Thursday, July 9, 2009

Wupzey Review and Giveaway

Do you have a baby that makes a big mess when eating in their highchair? If so, this product is possibly for you! This clever device called a Wupzey fits under your baby's highchair and catches the food, sippy cups, utensils, etc. that baby drops down its front. It is lightweight and made of durable rip-stop nylon. The Wupzey is machine washable or you can just rinse or wipe it clean. It dries fast, is water resistant, and costs about $14-$15. Wupzey is intended for a child of 5-18 months, depending on the ability and size of the child, who is learning to eat foods by themself.

I received a navy food catcher from Wupzey. It was a bit tricky to install on my daughter's highchair because of the way my highchair is built, but I managed to get it on after a few tries moving the Velcro squares around to find the best position. After I installed it I was ready to have Teela try it out. I gave my daughter some cereal and raisins. All the food she dropped down her front became instantly trapped by the Wupzey. We also tried it at a later time when Teela was trying to spoon feed herself and she got quite a bit down her front and into the Wupzey at that time because she is still trying to get the hang of using a spoon properly. Teela does like to slosh food off the sides of the tray and has a pretty good throwing arm for a there was still food that got onto my floor, but the Wupzey did do what it was advertised to do. It reduced the mess on my floor. Thank you Wupzey :)

Thanks to ChicExecs, a company which was created to promote small business campaigns, I was able to let you know about this product.

Win it! Peter at Wupzey is giving one lucky reader a Cranberry Red Wupzey.

1. Go to the Wupzey website and tell me what other things they sell from their store.

Additional entries:
1. Subscribe to my blog by Blogger, by email, or both and let me know. (1 extra entry)

2. Become my fan on Facebook. (1 extra entry)

3. Blog about this giveaway on your blog and provide me with the link. Make sure you have the link to this post and Wupzey in your blog entry or it won't count. (2 extra entries)

4. Grab My Button - See Sidebar to the left - Leave your link (1 extra entry)

5. Technorati my blog and let me know your link. (1 extra entry)

6. Follow me on twitter and retweet this: @finamoon WIN: Wupzey Cranberry Red Food Catcher
(Daily Extras are Available)

7. Fave me on Momfaves. (2 extra entries)

8. Comment on any other one of my posts and tell me which one. (1 extra entry)

Make sure you leave me your email in all posts so that I can contact you. If you blogged about this or faved me on Momfaves leave 2 entries saying you did. This contest ends on Friday July 17, 2009 at midnight (GMT-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada). This Giveaway is only open to U.S. only.


Courtney said...

They also sell Coveralls, which I'd love for painting time.

courtneytarver85 at yahoo dot com

Courtney said...

I subscribe by email.
courtneytarver85 at yahoo dot com

Courtney said...

I fave'd on Technorati
courtneytarver85 at yahoo dot com

Courtney said...

I'm a Facebook Fan : Courtney Lyn

courtneytarver85 at yahoo dot com

Courtney said...

I follow you on twitter and tweeted:
courtneytarver85 at yahoo dot com

Rajee said...

They also sells Coveralls.

Rajee said...


Rajee said...

facebook fan Rajee Pandi

Rajee said...

tweeted @myproductreview

Sylvia said...

They sell bibs and coveralls

Sylvia said...

I subscribe

Kim said...

they carry: Shopping Cart/Diner Covers

trisha too said...

bibs, coveralls, diner covers--those shopping cart covers are one of the best inventions EVER.

sandtneal at mfire dotty com

trisha too said...

"Wordless Wednesday Hawaiian Baby"

has a new comment . . .

sandtneal at mfire dotty com

nightowl said...

They sell bibs and coveralls, also.
winit6 (at) hotmail (dot) com

nightowl said...

I subscribe by email.
winit6 (at) hotmail (dot) com

Jen M said...

They have bibs and coveralls as well!

Xenia said...

They also sell a Pink Hawaiian Bib, which is really cute!

xpbloch at juno dot com

Xenia said...

I'm an email subscriber!

xpbloch at juno dot com

tina reynolds said...

they sell coveralls and bibs thanks so much for the chance

tina reynolds said...

i subscribe to your blog thanks for the chance

Courtney said...

They also sell bibs and coveralls! Thanks for the giveaway!

Courtney said...

I subscribe via google reader

Courtney said...

I subscribe via email

Courtney said...

I follow you on blogger

Courtney said...

I'm a fan on facebook (courtney c)

Courtney said...

I have your button

Courtney said...

I favorited you on technorati (annasmama0702)

Courtney said...

I follow you on twitter and tweeted: