog post because I thought you might be interested in knowing this information and taking part of this deal. My thoughts are mine and my family's own opinion and have not been altered by anyone else. I did not receive any compensation for doing this post. Affiliate links can be found in this post. Thank you for your support of this blog!  

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Herb Fairies is Now Open for Enrollment!

Herb Fairies is a complete children's herbal learning system. While geared towards kids these help young and old alike learn herbs in a fun way. I love to use these in homeschooling! Both my sons and daughters love these.

These interactive eBook stories were written by Kimberly Gallagher, the creator of Wildcraft! An Herbal Adventure Board Game.

The 13 Herb Fairies eBooks pick up where the Wildcraft! game left off. Herb Fairies teaches kids that not only do herbs for healing and eating exist, but they teach how to use them. They teach these things with storytelling and mentoring. You do the activities with your children and help them learn and you learn right along with them.

Each eBook is about 40-50 pages. They are available for printing (PDF), iPad and Kindle. When you sign up for the book club you get full access to the Herb Fairies website and each eBook comes with supplementary materials. You get the first 2 books first and then each month you will get a new book until all 13 are delivered. On every page there is a color illustration so these are pleasing to small children as well as older ones.

The “Magic Keeper’s Journal” comes with the Herb Fairies ebooks. It is coloring pages, recipe cards and a book with activities, puzzles, games and more to make it a completely interactive experience.

Also included is a bonus audio book version for when your kids want to listen during the day, and you’re too busy OR if they like to fall asleep listening to audio books. This is read by Kimberly the creator of the Herb Fairies.

With each Herb Fairy book you also get an accompanying issue of Herbal Roots Zine. These are full issues which give you more information about each herb. These also include songs, stories, poems, games, puzzles, mazes, word searches, crafts and MUCH more. These are also digitally delivered and are valued at $7.99 an issue.

Also, you get a bonus Herbal Remedies for Children During Cold & Flu Season eBook by Rosalee de la Forêt. This covers a lot of the herbs that you will be learning about in Herb Fairies. Your child will become more receptive to the medicine you make with the herbs they are learning about. This alone is valued at $37 and is 93 pages.

Go now to find out the exceptional savings you will have by enrolling now. You only have until midnight on April 30th and then the offer will disappear until next year. Please hurry! This offer is only available for a limited time!

DISCLOSURE/DISCLAIMER: I wrote this blog post because I thought you might be interested in knowing this information and taking part of this deal. My thoughts are mine and my family's own opinion and have not been altered by anyone else. I did not receive any compensation for doing this post. Affiliate links can be found in this post. Thank you for your support of this blog!

Localish Plant Sales on Saturday - One in St. Helen's and One in Portland Oregon

Spring Garden Fair

The 20th Annual Spring Garden Fair is happening on Saturday, April 30, 2016. It will be held at the St. Helen's High School Commons located at 2375 Gable Road, St. Helen's Oregon, 97051.

Dozens of local vendors will offer annuals, trees, shrubs, perennials, vegetables, ceramics, trellises, garden art, herbs, containers, hanging baskets and more.

Certified Master Gardener's will offer 5,000 tomatoes in over 30 varieties for only $1.50 per plant; tomato and general gardening information, raffle tickets, hourly prizes and displays.

Raffle tickets are on sale now for $1 each from many Master Gardener's.

Free parking - please carpool

Free admission - ATM on site - shop indoors and out 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Brought to you by the Columbia County Master Gardener Association.

Incredible Edibles Plant Sale

The Incredible Edibles Plant Sale is also happening Saturday, April 30, 2016 from 10am til 4pm. It will be held at the Westminster Presbyterian Church on 1624 NE Hancock Street, Portland Oregon, 97212 (between 16th and 17th Avenue).

This FREE event is a great opportunity to buy organic herb and veggie starts for your home garden so you can harvest nutritious, fresh-picked goodness for your table! You’ll find both heirlooms and hybrids among our proven varieties of tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, eggplants, squash, greens, lettuces, herbs and more.

Get the Real Dirt from OSU Extension trained Master Gardener Volunteers who will be on site to answer your gardening questions.

Plant. Grow. Eat. workshops (Scheduled throughout the day)....
  • 10:30 am - “Kale-palooza!” Learn some great tasty, simple ways to use the nutritional iron horse of the garden…kale! Plus see a chiffonade demo so you too can master the technique at home. Presenter: Greg Sweeting, Chef, OSU Extension Master Gardener Volunteer.
  • 11:30 am - “Tips for the Beginning Veggie Gardener” A great workshop for those you know who are beginning gardeners. They will learn tips and tricks on how to “get growing” with their very own vegetable garden. They will learn just how easy it is to have nutritious veggies to harvest. Presenter: Susan Ristau, OSU Extension Master Gardener Volunteer. 
  • 12:30 pm - “Eat What You Grow” The joy of simple preparations for your homegrown edibles. When your produce and herbs are this fresh it’s a delight to create simple meals with them at the center of the plate. Presenter: Katherine Deumling of Cook With What You Have.
  • 1:30 pm - “Bountiful Berries” Learn all the steps needed to harvest a bounty of berries in your garden from an expert home grower. Strawberries, blues, Marion, and raspberries! Oh my! Presenter: Bob Deultgen, OSU Extension Master Gardener.
  • 2:30 pm - “Delectable Ways to Enjoy Your Bounty” Get inspiration on how to utilize your bountiful veggie harvest with quick, delectable preparations. Presenter: Joe Hickey, Chef, Noble Rot.

