Tuesday, March 31, 2020

The Easter Storybook from David C Cook Review #ComplimentaryProductReceived

Disclaimer: I received a complimentary copy of this product through the HOMESCHOOL REVIEW CREW in exchange for my honest review. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way. 

My family had the privilege of reading The Easter Storybook from David C Cook for this review to use in conjunction with our own curriculum at home. This is a Homeschool Review Crew Review. All opinions expressed are my own or those of my family.

David C Cook is a ministry that publishes and distributes discipleship and worship materials for local churches to help bring the word of Christ around the world, globally. These products include: music, books, curriculum, Bible studies, and resources for adults and children alike. Proceeds from purchases also help with their global outreach efforts.

The Easter Storybook contents.

The Easter Storybook is one of David C Cook's books for children. This book is written by Laura Richie and illustrated by Ian Dale. It contains 40 full-color, beautifully illustrated stories that are about how Jesus' life, starting from His time as a boy in the Temple to His resurrection. Each story includes a Bible passage and a conversational question to engage the readers and get them thinking and discussing as a family about the true meaning of the Easter season. This is recommended for children ages 4-8.

Zari reading The Easter Storybook.

How We Used This and Our Thoughts:

My daughter Zari and I read this book together. She is 9 years old.

We love the full-color illustrations. They are wonderfully done and the people in the illustrations have a more authentic Middle Eastern feel to them, which I like. I also like all the detail in them.

Each story has the same layout. The length of each story is about a page which is perfect and not too long. The chapter(s) that the story comes from in the bible is listed at the top under the story title. It has a bible verse from the English Standard Version (ESV) at the top of each story that goes with the story. At the bottom of each story there are open ended questions to ask and answer. The opposite page of every story has a whole page illustration.

Format of the stories.

If you follow the 40 days of Lent these stories would be good for that because this book has 40 stories and they are each labeled Day 1 - Day 40. You can read one each day of the Lenten Calendar, although this would also be fine to read at other times in the Easter season as well. 

The stories generally go along with the bible and what it teaches. It does take on some liberties though. There is a recurring theme in the stories that basically says that after the garden of Eden people could not love and that people were broken until Jesus came. To quote one of the instances in the book (page 12), "John told everyone that people are broken and can't love, but the Messiah was coming to help people love." I am not sure what to think of this statement. If they had left this out I think that it would have made the book better and that it would then follow the bibles teachings more. Because of this I feel that this is more of the authors interpretation more than what is actually written in the bible.

I am going to just leave my review there and you can make the decision yourself from it whether or not this storybook might be for you and your kids. Take it or leave it, I guess it is up to you.

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You can purchase this book here.

Read other homeschool curriculum reviews for The Easter Storybook by David C Cook...
The Easter Storybook {David C Cook Reviews}

Saturday, March 28, 2020

Positive Thoughts During the Coronavirus and Social Distancing

The Coronavirus, a.k.a. COVID-19, is a virus that is now rampaging through the USA and other parts of the world. This is a virus that spreads mainly from person to person through close contact (CDC says within about 6 feet apart) and through respiratory droplets produced when an infected person coughs or sneezes. People who are at higher risk to not recover from this are older adults and people who have severe underlying chronic medical conditions, especially those that affect the immune system. As of this post there have been 4,661 and 85 deaths in the USA. Here is a list of some maps to show where it has spread and how many have been infected, died, or recovered.

We have been told to:
  1. Wash our hands diligently for at least 20 seconds with soap and water or disinfect them with hand sanitizer or rub with an isopropyl alcohol content of at least 60%
  2. Not touch our face
  3. Practice social distancing, not go out unless absolutely necessary and stay more than 3 feet apart from others (although CDC says 6 feet)
  4. Cough or sneeze into our sleeve/elbow so as to not spread germs in the air
  5. Stay home if we feel sick

This might make you anxious, stressed, or worried...or it might not depending upon how you feel about all this. In any case it has closed and shut down schools, workplaces, churches, and other places worldwide. We have seen cancellations of events and social gatherings all across the globe because of the need to contain and stop the spread of this pandemic. We have seen: people panicking, people hoarding items, stores with long lines and empty shelves. One of the best things you can do, instead of panicking, is to educate yourself so you are prepared.

