Thursday, April 29, 2021

Figures In Motion Famous Figures of Ancient Times Review


Disclaimer: I received this complimentary product through the Homeschool Review Crew in exchange for my honest review. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way.

My family had the privilege of trying Famous Figures of Ancient Times from Figures In Motion for this review to use in conjunction with our own curriculum at home. This is a Homeschool Review Crew Review. All opinions expressed are my own or those of my family.

Figures In Motion was created by Cathy Diez-Luckie an award-winning illustrator and homeschooler. One Thanksgiving she came up with the idea of making articulated puppets for her children of Pilgrims. Her children loved them so much she decided to make more historical figures and the company was born. Now Figures In Motion has 8 books dedicated to movable paper figures throughout history, including a book on dinosaurs! They also have 6 different coloring eBooks as well. 

The Figures In Motion paper puppets for kids consumable books make up different time periods. They have Famous Figures of Ancient Times, Famous Figures of Medieval Times, Famous Figures of the Middle Ages & Renaissance, Famous Figures of the Early Modern Era, Famous Figures of the American Revolution, Famous Figures of the Civil War, Footsteps in Faith Queen Esther, and Dinosaurs on the Move. Each book is softcover with perforated pages to tear out for easy access to each paper doll. The pages are made of card stock material. In the front of the books are short descriptions of each historical figure. Then it has a reading list for each paper puppet to further learning. Each historical figure has a full color version and a black and white lined version to color. The costume illustrations are historically accurate. On the back of each paper puppet's articulated pieces are how they are put together with the help of a letter key. After they are cut out, these pieces are hole punched with a ⅛" hole punch where indicated and put together with mini brads so that they are moveable at the joints. You may purchase the hole punch and brads separately at most craft stores (Hobby Lobby, Michaels, etc.) or on the Figures In Motion website. They allow moms to copy the line art pages to use with more than one child in your family. They do not allow them being shared at coops, or between other families or school settings. They have licenses for coops, church groups, and classrooms.

Figures In Motion Famous Figures of Ancient Times


How We Used This and Our Thoughts:

We received the Famous Figures of Ancient Times physical book from Figures In Motion. Figures In Motion was very generous as they also gave us a hole punch and brads in the correct size for the review. This particular book had 21 historical men and women (19 men and 2 women). Figures include Jesus, Moses, David, Julius Cesar, Alexander the Great, Aristotle, and more! We will be studying more on each figure as we read about them with our ancient history lessons at home. The included book list will be a great teaching resource so that we can further our learning. We love learning about history especially if it is hands-on. These books make history incredibly interactive.


Zari assembling Leizu.

Zari looked through the Famous Figures of Ancient Times book to pick out a figure to articulate. She was very surprised to find there were only two women in the book. She picked Leizu, a Chinese empress, to learn about, cut out, and put together. We read the blurb about Leizu first. Then, Zari chose the full color version of her because she wasn't in a coloring mood. We pulled the page out with the perforated edge and she cut out all the pieces. Besides letters to match up we noticed that the back of each piece had either back or front on them so you could place them in the correct position on the articulated doll. I showed Zari how to line up the hole punch correctly and punch out the holes where the dots where located on the doll. She placed each body part on the doll correctly and lined up the holes to place the tiny brads. After she was finished putting the doll together she danced her around the table saying, "Oh no! A cocoon dropped into my tea!".


Zari holding the articulated movable paper doll, Leizu.

We highly recommend Figures In Motion Famous Figures of Ancient Times. These are great for kids to have a hands-on tactile experience learning history. Because they are moveable they are more fun than your standard paper doll and they are super easy to assemble. This is a great arts and craft to enjoy along with the learning. Kids can put on a puppet show to reenact historical events with these. They are great educational play and the imagination. The historical paper dolls are wonderful to be used with biographies, with lap books, as a unit study, with a timeline, or with any ancient history curriculum.


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Figures in Motion

Monday, April 19, 2021

TV Store Online Wonder Woman Vintage Tried and True Full Zip Sedona Hooded Sweatshirt Review and Giveaway #justiceleague


DISCLOSURE/DISCLAIMER: I received this complimentary product from TV Store Online in exchange for my honest review. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way. The giveaway product is also provided complimentary to the winner. Affiliate links are in this posting. Thanks for supporting my blog.




TV Store Online is a great online store that has quality licensed merchandise from TV, movies, comic books, and 80's themes. There is stuff from Disney, Hasbro, Nintendo, Marvel, DC Comics, Harry Potter, Dr. Who, Star Wars, Star Trek, etc. You can find a number of accessories, clothing, footwear, pajamas, robes, costumes, shirts, leggings, etc.


The TV Store Online Wonder Woman Hoodie has pockets!

Apparently there is a new Justice League movie that just started streaming on HBO Max, so celebration was in order. For this review I picked out the Wonder Woman Vintage Tried and True Full Zip Sedona Hooded Sweatshirt in a small to review. The small fit was just right. This officially licensed hooded sweatshirt comes in S-XL in juniors sizes. I love that this sweatshirt is super soft inside and out, has a hood, zips up, and has pockets. It is a lovely sedona red color and has the words *Wonder * Woman* printed up the right sleeve. It also has the Wonder Woman logo on the left side. I love the retro feel of it. The hoodie is made from 60% Cotton and 40% Polyester. I love the comfortable feel of this hoodie and will wear it often!

I recommend TV Store Online for all your fan apparel needs for the entire family. You can even all match or be is all up to you. Father's Day is coming up and they have so many great products to choose from. Deluxe Face Masks are now available too!




Prize: Choice of Justice League product from TV Store Online up to $50.
Who Can Enter: 18+, USA and Canada Only

Wednesday, April 14, 2021

ARTistic Pursuits Inc. Art of the Northern Countries Review #ComplimentaryProductReceived


Disclaimer: I received this complimentary product through the Homeschool Review Crew in exchange for my honest review. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way.

My family had the privilege of trying the Art of the Northern Countries from Artistic Pursuits Inc. for this review to use in conjunction with our own curriculum at home. This is a Homeschool Review Crew Review. All opinions expressed are my own or those of my family.

ARTistic Pursuits Inc. creates art curriculum for children. This full-color curriculum helps children to grow their skills of observation and critical thinking. It teaches all components of fine art, including creativity, art history, art appreciation, and art techniques. This unique homeschool art program permits the student to be expressive and make up their own decision about what and how they will draw, paint, or sculpt.

ARTistic Pursuits Art Instruction Books with DVD and Blu-Ray by Brenda Ellis are brand new hardcover books for kindergarten and elementary students. These have art history and art instruction lessons in text with pictures to study and video lessons on how to use the art materials. There are a total of 8 volumes currently:

  • K-3 Vol. 1 ART FOR CHILDREN, Building a Visual Vocabulary
  • K-3 Vol. 8 ART IN AMERICA

Each book covers one whole semester of art if you have your student do one lesson a week. You can do these lessons chronologically starting with volume 1 and follow the history volumes in order or do volume 1 and then skip to the volume of choice after that. It is all up to you.

Art of the Northern Countries is the fifth volume of the series. It is a hardcover book with both Blu-ray and DVD. It has 64 pages, 18 lessons (12 text lessons featuring artworks by ancient artists and 6 video lessons featuring art instruction on materials), and 86 illustrations. This art curriculum book and videos takes a look at of the Northern Countries of Europe from renaissance to realism. The book covers monoprints, observation drawing, relief prints, and more. Young learners will discover where the long lasting tradition of Realism in Western art began as they create and respond to art of the Northern Countries of Europe. They will experience art from famous artists like: Durer, Tuner, Millet, and Carot. Children will work with printmaking, watercolor, charcoal, and oil pastel.

K-3 Vol.5 Art Supply Pack | ARTistic Pursuits

K-3 Vol. 2 Art Supply Pack (can be purchased separately or with the book for additional cost) Includes:

  • Prang Pan Watercolors, set of 8
  • Blick Vine Charcoal sticks
  • Watercolor Paper Pad, 30 sheets
  • Sketch Paper Pad, 30 sheets
  • Speedball Hard Rubber Brayer
  • Water Soluble Printing Ink in teal, yellow, and black
  • Foam Printing Sheets, set of 12, 9" x 12"
  • 15" x 15" cotton fabric burnt orange cotton tote bag

You will also need these materials from K-3 Vol. 1 Starter Pack Materials list:
  • Ebony pencil
  • Watercolor brush, #8 round
  • Watercolor paper pad
  • Drawing paper pad
  • Construction paper
  • Scissors
  • Elmer's Glue-All

ARTistic Pursuits Inc. Art of the Northern Countries Lessons 1-4.


How We Used This and Our Thoughts:

I did this art instruction for kids with my daughters Zari and Teela who are in 4th and 7th grade this school year. We did one lesson a week and completed 4 lessons. We did what we could with what we had at home and I also bought some supplies as well. My kids love art so they enjoyed these activities and learning about the art and history very much.

The lessons without videos have prep notes with tips and information about the type of art. It also has notes on how to instruct a larger group. Then there is the art history lesson on the next page with pictures of an art piece and questions at the end in bold. After the history lesson the book has a page of how to do the art. Each art lesson has a box of text that will list the materials needed for that art project, an example picture of the art made by a student, pictures of the art being assembled and instructions with more insight into the history. The lessons that have videos are truncated in the book and have a minimal amount of information to show you what art will be created and what materials are needed to make the art. These are used with the DVD or Blu-ray.


ARTistic Pursuits Inc. Art of the Northern Countries Online Course.