Kids Grow...
Drop by the Kids Grow station and discover incredible garden science with hands-on activities for the kids.

Feed Your Soul with a Variety of Food Vendors...
Thrive Sauce and Bowls, Salvador Molly's, Nossa Familia Coffee

Garden Inspired Art...
A Little Sun!, Victory Garden of Tomorrow

Great Music...
  • 10am      Sellwood Marimba Band a festive kick-off! 
  • 11 am      Brian McEvoy, Jesse Robinson, Bret Malmquist, country and folk—with a little bit of honky-tonk! 
  • 12 pm     Rick McNutt Quartet, Latin-jazz to move to! 
  • 1 pm       Possum Six Pack, old time, traditional, toe-tapping tunes!  
  • 2 pm      Arco PDX, classical orchestral and chamber music with a contemporary attitude! 
  • 3 pm      Bill LaCroix and Dan Kimbro, serendipitous old-timey music!

Check out the veggie varieties they have on order!

Also enter their raffle while you are there! There are over 100 donors and tickets are just $5! You pick which prizes to try your luck on.

RSVP to the event e-vite on Facebook and like them on their Facebook page too.

Brought to you by the Multnomah County Master Gardeners.

  • Lane: April 30th, 9am - 3pm, Lane County Fairgrounds (Eugene)
  • Jackson: April 30th, 9am - 5pm and May 1st, 10am - 4pm (many plant vendors), Jackson County Expo (Central Point)
  • Clackamas: April 30th, 9am - 5pm and May 1, 9am - 4pm (lots of plant vendors), Clackamas County Event Center (Canby)
  • Polk: May 6th and 7th, 9am - 4pm, Polk County Fairgrounds (Rickreall)
  • Hood River: May 7th, 9am - 1pm, OSU Extension Service Office at 2990 Experiment Station Drive (Hood River)
  • Wasco: May 7th, 9am - 2pm, City Park (The Dalles)
  • Douglas: May 7th, 9am - 4pm (many plant vendors), Douglas County Fairgrounds (Roseburg)
  • Benton: May 7th, 9am - 2pm, Benton County Fairgrounds (Corvallis)
  • Tillamook: May 7th, 9am - 2pm, Tillamook County Fairgrounds (Tillamook)
  • Curry: May 14th, 10am-7pm at the High School (Gold Beach)
  • Clatsop: May 14th, 8:30am - 2pm (garden vendors and seminar), Clatsop County Fairgrounds (Astoria)
  • Lincoln: May 31, 9am-2pm, Newport National Guard Armory (Newport)
OF NOTE: If these are too far from you, try your local Master Gardeners and see if there is a plant sale in your area. Many of them are happening this weekend! Just do a search by county and state or call your local  Department of Agriculture Extension Office for more information. You might also find a website or newsletter you can join for your county chapter to get information on other plant sales, events, and classes.

You too can become a Master Gardener, just call your local extension office to find out more information. Also if you live in Oregon, here is the Oregon Master Gardeners Website to look up the chapter in your neck of the woods. The chapter meetings are open to all, not just members, and they usually have an interesting speaker to listen to and learn from.

DISCLOSURE/DISCLAIMER: I received this information and images for this post. My thoughts are mine and my family's own opinion and have not been altered by anyone else. I am a OSU Columbia County Master Gardener and wanted to share this information with my readers.

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

7 Simple Secrets For Infusing Healthful Herbs Into Your Family’s Life

Do you want to go beyond store-bought remedies, capsules, and tinctures?
To integrate healthful herbs into your family’s life?

Kimberly Gallagher from LearningHerbs will show you how in a free webinar this Thursday:
“The Nourished Herbal Kitchen Tour: 7 Simple Secrets For Infusing Healthful Herbs Into Your Family’s Life”

In this webinar Kimberly Gallagher will share…
  • A tour of her kitchen and how she designed it to integrate nourishing herbs into her family’s diet
  • How to go beyond store bought remedies, capsules, and tinctures 
  • How to make 7 family herbal staples...including nourishing herbal infusions, potent herbal vinegars, super bone broth, sweet herbal honeys, seaweed sprinkles, pestos, Hailey's favorite Chai, and more!
Kimberly will share her favorite recipes, you can start building YOUR family's nourished herbal kitchen the next day.