What we also need to do:
  1. Take deep breaths when you are feeling negative. 3 of them slowly in and out. Try to focus on the positive.
  2. Eat healthy well balanced meals so you get the vitamins and minerals you need throughout the day. Make sure you eat a good breakfast because it is the most important meal to start the day with so you have the energy you need.
  3. Keep hydrated especially with water. Make sure you are getting your electrolytes too.
  4. Get enough sleep so you can rest your mind and body. Here are guidelines for how much sleep you need and some tips to help you sleep well.
  5. Get some exercise and stay active. Being cooped up in the home makes it a little more difficult to do this, but there are YouTube videos online that will help you find your groove.
  6. Get some fresh air if you can. If you are able go outside and walk around in nature. Take time to notice the beauty of it. If you have to be inside, open some windows and let the fresh air in.

I feel that if we all calm down and think of this in a more positive light we won't feel hopeless in these times. Worrying about things we cannot control fully just makes things worse. Relax and know that you are not alone in this struggle. We are in this together, even when we have to be apart.

Silver Lining:
  • With more people working from home, schools and churches being closed, and events being canceled we have more free time to:
    • strengthen family bonds with one another
    • slow down and practice mindfulness, gratitude, kindness, generosity, and empathy
    • take up a new hobby
    • learn something new
    • spend time outdoors
    • check off to-do-lists
    • think about what we are really thankful for and blessed with and what we've taken for granted
  • The environment is now healing. Because of more people staying home there are less: vehicles on the roads, planes in the air, and travel in general. This equates to less air pollution. Just look at China: In direct response to the mandated lockdown in China the air pollution cleared up.
  • Possibility of bringing back jobs and places from the past that might have been lost, for example: drive-in movies/theaters, drive-in restaurants, the milkman delivering milk, etc.

Here is a list of things that I am going to be working on:
  • homeschooling 🏠🏫
  • reading 📚
  • making arts and crafts 🎨
  • beadwork (we were gifted a huge amount of beading supplies from a friend) 📿
  • learning heritage skills and self sufficiency skills 🧵 🧶 🧺 🏹
  • doing science projects, STEM 🔬
  • catching up on blogging 👩‍💻
  • cooking healthy meals 👩🏻‍🍳
  • baking (especially bread making) 🍞
  • sitting down and eating meals as a family 🍽️
  • making herbal remedies ⚗️
  • deep spring cleaning and organizing the home and out buildings 🧹
  • yard clean up 🍂
  • cleaning up the garden beds and around the orchards 🥀
  • planting 11 roses, mostly Floribundas 🌹 ✔
  • planting seeds for veggies, fruit and herbs 🥬 🍅 🥕 🍆 🥒 🥝 🍉 🍈
  • planting bulbs and seeds for flowers 🌷
  • Growing microgreens and sprouts indoors 🌱
  • permaculture and hugelkultur 🏡
  • making a water feature and river rock bed ⛲
  • foraging 🌿
  • hiking ⛰️
  • biking 🚲
  • boating 🚣
  • swimming 🏊
  • dancing 💃
  • building forts with the kids ⛺
  • working out: aerobics, Yoga, or whatever exercise to get moving 🏋️‍♀️
  • meditation 🧘‍♀️
  • writing letters...be it snail mail or email (pen pals) 📫
  • movie nights 🎥
  • playing board games and card games 🎲
  • puzzles 🧩
  • photography 📷
  • farm chores (we have horses, chickens, a goat, llamas, a mini pony, a bunny, and a dog) 👩🏻‍🌾
  • listening to music 🎶
  • practicing instruments (singing, guitar, violin) 🎻
  • journaling 📔
  • making a vision board 📋
  • reading the scriptures 📖
  • Come Follow Me 🙏
  • Family Home Evening 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦

There are a lot of resources out there that can help you with the transition of being home and having kids home with you if you do not homeschool already and a lot of them are free or good priced as well. This great Facebook list has some other ideas that I do not have on my list that are very good ideas too and you can request the PDF from them with the links. There are also pages and groups online that have lots of ideas. If you are internet savvy there is lots to find, learn about, and experience from home. I will go into this more in a later post so stay tuned.

Thursday, March 26, 2020

Home School in the Woods Project Passport World History Studies: Renaissance & Reformation Review #ComplimentaryProductReceived

Disclaimer: I received a complimentary copy of this product through the HOMESCHOOL REVIEW CREW in exchange for my honest review. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way.

My family had the privilege of trying the Project Passport World History Studies Renaissance & Reformation from Home School in the Woods for this review to use in conjunction with our own curriculum at home. This is a Homeschool Review Crew Review. All opinions expressed are my own or those of my family.

Home School in the Woods is a family run business that creates Christian based history curriculum for homeschooling. This curriculum immerses your student in the topic. It is very hands-on with lapbooks, timelines, recipes, art, creative writing, notebook projects, dramatized audio theater, maps, crafts, projects, re-enactments, file-folder games, vocabulary to learn, etc.

There are icons that help along one side and buttons that link to nice clear photos of the finished projects.

The Project Passport World History Studies are a virtual trip through history. These are recommended for grades 3-8. There are two different versions you can purchase, a CD version or a digital download version. With the CD version everything that you access and print is on the CD. With the digital download version you download a zipped file, place all of the contents into a folder on your computer, and access it by the start.htm file that is in that folder. We received the digital download version. This "trip" is supposed to last roughly 8-12 weeks depending upon how quickly everything is completed. For Each Project Passport World History Study you make a passport and "luggage" folder to hold some of the stuff you print off and make along the journey. Each "trip" has 25 chapters called "stops", where you observe action-packed events and meet fascinating people along the way. At each stop you come to there will be "Guide Book Text" which is information for the student to read about a certain topic explored and a "Travel Itinerary" that covers the project choices and directions. There are also helpful icons that let you know what you will be doing and color photos of all the completed projects so you know how they are supposed to look like when finished. There are a lot of printables of information and projects to do. Masters are available for all printables. There are so many things to do on the trip, for example: creating a "Scrapbook of Sights" (notebook for storing the notebook projects), dining on local cuisine with the "Dining out Guide" (recipes to create food and drink that was popular in the area at the time), taking pictures ("Snapshot Moments in History" scrapbook timeline), reporting on important people and happenings (a newspaper creative writing assignment - In the Renaissance & Reformation study it is called "The Renaissance Reporter"), making "souvenirs" to remember your stay (craft/art projects), dressing like the locals (clothing of the era: fun dress up craft), making a lapbook, playing games (file-folder games), collecting postcards, listening to tour guides (dramatized audio theater - there are 8 of these), and so much more!

We found that there was a lot of preparation that needed to happen before getting started. There is a lot of things needing printed, items needing prepared for crafts and other projects, and general preparation of materials before one can begin the journey. The Travel Itinerary and Travel Planner: Quick Stop Itinerary helps with this a lot!

You will need a few items to get you through the lessons:

  • Working Printer
  • Color and Black Ink for the printer to cover all the printing that will be happening
  • White and Colored Printer Paper
  • White and Colored Cardstock (this is best, but admittedly we didn't have any of this and used only white printer paper and it worked OK)
  • One 3-Ring Binder for the Guide Book (teacher binder for Introduction, Travel Tips, Travel Planner: Quick Stop Itinerary, Travel Itinerary, Guide Book Text, and Additional Resources)
  • One 3-Ring Binder for the Scrapbook of Sights (student binder for all notebook projects)
  • Colored File Folders or Colored Pocket Folders with Fasteners
  • Scissors and/or an X-acto Knife (when using an X-acto Knife you will need a thick piece of cardboard or self healing mat to use as a cutting surface)
  • Crayons, Markers, or Colored Pencils to color the pictures, if desired
  • Glue
  • Other Craft supplies specified for each of the different projects that your student wants to do

This is what the Project Passport World History Studies: Renaissance & Reformation covers:

  1. Laying the Foundation (Packing for the Trip)
  2. Italy & Da Vinci
  3. Everyday Life - Part I
  4. Everyday Life - Part II
  5. Renaissance Art
  6. Famous Artists of the Renaissance
  7. Music of the Renaissance
  8. Literature, Drama, and Shakespeare
  9. Science, Math, and Astronomy
  10. Inventions
  11. Exploration - Part I: The Americas
  12. Exploration - Part II: Africa, Asia, and Around the World
  13. The Early Reformers
  14. Martin Luther
  15. The Thirty Years' War
  16. Zwingli and Switzerland
  17. John Calvin
  18. France and the Wars of Religion
  19. Henry VIII
  20. Henry's Children
  21. Civil War
  22. Knox and Scotland
  23. The Counter-Reformation - Part I
  24. The Counter-Reformation - Part II
  25. The Final Stop - Packing Up!

Zari coloring the Scrapbook of Sights Cover.

How We Used This and Our Thoughts:

I have reviewed many products from Home School in the Woods before. Each product was a lot of fun to do with my kids and they enjoyed learning with them. Renaissance & Reformation is part of a series called Project Passport. The Project Passport world history studies we have done reviews for are: Ancient Rome, Ancient Greece, The Middle Ages, Ancient Egypt and now this one.

I enlisted my daughter Zari who is in 3rd grade this school year to learn about  Renaissance & Reformation, a Project Passport Study from Home School in the Woods, since she loved listening to and helping out with the other studies before. This is for 3rd through 8th graders so she did need my help with some of the more advanced projects and writing assignments and it took her a lot longer to get through some of the stops than it might have taken for my older kids. I learned quite a bit too while helping her with this study.

This study, like all the other ones we did, was jam packed with information. I am glad that I already had experience doing this type of program because everything seemed to go faster. The instructions are not hard, but there is a lot of things to set up and print out initially and throughout the program....so be aware of that and set some time aside initially to get things done so you are not overwhelmed. We still have not gotten through all the stops, but we have enjoyed everything that we have done thus far. I love that it is from a biblical Christian perspective too.

Zari enjoying the rice Pudding we made from "A Booklet of Renaissance Feasting".

Zari really liked our project time together. She loved trying some of the recipes in the "A Booklet of Renaissance Feasting" cookbook. We loved the Rice Pudding! It is great to add interest to history with recipes. She loves art and making things. She had fun making the circlet for her head. Dressing up in period clothing is a great way to learn history. We used beads and wire we had and it turned out fairly well. She learned a lot about: everyday life, music, art, literature and drama of the Renaissance, science and invention, Reformers and their influence across Europe, wars and conflicts, Henry VIII, exploration, the Counter-Reformation, and much more! There were so many projects to do to go with all the reading, creative writing, and listening to the audio tours. We did so many fun things and learned so much about the culture so far. I can't wait to get all the way through the whole program with my daughter. We are looking forward to learning more about the Renaissance & Reformation.

Zari making braiding the circlet together and finished project.

I highly recommend the Project Passport World History Studies:  Renaissance & Reformation from Home School in the Woods. This is great for anyone homeschooling who might need some help with teaching about Renaissance & Reformation in a highly educational, fun, and very hands-on way. This would also be perfect for those wanting something fun to do with their kids in the summer time. I am looking forward to reviewing more from Home School in the Woods in the future. There is also a U.S. Elections Lap-Pak that is relevant now because of the presidential election coming up this year.

You can purchase the download version of the Project Passport World History Studies: Renaissance & Reformation for $33.95 and CD version for $34.95.

Download the scope and sequence, look at a sample lesson, listen to a sample audio tour, see photo examples of projects, and watch a video of "What is a Project Passport" when you click the link above, to get more of an idea about the program.

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Read other homeschool curriculum reviews for Home School in the Woods...
Home School in the Woods Collections - Lap-pak, Timeline Figures, History Studies & Activity-Pak {Home School in the Woods Reviews}

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Goodnight, My Darling Dear Book Review and Giveaway #NightMyDarling #DarlingDearBook #ComplimentaryProductReceived

Disclaimer: I received a complimentary copy of this product through FrontGate Media in exchange for my honest review. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way. Affiliate links are in this review. Thank you for supporting my blog.

Goodnight My Darling Dear is a children's book by Amy (Kavs) Kavelaris. Amy is a illustrator and artist that does impressionistic bohemian art. She has three small girls and a husband that are her world. This book is dedicated to her littles. It is whimsically illustrated and poetically written. This adorable book brings a bedtime blessing to celebrate the wonder of childhood and what God has in store for all your little one is becoming.

Zari enjoying reading Goodnight, My Darling Dear.

Our Thoughts:

We loved this gorgeous hardcover kids book with dust jacket. The illustrations are so lovely! On the first page it allows you to personalize it with who it is to, who it is from, and a date. It has such delightful pictures of parent-and-child animal pairs. We love the rhyming too. The words are filled with positive sentiments. There are words within the poetry that are in a different font and in color to emphasize them and make then stand out because these words hold special meaning. I love that this book makes the child feel good about themselves, reaffirms that they can be be true to themselves and do great things with their lives. This is the perfect bedtime book to settle your little one down for the night because it ends with the child saying their prayers and going to sleep. I highly recommend this book to anyone with little ones.


You can purchase Goodnight, My Darling Dear on amazon.

  • Prize: Win a copy of Goodnight, My Darling Dear
  • Host: HarperCollins Christian Publishing and FrontGate Media.
  • Who Can Enter: Open to US Residents 18 years or older.
  • Selection Process: 5 Winners will be selected on 03/30/2020 and notified by email.
  • Where to Enter: Go to this link https://www.blessedfreebies.com/good-night-my-darling-dear-giveaway.html and fill out the form to enter.

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

YWAM Publishing Heroes of History Clara Barton: Courage Under Fire and Unit Study Curriculum Guide Review #ComplimentaryProductReceived

Disclaimer: I received a complimentary copy of this product through the HOMESCHOOL REVIEW CREW in exchange for my honest review. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way.

My family had the privilege of reading the Heroes of History - Clara Barton from YWAM Publishing for this review to use in conjunction with our own curriculum at home. This is a Homeschool Review Crew Review. All opinions expressed are my own or those of my family.

YWAM (YOUTH WITH A MISSION) Publishing is a nonprofit organization that produces and distributes books that help Christians make a difference in the world by giving a portion of every dollar spent to buy books through YWAM Publishing to children and adults in other countries that are in need. Their books focus on evangelism, educational training, prayer, discipleship, and mercy ministries.

YWAM Publishing has two popular book series; one called Heroes of History and the other called Christian Heroes: Then & Now; in which true stories are told of real people that lived in our history. In the Heroes of History series we learn about great men and woman who changed the course of history. In the Christian Heroes: Then & Now series we learn about ordinary people who have put their trust in God and in doing so accomplish extraordinary things. Both of these book series help us as: parents, teachers, and caretakers; give our children wholesome biographies to read or be read to that teach good character traits, values, and virtues.

Clara Barton: Courage Under Fire Book


Clara Barton: Courage Under Fire by Janet & Geoff Benge is part of a series of 29 biography books called Heroes of History by YWAM Publishing. This series covers the years 1451 to 1951. This book tells the true life story of Clara Barton who was a nurse on the front-lines of the Civil War and the founder of the American Red Cross. This Christian biography book from YWAM Publishing about Clara Barton teaches great character traits, values, and virtues too. This book covers the years 1821 to 1912. It chronicles her life from the age of 4 to her death in 1912. It is a total of 17 chapters and 191 pages long.

Clara Barton Unit Study download page tab.


The Unit Study Curriculum Guide that is paired with the Clara Barton: Courage Under Fire book that I received was in the digital downloadable format and opened as an executable file. The digital version is downloadable in a zipped format, so you will have to unzip before you use it. After selecting where it will go on your computer, unzip it, and find the folder it placed it all into. Find the file version you need: __MACOSX for Macintosh and the other for PC. Click on the file that has START HERE in its title and it will open in a new window in your browser. You can then read a very short synopsis of the biography under the Clara Barton tab, download the unit study under the Unit Study tab, etc.

The Unit Study downloads in PDF format. It also has a 25 page guide for classroom and homeschool as well as a 12 page guide for a small group that tells you how to best use the unit study. This shows how flexible you can be with the unit study. You can do the whole study or just parts of it. It is all up to you how you use it. The unit study goes in depth to help you go above and beyond the book and explore other areas that pertain to the material like: crafts, cooking, art, and writing assignments; has questions to ask your children to see if they comprehended the reading, and quotes to use as copywork to enhance handwriting or memorization. The unit study is broken into two parts.

Here is the Unit Study Curriculum Guide Contents:
Part 1 -
Introduction (how to use the study)

  1. Key Quotes (great for copywork, memorization, theatrical presentation, or art display)
  2. Display Corner (an area designated for hands on display of items relating to the reading)
  3. Chapter Questions (questions that enhance the reading: 1 vocabulary, 1 factual, 2 comprehension, and 2 open-ended)
  4. Student Explorations (essay questions, creative writing, hands-on projects, audio/visual projects, arts & crafts)
  5. Community Links (field trip ideas)
  6. Social Studies (places, journeys, terms/vocabulary, geographical characteristics: mapping, timeline: plotting historical events, conceptual questions)
  7. Related Themes to Explore (cultures, math, literature, history, current events, science & medicine)
  8. Culminating Event (sort of a show and tell ending, ideas include: invitations, clothing, competitions, presentations, food, displays)

Appendix A: Books and Resources
Appendix B: Answers to Chapter Questions
Appendix C: Social Studies Reproducibles

Part 2 -
Appendix C: Social Studies Reproducibles (continued)

Teela reading YWAM Publishing Heroes of History Clara Barton: Courage Under Fire.


How We Used This and Our Thoughts:

I read the book to my 9 year old daughter Zari so we could have time to get through some of the study guide too. My daughter Teela who is 11 and my sons who are 17 and 19 have been reading it to themselves and doing some of the projects from the study guide on their own time. Zari enjoyed listening to me read about Clara Barton. We learned more about Clara Barton's life from reading this book than any textbook we had read or movie we had watched previously. It was quite refreshing to learn more about this important woman.

After each chapter my girls and I did the first three questions from the study guide which are geared toward the younger students. They include a vocabulary question, a factual question coming from the reading, and the first comprehension question. The study guide is geared toward ages 10+. So I had to help Zari with the some of the vocabulary because of its advanced nature. We would look up the words in a dictionary and thesaurus as well, for more understanding. My boys, Jaedan and Delbin, who are 17 and 19, had no problem with the reading and vocabulary, but that is because they are voracious readers. I had my boys do all of the chapter questions. Besides the chapter questions I had my girls do copywork from the key quotes and I had my boys memorize them and say them back to me. I will have my sons do an essay as suggested in the study guide under the student explorations and essays. They also will be doing some creative writing.

We also went to other websites in the books and resources section of the study guide to learn more about Clara Barton, Civil War, Spanish-American War, Red Cross, nursing, etc. We also loved learning about how to dress like Clara Barton and what women wore back then. We also loved learning about the Red Cross more from their website. My sister-in-law, Amy, is in the Red Cross as a volunteer, so this was very cool to learn about.

There was so much to learn and explore in this unit study. We were amazed at the very complexity of it all. We didn't even begin to scratch the surface and were still very engaged in the lengthy unit study.

The YWAM Publishing biographies are historical and true. These true stories along with the unit studies are great for homeschooling families. We hope to get to read about George Washington Carver next in their extensive biography list. I highly recommend these!


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YWAM Publishing Heroes of History Clara Barton: Courage Under Fire book:
Regular Price: $9.99 YWAM Price: $7.50

Read other homeschool curriculum reviews for YWAM Publishing...
32 Heroes of History {YWAM Publishing Reviews}

Monday, March 23, 2020

TV Store Online Pinkie Pie Hoodie Review and Spring Giveaway! #ComplimentaryProductReceived

DISCLOSURE/DISCLAIMER: I received this complimentary product from TV Store Online in exchange for my honest review. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way. The giveaway product is also provided complimenary to the winner.

TV Store Online is a great online store that has quality licensed merchandise from TV, movies, comic books, and 80's themes. There is stuff from Disney, Hasbro, Nintendo, Marvel, Harry Potter, Dr. Who, Star Wars, Star Trek, etc. You can find a number of accessories, clothing, footwear, pajamas, robes, costumes, shirts, leggings, etc.

MLP FIM Pinkie Pie Hoodie. Super Cute!

If you've been reading my blog for a while you know that I am a Brony, a fan of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic that is outside the target demographic of little girls. Practically my whole family are into the animated TV series, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic or MLP FIM for short. We go to Seattle Washington every year to participate in Everfree Northwest, the MLP convention out there. Sometimes we even cosplay characters from the show. I have been wanting to get a Pinkie Pie Hoodie ever since the first convention because Pinkie Pie is my third favorite of the mane six ponies. I already have the Fluttershy hoodie and Twilight hoodie that is similar to this one.

MLP FIM Pinkie Pie Hoodie front.

For this review I picked out a Pinkie Pie Face Juniors Pink Costume Hoodie with Mane in Junior Women's XS to review. The XS fit me a bit snug. This hoodie usually comes in XS-2X in junior sizes, but all sizes are out of stock except for XS. I love that this hoodie is super soft inside and has pockets to keep my hands warm. It is pink which matches Pinkie Pie's actual color and has Pinkie Pie's cutie mark on one of the lower sides. The hooded sweatshirt is made from 80% Cotton and 20% Polyester. The draw string hood has adorable ears, and fuchsia mane that comes down the back. The zipper pull has the symbol from Pinkie Pie's cutie mark and her cute face on the chest. I cannot wait to wear this for Halloween and to Everfree NW this year if they don't cancel it because of the Coronavirus!

MLP FIM Pinkie Pie Hoodie back.

I recommend TV Store Online for all your fan apparel needs for the entire family. You can even all match or be unique...it is all up to you. They have so many different items to choose from there is bound to be something that would be perfect for gifting.

MLP FIM Pinkie Pie Hoodie has pockets and a cutie mark.



Prize: Choice of product from TV Store Online up to $50.
Who Can Enter: 18+, USA and Canada Only

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Carole P. Roman Books Review #ComplimentaryProductReceived

Disclaimer: I received a complimentary copy of this product through the HOMESCHOOL REVIEW CREW in exchange for my honest review. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way.

My family had the privilege of trying the Carole P. Roman's assorted series from Carole P. Roman for this review to use in conjunction with our own curriculum at home. This is a Homeschool Review Crew Review. All opinions expressed are my own or those of my family.

The four books we received are:

Carole P. Roman is the author of many books including the Captain No Beard series, Oh Susannah series, If You Were Me and Lived in... Cultures Around the World series, and the If You Were Me and Lived in... Civilizations Throughout History series. She loves combining her teaching past with her love of exploration and interest in the grand world all around us. She also loves sharing history and culture with her readers.

If You Were Me and Lived in... Civilizations Throughout History Series currently consists of 11 books with more to come later. These softcover books take you back through time to visit different civilizations throughout history. Discover Ancient Greece, Renaissance Italy, Elizabethan England, Colonial America, Ancient China: The Han Dynasty, Middle Ages, American West, Viking Europe, Mayan Empire, Ancient Mali Empire and Mars. These follow what it would have been like to live and grow up in these places through the eyes of a young person. This makes the books more relatable to children who read them. These physical books cover occupations, food, clothing, recreation, important people, etc. Recommended for ages 8 to 15.

If You Were Me and Lived in... Cultures Around the World Series currently consists of 22 books with more to come later. These softcover books take you to explore different cultures. Discover Mexico, Australia, Turkey, Hungary, Poland, France, India, Portugal, Scotland, Italy, South Korea, Peru, Kenya, China, Russia, Norway, Greece, Egypt, Brazil, Israel, Germany, and Cuba. These give you an inside look into what culture is like in these countries. You can become a "world traveler" in the comfort of your own home. Recommended for ages 4 to 9.

Zari enjoying the Carole P. Roman books.

How We Used This and Our Thoughts:

We were given four books from the ones we didn't currently have. We have reviewed for Carole P. Roman before and we love her books! The books we received were: If You Were Me and Lived in...Ancient China, If You Were Me and Lived in...Israel, If You Were Me and Lived in...France, and If You Were Me and Lived in...Greece.

If You Were Me and Lived in...Ancient China is a softcover book by Carole P. Roman. The illustrations are fun and done in pastel colors by Mateya Arkova. This book has 76 pages with Important People in Ancient China and a glossary in the back. We learned about: when you would be born, what a city in China looks like now, what it might have looked like back then and a bit about it, the Han Dynasty, what you would be named, where you might have lived, about the capital back then, the Silk Road, how the city was laid out, what job your father held, the farmers and poor, how homes were built, parts of the home, what people ate and drank, what was inside the home, Kang beds, hierarchy of the home, arranged marriage, about Confucianism, what you and others wore, Silk, makeup, hairstyles, slaves, professions, school and education, religion, recreation, music and arts, holidays and celebrations, numbers and colors, Chinese Calendar, etc. My son, Jaedan, got to go to China as an exchange student March of last year. He got to see all sorts of things including: The Great Wall of China, Forbidden City, Terracotta Warriors, Temple of Heaven, Tiananmen Square, etc. We are going to be using this with our unit study of The Han Dynasty and China.

If You Were Me and Lived in...Greece is a softcover book by Carole P. Roman. The illustrations are fun and done in dark classic colors. This book has 28 pages with a pronunciation guide in the back. We learned about: where the country was, what the country looks like and a bit about it, about its capital, what the popular names for boys and girls there are, what you would call your mom and dad and grandma and grandpa there, what money is called, places to see there, what food you would enjoy there, what things you would see there, what sports you would enjoy playing, holidays you would celebrate, and where they go to school. I love Greek food; especially with Tzatziki, and I would love to visit the Parthenon someday. The Feast of St. Basil also sounds like fun. I remember when I was little my grandparents on my mothers side going to Greece and coming back with gifts for us from the region. We are going to be using this with our unit study of Hellas, Greece, Grecian culture, and Greek people.

If You Were Me and Lived in...France is a softcover book by Carole P. Roman. The illustrations are fun and done in dark classic colors. This book has 23 pages with a pronunciation guide in the back. We learned about: where the country was on a globe, about its capital, what the popular names for boys and girls there are, what you would call your mom and dad there, what money is called, places to see there, what food you would enjoy there, what sports you would enjoy playing, things you would enjoy doing, holidays you would celebrate, and where they go to school. I love crepes and I would love to visit the Eiffel Tower someday. We are going to be using this with our unit study of France and French people.

If You Were Me and Lived in...Israel is a softcover book by Carole P. Roman. The illustrations are fun and done in dark classic colors. This book has 32 pages with a pronunciation guide in the back. We learned about: where the country was on a globe, what the country looks like and a bit about it, about its capital, what the popular names for boys and girls there are, what you would call your mom and dad there, where you would shop, what money is called, places to see there, what you would call your grandma and grandpa there, what food you would enjoy there, what sports you would enjoy playing, holidays you would celebrate, why you write the way you do, and where they go to school. I would love to visit the Israel someday and see the Holy Land. Some of my husband's family is Jewish and we were invited to our Orthodox Jewish nephew's wedding ceremony in October of 2017. The food was so different, but very good. I already love humus and baklava, but they had so many other things to try there too. We are going to be using this with our unit study of Israel, The Holy Land, and Israeli people.

