The babies of Team USA athletes are going to be given the new Pampers Cruisers Diapers with Dry Max to wear as they head to Vancouver. Honoring these athletes and their families, Pampers has put the Team USA logo on them. Although these limited-edition "Team USA" diapers will not be for sale, you can get a free three-pack of the new Pampers Cruisers with Dry Max starting the morning of January 29th to celebrate the new diapers. Pampers will randomly be inserting diapers with the "Team USA" logo, and if you receive one of these you will win free diapers for a year! Remember freebies like this usually go fast so keep checking Pampers.com to sign up!!
***UPDATE: HERE is the actual website URL for the free 3-pack!
Disclaimer: Thanks to Pampers and American Pop - Social Media Marketing for this information to share with my viewers. I did not get compensated with anything for this posting.
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