Kimberly will give a tour of her kitchen and share her favorite recipes, step-by-step... plus, if this webinar is anything like previous ones, there should be LOTS of cool giveaways!

Ready to build your family’s nourished herbal kitchen? Go here to reserve your spot:

Can’t wait to see you there!

P.S. During the webinar there will be a live Q&A. So start jotting down your questions now, and don’t forget to sign up by going here:

DISCLOSURE/DISCLAIMER: My thoughts are mine and my family's own opinion and have not been altered by anyone else. I did not receive any compensation for doing this post. Affiliate links can be found in this post. Thank you for your support of this blog!

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Devonian GREEMU: The Green, Cruelty Free Alternative to Emu Oil Review

GREEMU Oil and Certificate of Analysis.

I had the privilege of trying the Devonian GREEMU Distributed By Koru Naturals for this review to use in conjunction with my own beauty regimen. This is a Schoolhouse Review Crew Review. All opinions expressed are my own or those of my family.

Devonian is a fairly new company to the natural health and beauty world. Their science research based approach has brought one product, GREEMU, so far to their ever expanding line of plant based beauty products. Their primary focus is to replace animal products with ingredients derived from plants.

Koru Naturals is a company that brings natural bath and beauty products from New Zealand to the United States. These natural beauty products have ingredients like: Argan Oil, Emu Oil, Blue Tansy Oil, Manuka Oil, Manuka Honey, lanolin, Rotorua Mud, Rosehip Oil, Australian Sandalwood, Sheep Placenta, Bee Venom, French Clays, Shea Butter, Tea Tree Oil, and New Zealand Flowers. They have bath, beauty, candles, diffusers, and honey products. Koru Naturals is also a distributor of Devonian GREEMU.

Emu oil is extracted from the fat tissues of the Emu, an Australian flightless bird, during processing. Emu oil was prized for a hair and skin treatment for hundreds of years by Australian Aborigines and is one of the most popular oils used in the beauty industry. It has vitamins, minerals, and the essential fatty acids Omega 3 and 6. Since it is made from animal products; however, some people would rather use something more humane for their beauty regime.


GREEMU is a green alternative made entirely of a combination of plant oils and butters that can be a humane replacement for Emu Oil. It was created by Devonian after two years of research and simulates the look, feel, color, consistency and lipid composition of Grade A emu oil. GREEMU is made up of five ingredients: Macadamia Oil, Palm Oil Certified Organic, Shea Butter, Sunflower Seed Oil, and Rice Bran Oil. It, like its animal counterpart, protects and nourishes skin and hair from the elements. It improves appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. It also reduces dry hair and split ends.

How I Used This and My Thoughts:

I was excited to get GREEMU to try out because I had heard great things about the Emu Oil and this was a healthy substitute that was cruelty free. I am not vegan or vegetarian but using beauty products that are cruelty free does matter to me. I also love to use products that are 100% natural.

The directions for using GREEMU are simple and can be added to an everyday beauty regime easily. All you need is a couple drops at a time. I rubbed it gently in a circular motion onto my face and hands. Then I used a couple more drops and applied it from root to tip in my hair massaging my scalp as well with the oil.

So, what is the consistency, look, and texture of GREEMU? It is an opaque, slightly cream colored blend of oils. The beauty oil absorbs into the skin without any icky oily residue left behind. It also doesn't have a noticeable scent. It is smooth and liquidy.

My skin loved the stuff, soaked it up, and felt immeasurably softer to the touch after I applied it. I did read the label and it says to not use it if you are allergic to plant oils. I am somewhat sensitive to things and GREEMU did not break me out in any way. I even tried it on my face and it was very gentle. I love this plant based oil, especially for my hands as they are getting calloused and worn from all the gardening I have been doing. GREEMU makes my hands less rough. I did not have any problems with it. I loved that it seemed to make my flyaway hair more manageable and my split ends disappear. A little goes a long way for hair, though. Don't overdo it or your hair will just look greasy. With just a small drop of the oil my hair seemed shinier and healthier looking.

A 4 ounce bottle of GREEMU is $10.80 which is cheaper than the same size bottle of Emu Oil (over $18). You can get a 20% off discount if you enter the GN395Z10 coupon code upon purchase of GREEMU through Koru Naturals by May 31st, 2016.

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Suggested Hashtags: #hsreviews #naturalbodycare #greemuoil  #vegan,  @korunaturals

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Greemu Devonian Review

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Monday, April 25, 2016

YWAM Publishing Christian Heroes C.S. Lewis: Master Storyteller and Unit Study Curriculum Guide Review

My family had the privilege of trying the C.S. Lewis book and Unit Study Curriculum Guide from the Christian Heroes: Then & Now series by YWAM Publishing for this review to use in conjunction with our own homeschool curriculum. This is a Schoolhouse Review Crew Review. All opinions expressed are my own or those of my family.

YWAM (YOUTH WITH A MISSION) Publishing is a nonprofit organization that produces and distributes books that help Christians make a difference in the world by giving a portion of every dollar spent to buy books through YWAM Publishing to children and adults in other countries that are in need. Their books focus on evangelism, educational training, prayer, discipleship, and mercy ministries.

YWAM Publishing has two popular book series; one called Heroes of History and the other called Christian Heroes: Then & Now; in which true stories are told of real people that lived in our history. In the Heroes of History series we learn about great men and woman who changed the course of history. In the Christian Heroes: Then & Now series we learn about ordinary people who have put their trust in God and in doing so accomplish extraordinary things. Both of these book series help us as: parents, teachers, and caretakers; give our children wholesome biographies to read or be read to that teach good character traits, values, and virtues.You can read more about them at:

C.S. Lewis: Master Storyteller Book

C.S. Lewis: Master Storyteller book by Janet & Geoff Benge is part of a series of 44 biography books called Christian Heroes: Then & Now by YWAM Publishing. This book tells the true life story of C.S. Lewis, the author of many great works, especially Chronicles of Narnia. I loved the Lion Witch and the Wardrobe book from the series growing up. When I had my own children I bought a really nice audio book set that included a physical book as well (had all Chronicles in one volume) of the whole series that was on sale and we listened to all the books in the series together as a family. Then as the newer movies came out, one by one, we also watched those and fell in love with this author once again. I thought it very interesting that there were so many parallels from Christianity with the books I loved from C.S. Lewis. This Christian biography book from YWAM Publishing about C.S. Lewis teaches great character traits, values, and virtues too. It chronicles his life in Belfast, Ireland from the age of 6 to his death in 1963. It is a total of 17 chapters and 189 pages long. I never really knew about his life and what fueled his imagination until I read this biography book.

C.S. Lewis Unit Study download page tab.

The Unit Study Curriculum Guide that is paired with the C.S. Lewis: Master Storyteller book that I received was a digital version that was downloadable to my desktop. The digital version is downloadable in a zipped format, so you will have to unzip before you use it. After selecting where it will go on your computer, unzip it, and find the folder it placed it all into. Find the file version you need: __MACOSX for Macintosh and the other for PC. Click on the file that has START HERE in its title and it will open in a new window in your browser. You can then read a very short synopsis of the biography under the C.S. Lewis tab, download the unit study under the Unit Study tab, etc.

The Unit Study downloads in PDF format. It also has a 12 page guide for classroom and homeschool as well as one for a small group that tells you how to best use the unit study. This shows how flexible you can be with the unit study. You can do the whole study or just parts of it. It is all up to you how you use it.  The unit study goes in depth to help you go above and beyond the book and explore other areas that pertain to the material like: crafts, cooking, art, and writing assignments; has questions to ask your children to see if they comprehended the reading, and quotes or Bible verses to use as copywork to enhance handwriting or memorization. The unit study is broken into two parts.

Here is the C.S. Lewis Unit Study Contents:
Part 1 -
Introduction (how to use the study)
  1. Key Bible Verses (Quoted from both King James Version and the New International Version, great for copywork, memorization, theatrical presentation, devotionals, or art display)
  2. Display Corner (an area designated for hands on display of items relating to the reading)
  3. Chapter Questions (questions that enhance the reading: vocabulary, factual, 2 comprehension, and 2 open-ended)
  4. Student Explorations (essay questions, creative writing, hands-on projects, audio/visual projects, arts & crafts)
  5. Community Links (field trip ideas)
  6. Social Studies (places, journeys, terms/vocabulary, geographical characteristics: mapping, timeline: plotting historical events, conceptual questions)
  7. Related Themes to Explore (science, literature, folk culture, geography, history)
  8. Culminating Event (sort of a show and tell ending, ideas include: literary, clothing, music, food, oral presentations, displays)
Appendix A: Books and Resources
Appendix B: Answers to Chapter Questions
Appendix C: Social Studies Reproducibles

Part 2 -
Continuation of Appendix C: Social Studies Reproducibles

Delbin, my oldest, reading YWAM Publishing Christian Heroes C.S. Lewis: Master Storyteller.

How We Used This and Our Thoughts:

I read the book to my two youngest girls who are 5 and 8 and my boys who are 13 and 15 read it to themselves. My girls enjoyed listening to me read about C.S. Lewis. After each chapter my girls and I did the first three questions from the study guide which are geared toward the younger students. They include a vocabulary question, a factual question coming from the reading, and the first comprehension question. The study guide is geared toward ages 10+. So I had to help them with the vocabulary because of its advanced nature. We would look up the words in a dictionary and thesaurus as well, for more understanding. My boys, Jaedan and Delbin, who are 13 and 15, had no problem with the reading and vocabulary, but that is because they are voracious readers. I had my boys do all of the chapter questions. Besides the chapter questions I had my girls do copywork from the key bible verses in KJV and I had my boys memorize them and say them back to me. We also read the book that C.S. Lewis wrote, Lion Witch and the Wardrobe, again and watched the 2005 version of the movie. Then we discussed and compared the parallels and differences of the book and movie. I had my sons do an essay as suggested in the study guide under the student explorations and essays. They also did some creative writing. We also learned about Oxford University (where C.S. Lewis went to college) and found a wonderful virtual tour website that we spent hours on just looking at the campus and learning about the buildings and history.

