Monday, September 9, 2013

Back to School with Children's Oxylent Review and Giveaway

We received products free to facilitate this review and have been offered products to give away as well.

Nutrition is so important for our children. How your child eats today will have a huge impact on their health throughout adolescence and adulthood. It is imperative to instill good habits when children are young so they grow into healthy adults. Getting the most nutritious food into them; however, sometimes can be a daunting task. Some children are very picky eaters and to them the nutritious food might not be the best tasting. Getting the proper vitamins and minerals everyday can be hard sometimes. Especially since we tend to live busy lifestyles.

This fall, you can send your kids off to school with strong immune systems and a big boost of brain power! Children's Oxylent delivers essential nutrients and offers a fun, great tasting, nutritious drink, sweetened with Stevia only.

Specifically, Children's Oxylent:
  • Nurtures: A balance of the highest-quality nutrients supports your child's development and well-being. Vitamin A supports growth, vitamins E and B support developing nervous systems, and zinc supports brain function. 
  •  Strengthens: Vitamin D3, calcium, and magnesium support the health of growing bones and muscles.9–11 Recent research shows that even kids in sunny climates don't get enough vitamin D.
  • Protects: Vitamins A, C, and D, and the mineral zinc promote the health and function of your child's immune system. Vitamin C, a water-soluble vitamin, is important to replenish daily.
The Children's Oxylent multivitamin drink comes in bubbly berry punch flavor. My kids really love the flavor and it is easy to mix with 4-6 ounces of water. It is sorta fizzy. I found that it doesn't dissolve completely. There is always some white residue that is left behind after drinking. Getting my children to get their vitamins this way was not hard at all. One packet daily is recommended amount for children over 4 years old.I love the fact that Stevia is used instead of sugar, it has natural fruit flavors, and beet powder is used for coloring.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

DISCLOSURE/DISCLAIMER: I received products for free to facilitate my review and giveaway. My thoughts are mine and my family's own opinion and have not been altered by anyone else. I did not receive any other compensation for doing this review and giveaway.


Samantha Cuff said...

I've haven't tried this yet for my daughter - but would love to!

Maryann said...

I love that it is sugar free!

Erin said...

I like that Stevia is used instead of sugar too!

Janet said...

Sugar free! Vitamins in a drink. Carl and I often drink a vitamin drink after we workout to feed our muscles. Thanks.