The If You Were Me and Lived in... series is a wonderful supplement for history lessons in homeschool. These are great to be used with unit studies and wonderful even just by themselves. My children loved reading these and learning so much more about these times and civilizations. I love how these cultural books teach a huge amount of children's history because they are through the eyes of a child. They are great for children's education!

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Read other homeschool curriculum reviews for Carole P. Roman books...
Carole P. Roman's History, Geography, Bedtime & Captain No Beard series {Carole P. Roman Reviews}

Monday, March 9, 2020

Albert Whitman & Company The Boxcar Children Early Reader Set #1 Review #ComplimentaryProductReceived

Disclaimer: I received a complimentary copy of this product through the HOMESCHOOL REVIEW CREW in exchange for my honest review. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way.

My family had the privilege of trying the The Boxcar Children Early Reader Set #1 from Albert Whitman & Company for this review to use in conjunction with our own curriculum at home. This is a Homeschool Review Crew Review. All opinions expressed are my own or those of my family.

Albert Whitman & Company is a book company that publishes and sells children's books. These books are selected to help readers grow intellectually and emotionally. Albert Whitman & Company has been publishing award-winning children’s books since 1919. They publish picture books, novels, and nonfiction books for children in grades PreK-12, including the classic series The Boxcar Children Mysteries.

We received the hardcover editions of The Boxcar Children Early Reader Set #1.

The Boxcar Children Early Reader Set #1 is a classic book set by Gertrude Chandler Warner adapted for beginning readers. They are illustrated by Shane Clester after the artwork from the animated film The Boxcar Children released in 2014. This first set has four books: The Boxcar Children, Surprise Island, The Yellow House Mystery, and Mystery Ranch. These are perfect for readers in K-2, ages 5-7. These are part pf the Time to Read® program and are Level 2 readers which are books for kids that are "reading with help". These books come in both paperback and hardcover versions. There are 6 books currently in The Boxcar Children Early Reader series with a total of 8 books planned through 2020.

Zari reading me The Boxcar Children.

How We Used This and Our Thoughts:

We received the hardcover editions of The Boxcar Children Early Reader Set #1. My daughter Zari, who is in 3rd grade read these books. She read them allowed to me so that I could monitor her progress and ask her questions about each book after she read them. These books were at her reading level. She struggled a little on the big unfamiliar words, but generally she did very well at reading them to me.

If you read further there are spoilers...

The first book, The Boxcar Children, was an introduction to the 4 Alden children: Henry, Jessie, Violet, and Benny. As orphans, the siblings are trying to make it on their own. In this book they are in search for a place to call home. Do they find somewhere safe to be together as a family?

Zari said she really loved that they found a home. Her favorite part was when they found the dog that they named Watch. She also liked that they got to keep the Boxcar.

The second book is called Surprise Island. Apparently this book is based on not only the book by Gertrude Chandler Warner, but a movie called Surprise Island, as well. This book has the children being invited to go to an island for the summer. They make friends with Joe, the island's friendly handyman. As they explore the island they find all sorts of surprises and mysterious things too. What will they uncover about the island and their new friend Joe?

Zari said she loved all the surprises they found on the island. She would love to go clam digging sometime. She loves beach combing!

In the third book, The Yellow House Mystery, the Alden children find an old letter in an abandoned yellow house on Surprise Island that leads to a mystery. Long ago the house was abandoned by a man named Bill and he never came back to the island. What ever happened to him? Will the Alden children solve the clues with what is written on the old letter?

Zari said she thought it was cool that the Alden children were being detectives. Zari loves to hike on trails and explore as well. She said her favorite part in the book was where they saw the moose swimming in the water while the children were paddling in boats. That must have been slightly scary to see an animal that huge and wild up so close.

Mystery Ranch is the forth book in The Boxcar Children series. The Alden children go to their Aunt's Ranch for the summer. Their aunt is sad that everyone is moving away from her and that she might have to sell her ranch. She is lonely so the children try to cheer her up. What are the strange rocks on her property? Will they be able to help their aunt save her ranch?

Zari said she is glad that the Aldens are meeting more of their family. She likes to go on trips to visit her relatives too. She thought it was very nice of the Alden children to help out with the chores on the ranch. She loved the very ending of this book the most.

This Boxcar classics series of books are great for early readers. I believe they are great for ages 6-8. They hold kids interest and have great color illustrations. These are wonderful books full of adventure. These leveled picture books will help transition young readers to chapter books. Your children will love to become sleuths right along side The Boxcar Children while reading their adventures.

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Read other homeschool curriculum reviews for Albert Whitman & Company The Boxcar Children Early Reader Set...
The Boxcar Children Early Reader Set {Albert Whitman & Company Reviews}