There was so much to learn and explore in this unit study. We were amazed at the very complexity of it all. We didn't even begin to scratch the surface and were still very engaged in the lengthy unit study.

The YWAM Publishing biographies are historical and true. These true stories along with the unit studies are great for homeschooling families. I highly recommend them!

YWAM Publishing Christian Heroes: Then & Now C.S. Lewis: Master Storyteller book:
Regular Price: $9.99 YWAM Price: $7.50

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Suggested Hashtags: #christianheroes #heroesthenandnow #christianbiographies #herobiographies #homeschoolcurriculum #homeschooling #americanhistory #americanhistorycurriculum  #ywampublishing #truebiographies

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Christian Heroes {YWAM Publishing Review}

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Saturday, April 23, 2016

Little One, God Made You Special Board Book Review

I received this book free to facilitate this review. Affiliate links may be in this posting. Thanks for supporting my blog.

Little One, God Made You Special by Amy Warren Hilliker and Illustrated by Polona Lovsin is an adorable board book for ages 4-8 years old. It has cute cuddly animal illustrations that are lovingly drawn on each page to go with the text. The text shares a beautiful Christian message of love and importance in rhyme.

Zari loves this adorable board book!

My daughters Zari (age 5) and Teela (age 8) love this book. It is a short and sweet little book that shows the love of a parent for a child and how God made everyone special in their own way. Zari loves looking at the gorgeous pictures and having Teela or I read it to her. This book is a board book so it is more durable than paper books we have in our library. It is perfect for reading any time of the day, including: on a trip, in the car, bedtime, etc. We love to read it at bedtime because it has such a peaceful and calming message and pictures. I look forward to sharing this book many more times with my little ones.

This would make a wonderful gift for a special child in your life! You can purchase it from Zondervan for $6.99 or the same price on and save on shipping with Prime...

DISCLOSURE/DISCLAIMER: I received these products for free to review. My thoughts are mine and my family's own opinion and have not been altered by anyone else. I did not receive any other compensation for doing this review.Affiliate links may be in this posting. Thanks for supporting my blog.

Friday, April 22, 2016

Belli Skincare Celebrate Mom Event Giveaway

Belli Skincare is having a huge giveaway that is running from April 22nd - May 3rd! The grand price package is valued over $700.  Enter Now!

DISCLOSURE/DISCLAIMER: I received this information and image for this post. My thoughts are mine and my family's own opinion and have not been altered by anyone else. I am receiving a complimentary skin care product for posting. 

This Powerful Ingredient Will Supercharge Your Smoothie #EarthDay #wildfood #greensmoothie

Did you know?

  • Stinging nettle is a super source of vitamins, minerals & nutrients MORE powerful than most veggies.
  • Nettle leaf supports healthy energy levels. It’s great if you’re feeling run down.
  • And one really DELICIOUS way to get your nettles is making a smoothie!

Yes, it’s sting-free and perfect to make for Earthday because right now is stinging nettle season and hey, it is green!

In this free video from LearningHerbs, John and his daughter Hailey show you how to harvest nettles and turn them into a delicious smoothie called “The Earth Shake.” 

Opt-in and learn how to make it in this new video from LearningHerbs:

To make it easier for you in the kitchen, LearningHerbs has also included a printable recipe card. This way, you don't have to take notes!

Get the recipe here now:

DISCLOSURE/DISCLAIMER: My thoughts are mine and my family's own opinion and have not been altered by anyone else. I did not receive any compensation for doing this post. Affiliate links can be found in this post. Thank you for your support of this blog! 

Simple Pleasures: Stories from My Life as an Amish Mother Book Review

I love reading books about the Amish, Mennonites, Hutterites, and Plain People. I used to live in Ohio and we would go to Lehman's Hardware store in Kidron often. Lehman's sells non-electric alternatives and a whole slew of really neat products that I loved perusing every time I was there. I was captivated by the Plain People that lived there. I would see them shopping at Lehman's with their families too, on the road with their horse drawn buggies or trying to make a living selling their wares on the side of the road. I always fantasized about how simple and perfect it might be to live like them. They seemed so much apart from my own life in the city.

Simple Pleasures: Stories from My Life as an Amish Mother by Marianne Jantzi is a collection of journal entries from her own Amish family. The book is the 4th part of a series called Plainspoken by Herald Press. This series gives readers an inside scoop of the life of a Plain Person with actual accounts from the Anabaptists themselves. Each book includes "A Day in the Life of the Author" and the author's answers to FAQs about the Amish.

While reading Simple Pleasures I couldn't help but notice how similar the author's challenges and parenting struggles were with mine. She struck a chord with me. I had been fed, for the most part, only half truths about the Amish. In the media their lives were portrayed as somewhat idealistic. Marianne Jantzi opened my eyes to a more revealing and honest account of how the life of an Amish mother really is. Her book is an authentic and true-life tale from slices of her life. She is very open on what she feels and she tells her story how it actually is.

I was glad though that in the first few pages (Author's Note) of Simple Pleasures Marianne introduces everyone in her family and how the book was going to be laid out, so for me there were no surprises, but I do wish that each entry had a date so I wasn't guessing at that. The book is laid out in 8 parts that are categorized by a main theme. Each part has chapters under it that goes into even more precise themes. Each chapter has snippets of  Marianne's life that are separated by three dots. These are not in sequence of how they happened in her life, but rather by the themes.

My favorite parts to read were Winter Blows Cold and Garden of Plenty. When I lived in the city I really hadn't noticed how much I took for granted, but living in the country shows me how thankful I am for the very food on our table and the fact I helped grow some of it! In Thankful Hearts on page 49 I love how she writes about the fall season. "Once again, late autumn speaks-urging us, warning us. Time is running out. Frosty days are just around the corner. Gather those apples, cabbages, pumpkins, and squash. Fill the woodshed. Stuff the cracks. Hurry, hurry through the golden autumn days." It was also so nice to read about Marianne's garden in Five Rows of Peas (chapter 29). I love gardening and now that I am a certified Master Gardener I expect to be doing a lot more of it. I also love the "instructions for planting a garden" she included in this chapter. Such great advice! I've also never heard of "Kiddie Packets" (page 189) and will have to try these out with my youngsters if I can find which seed company offers them. I thought her seed apron was a fantastic idea and although it sounded fairly simple to make I still wish I was better at sewing to make myself one.

I love that at the end of the book the Jantzi's include their favorite family recipes. I will have to try Sister Kathryn's Salsa this harvest season when I have enough tomatoes, peppers, and onions from my garden collected. My kids will love the easy treat recipes that are also included too because they love to make goodies to eat.

About the book (from the publisher):

Simple Pleasures: Stories from My Life as an Amish Mother (MennoMedia, March 2016)

Young Amish homemaker Marianne Jantzi invites readers into her family's life on the snowy plains of Ontario.

The mother of four young children and wife of a storekeeper, Jantzi writes about her daily routines and heartfelt faith with equal measures of wit and warmth. Sewing, cleaning, cooking, gardening, and helping to manage the store take up most hours in her day, but Jantzi finds time to pen columns for the Connection, a magazine beloved by Amish and Mennonite readers across the United States and Canada. Never sugarcoating the frustrations of motherhood, Jantzi tells it like it is, broken washing machine and bickering children and all. But through her busy days, Jantzi finds strength in simple pleasures of family, fellowship with her Amish community, and quiet time with God.

About the author (from the publisher):

Marianne Jantzi is an Amish writer and homemaker in Ontario, Canada. Formerly a teacher in an Amish school, Jantzi now educates and inspires through her "Northern Reflections" column for The Connection, a magazine directed mainly to Amish and plain communities across the U.S. and Canada. She and her husband have four young children and run a shoe store among the Milverton Amish settlement of Ontario.

This would be a wonderful gift for Mother's Day. Purchase a copy:

DISCLOSURE/DISCLAIMER: I received this product for free to review. My thoughts are mine and my family's own opinion and have not been altered by anyone else. I did not receive any other compensation for doing this review.

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Just Jan's Fruit Spread JAMboree Party Review #justjans #tryazon #spreadthegoodness

Have you ever heard of Just Jan's Fruit Spreads? I hadn't until I got the opportunity to host a Tryazon Home Party. Her fruit spreads looked so delicious and so I signed up. This being my very first Tryazon Home Party I really didn't know what to expect. I have hosted other parties at home to show off various products though so I knew it would be fun as well. I prepared, sent invitations, and had the party on April 15th.

My Tryazon Home Party Pack

Just Jan's are a line of gourmet, all-natural, preservative-free fruit spreads that were started by Jan Hogrewe in 2012. So, why the fig in her logo? Well that was the very first batch of fruit spreads she made because a Kadota fig tree growing in her backyard had produced so much fruit. At first she made the fig spread for friends and family, but word got out, as it does and today Jan is making fruit spreads, jams, marmalades, and curds in 13 flavors, from sweet to savory, to spicy.

I made Just Jan's Signature Meyer Lemon Curd Bars. Just dressed 'em up a bit.

I followed the recipe for the Just Jan's Signature Meyer Lemon Curd Bars. I couldn't help myself though in making them look a little fancier. I took out my ornate dish which had floral designs in the glass and baked the crust, let it cool, spread the Just Jan's Meyer Lemon Curd mixture on top, and baked  the bars to perfection. I placed sliced lemons around the edge and sprinkled powdered sugar in the center, placing mint leaves from my garden as the final touch. These were so good! I will be making them again and maybe experiment with a different Just Jan's spread to top the crust next time just because I believe that others of her spreads would also be yummy as bars.

