I would like you to know that there are wonderful resources available for free to help you make safe choices about car seats and to help you use your car seats properly for maximum safety.

- Twitter: An actual safety expert mans the @ChildSeatSafety account on Twitter, and they will continue to answer any questions that parents have about child passenger safety. This is such a unique resource from a government agency!
- Facebook: NHTSA has a Facebook page at http://facebook.com/childpassengersafety where parents can learn about everything from LATCH to locating inspection offices.
- Websites: The Ad Council and the NHTSA have created a site with all the resources parents need to keep their smallest passengers safe: http://childcarsafety.adcouncil.org
Find your local inspection station, watch instructional videos, and even take a fun quiz!
Child Passenger Safety: http://www.nhtsa.gov/cps
Inspection Station Locator: http://www.nhtsa.gov/cps/cpsfitting/index.cfm
Recall Information from NHTSA:
Child Seat Registration:
DISCLAIMER: Momfluence graciously gave me the information for this campaign. Amy Lupold Bair, founder of Momfluence, is acting on behalf of NHTSA's child passenger safety efforts and so am I by posting this information.
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