Dressed up Just Jan's Signature Meyer Lemon Curd Bars.

Dressed up Just Jan's Signature Meyer Lemon Curd Bars.

I had a selection of crackers for the guests to sample the spreads on. The Green Gift Pack of tiny jars which included,  Kadota Fig, Tangerine Marmalade, Meyer Lemon Curd, Muscadine Grape, Apricot, and Seedless Raspberry, went quick. My favorite was the small jar of Tangerine Marmalade since I absolutely love marmalade!  The Just Jan's Kadota Fig Spread was so yummy. I love it spread onto crackers and English muffins. I want to try the Fig and Goat Cheese Stuffed Chicken Breasts with the spread. The recipe sounds divine! I would love to try the Just Jan's Pomegranate Spread, Just Jan's Mango Chipotle Savory Spread, and Apricot Pepper Savory Spread, but sadly those flavors didn't come in my party pack.

Contents of the Green Gift Pack of tiny jars.
We had a bunch of fun trying out the goodies and spreads. The party was a success. Everyone loved the products. You should try them too because they are so very good! Scroll down to find out how to order...

My guests and I.

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Go to Just Jan's to order.

Most 10 oz jars of Just Jan's spreads are $6.95. The sampler packs are $15. Go to Just Jan's to order.

DISCLOSURE/DISCLAIMER: I received this product for free from Tryazon to facilitate this home party and review. My thoughts are mine and my family's own opinion and have not been altered by anyone else. I did not receive any other compensation for doing this review and party.

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Orkin Summer Scientist Bug Catching Kit Giveaway

Summer is almost here! That means picnics, baseball games, barbecues and all the fun of enjoying the great outdoors with your family. There’s one thing no one likes about being outdoors, though: mosquitoes! They not only are a nuisance, but they also pose potentially serious health risks. Fortunately, the experts at Orkin study the science of mosquitoes and other pests closely in order to better tailor plans that help keep them out of your home this summer.

Are you prepared for mosquito season this year?

To help you better prepare yourself and your family to fight the bite, Orkin presents the “Buzzer Beater” app, which features its deep scientific knowledge of mosquitoes.

About Orkin:
Orkin, uses the latest technology and unparalleled training to develop an effective treatment that's right for your needs. To learn more about our pest control based in science or to schedule an inspection, visit or call 1-800-800-ORKIN.

Orkin on Facebook:
Ask The Orkin Man® on Twitter:
Orkin YouTube channel:

Orkin’s “Buzzer Beater” Blog App:
  • Are you prepared for mosquito season this year? Take the quiz to see if you’re ready to earn your badge in Mosquito Season Prep.
  • Watch the “How to Deal With Mosquitoes” & “Do Mosquitoes Prefer Adults over Children” videos, as well as the rest of Orkin’s How-To video series, to get the most up-to-date knowledge on dealing with pesky home invaders.
  • Download Orkin’s yearly “Mosquito Cities” list and find out if your city made it! 
  • Get social with it! Tweet using the #LearnWithOrkin hashtag and mention @TheOrkinMan  

Prize:  Orkin Summer Scientist Bug Catching Kit {US Only}.

The Orkin Summer Scientist Bug Catching Kits are fun for the whole family! Each pack includes: 
  • 2 Bug Catcher Craft Kits: These awesome DIY bug catcher kits will let your family’s personality shine through while also learning about nature and the world around us. The kits include a variety of foam ladybugs, dragonflies and more! 
  • 2 Bug Nets: Explore the great outdoors with these fun mesh insect nets. They can be used to collect and study butterflies, ladybugs, caterpillars and many other backyard creatures. 
  • 2 See-Through Bug Jars: Reveal the wonders of your backyard with these clear bug jars. Each transparent plastic box has a magnifying lid for better insect viewing. Young explorers love discovering worms, butterflies, ants and insects. These containers allow them to make homes for their new discoveries. 
  • 2 Magic Color Scratch Little Garden Critters: Scratch faces, designs and more on these Magic Color Scratch Little Garden Critters! A perfect kids' activity for critter lovers, simply scratch away the black coating to reveal vibrant rainbow colors. Includes butterflies, frogs, turtles and more. 
  • Glow-in-the-Dark Creepy Crawlers: Turn off the lights and let them glow! These vinyl glow-in-the-dark bugs are lots of fun for all ages.

I run giveaways with Rafflecopter on my blog. Please click on this post link if you do not see the script for it below. Also, if there is anything that is wrong with it let me know by emailing me: finamoon AT gmail DOT com I will try my best at fixing it. Thanks for being awesome readers!

Each household is only eligible to win Summer Scientist Bug Catching Kit via blog reviews and giveaways. Only one entrant per mailing address per giveaway. If you have won the same prize on another blog, you will not be eligible to win it again. Winner is subject to eligibility verification.

DISCLOSURE/DISCLAIMER: Because I am posting about the Orkin’s “Buzzer Beater” Blog App I am getting an Orkin Summer Scientist Bug Catching Kit free for my readers as a giveaway and one free for myself. Thanks to PartnersHub/Tether Group and Orkin for providing me this promotion information and free product. My thoughts are mine and my family's own opinion and have not been altered by anyone else. I did not receive any other compensation for posting this blog app and giveaway.

Awesome Herbal Recipes for Kids (and Kids At Heart!)

I have something really cool to share with you today…

The Herb Fairies are offering a free download of their herbal cookbook!

This cookbook has 13 fun herbal recipes you can make with kids (or kids at heart!), from chickweed grilled cheese to REAL marshmallows and dandelion flower cookies.

To get the cookbook, all you have to do is opt-in for their free Herb Fairies video series, which is pretty awesome, too!

Get it here now:

So, why not go out in the yard, pick some dandelion flowers, and make some cookies?!

Also,  when you sign up, you won’t JUST get the cookbook… You’ll also get access to a new video series that includes a yummy smoothie with stinging nettles!

Check it out now:

DISCLOSURE/DISCLAIMER: My thoughts are mine and my family's own opinion and have not been altered by anyone else. I did not receive any compensation for doing this post. Affiliate links can be found in this post. Thank you for your support of this blog!

How To Raise a Healthy Child In a Junk-Food World

Do your kids prefer potato chips to carrot sticks?

Is it ever a struggle to get your kids to take that icky tasting syrup when they’re sick?

Are you overwhelmed or confused by the insane amount of conflicting natural health information?

In their new video, Kimberly and John Gallagher from LearningHerbs share how you can overcome these parenting obstacles in WAY less time than they did.

Get the secret to raising health-conscious kids in this awesome free video:

Also, when you sign up, you won’t JUST get the video… You’ll also get their kids herbal cookbook free, which features chickweed grilled cheese sandwiches, REAL marshmallows, and more!

Go get the video and cookbook now:

DISCLOSURE/DISCLAIMER: My thoughts are mine and my family's own opinion and have not been altered by anyone else. I did not receive any compensation for doing this post. Affiliate links can be found in this post. Thank you for your support of this blog!

Monday, April 18, 2016

Go Organically Earth Day Sweepstakes and Fruit Snacks Review & Giveaway

With Earth Day on the horizon, Go Organically Fruit Snacks is celebrating with their first-ever Earth Day Sweepstakes. Now through Earth Day, April 22nd, Go Organically Fruit Snacks invites participants to enter the sweepstakes by growing a virtual tree for a chance to win. Participants can increase their chances of winning by sharing a unique link on social media; so the more you share the more you care for your virtual tree! Select winners will receive Go Organically Fruit Snacks.

To enter, participants can visit either the Go Organically Fruit Snacks Website at and click on the Earth Day Sweepstakes Button, or go directly to the contest at Participants simply enter their info in exchange for a virtual seed. The first day they enter, the seed is planted into their own virtual plot.

Each day participants revisit the website, they help the seed grow and gain another entry. When participants share their seed's progress on social media with a unique referral link, followers who click on the link will be brought to a page letting them know that they've helped that seed grow. Followers are also given the option to enter and grow their own virtual seed. Those who grow their virtual tree will be entered to win Go Organically Fruit Snacks!

Go Organically Fruit Snacks come in Tropical, Fruit Medley, and Mixed Berry flavors. They come in boxes of 8 pouches. They are all USDA-certified organic, GMO free, and gluten free. They are made with real fruit purees, real fruit juices, natural flavors, and colors from natural sources with no preservatives. They provide 100% of the recommended daily value of Vitamin C per serving (one pouch) and are an excellent source of Vitamins A & E.

All 3 Flavors of Go Organically Fruit Snacks.

I've only tried the Tropical flavored Go Organically Fruit Snacks before. I received the all the flavors to try this time. I actually love the Fruit Medley flavor the best. These fruit snacks are all delicious and even though they are not as bright in color as other fruit snacks they are just as yummy. I love that they are organic and GMO free! These are also great for an Earth Day snack. I will definitely be buying these if I can find them.

Go Organically...
Facebook -
Twitter - @goorganically
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Check out these sweet deals!

Prize: Win two boxes of Go Organically Fruit Snacks.

I run giveaways with Rafflecopter on my blog. Please click on this post link if you do not see the script for it below. Also, if there is anything that is wrong with it let me know by emailing me: finamoon AT gmail DOT com I will try my best at fixing it. Thanks for being awesome readers!

DISCLOSURE/DISCLAIMER: I received this product for free to review and an opportunity to give away some. My thoughts are mine and my family's own opinion and have not been altered by anyone else. I did not receive any other compensation for doing this review and giveaway.