We also received access to the Online Course for the Art of the Northern Countries. When you login you get to a page that says "My Art Courses". This lets you click on view product and sends you to that course page. This page lets you start the course online with some bonuses. First it has a "Course Introduction" which has "Welcome to the Course", "Your Instructor", and "Course Book and Contents" in video format. The next category in the Online Course is "The Art of Seeing". This section has 2 bonus video lessons: "First Landscapes" and "Discovering Light". The next section is called, "The Fundamentals" and it has all of the same video lessons online as the DVD to follow along with the book lessons. The next category is called "Advanced Tips" and has a video on "Why Light and Dark Need Each Other". Last is a "Course Wrap Up" and has a video called, "What's Next". It will automatically mark these video lessons as complete once they are watched or you can mark as complete yourself. After they are completed they will have a check mark show up beside them in the course menu. We loved having the option to watch these videos online.


ARTistic Pursuits Inc. Art of the Northern Countries, K-3 Vol. 5: Lesson 1 (monoprint).


The first lesson we had an introduction of art in Europe around the Northern Renaissance and learned how to use a brayer roller and black water-soluble printing ink to make a monoprint using plants and stencils. This lesson was accompanied by a video (video #1) on the DVD or Blu-ray. This gave us very visual step-by-step instruction of the process. We liked the videos and thought they were very thorough, educational, and nicely done. The video had the art history and art instruction to show how to use the brayer roller and black water-soluble printing ink. Teela did this lesson and she did a butterfly as her stencil. She found plants in our yard to use as well. Hers didn't quite come out as crisp as the one shown in the video and book, but she at least got to understand monoprints and how they work.


ARTistic Pursuits Inc. Art of the Northern Countries, K-3 Vol. 5: Lesson 2 (observation drawing with oil pastels).

The second lesson in the book we learned about Durer and his painting, "The Large Piece of Turf". We read in the art book how Durer was inspired by art that looked like the real world and how he choose to paint plants when others were painting people. There are questions at the end in bold of this art history lesson about the "The Large Piece of Turf" painting in the book to make sure the children are paying attention to the art. Then we are told with words and shown with color pictures in the book how to make a frame out of construction paper and draw plants with oil pastels. Teela did this art outside and picked plants in our "fairy garden" to draw.


ARTistic Pursuits Inc. Art of the Northern Countries, K-3 Vol. 5: Lesson 3 (oil pastel drawing, snow scene).

The third lesson we learned about Bruegel's painting, "Hunters in the Snow". There are questions at the end in bold of the this art history lesson in the book to make sure the children are paying attention to the art. Then we are told with words and shown with color pictures in the book how to make an oil pastel drawing of a winter scene. Zari made a snowy cabin in the woods with snow falling and a moon.


ARTistic Pursuits Inc. Art of the Northern Countries, K-3 Vol. 5: Lesson 4 (relief print).

The forth lesson we learned more about relief prints. This lesson was accompanied by a video (video #2) on the DVD or Blu-ray. This gave us very visual step-by-step instruction of the process. In this lesson you make a white figure of a pet on a dark background. The video had the art and art instruction to show how to prepare the wax paper surface with the registration sheet, make a printing plate with foam printing sheets, and use the brayer. Zari decided she wanted to do our bunny, Norman, who had passed away. I helped make the printing plate. It asked us to use a picture of a light colored pet. We have a white horse, but Zari wanted to do Norman instead, so even though he was a black and white rabbit I think she did a good job as the correct areas of him were white and black.

There was only one thing that I would change if I was the author. My daughters and I wished that all the lessons had videos because we are very visual and the videos made the instruction so much easier, but we would also have liked those that did have videos to have the whole instruction and art history lesson in the book as well. This would make it easier to use with those children that are too young to read and those that learn better by reading than by visual and audio as well would benefit if both were used for all lessons. This would help our learners of all types.

So far ARTistic Pursuits Art Instruction Books with DVD and Blu-Ray Art of the Northern Countries has been very educational and fun. We have learned so much about the art of the time. I highly recommend this art for children. ARTistic Pursuits Inc. Art Instruction Books with DVD and Blu-Ray Art of the Northern Countries would be a great art curriculum for use with art history lessons and unit studies of Renaissance, Realism, and Europe.

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You can purchase ARTistic Pursuits Art Instruction Books with DVD and Blu-Ray. They are each $39.99. If you would like to purchase the art kits with these it is more and depends on the kit.

Read other homeschool curriculum reviews for ARTistic Pursuits Inc....

ARTistic Pursuits Drawing

Monday, April 12, 2021

Math-U-See Accelerated Individualized Mastery (AIM) for Multiplication with a Bridge to Division Review #ComplimentaryProductReceived


Disclaimer: I received this complimentary product through the Homeschool Review Crew in exchange for my honest review. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way.

My family had the privilege of trying the Accelerated Individualized Mastery (AIM) for Multiplication with a Bridge to Division from Math-U-See for this review to use in conjunction with our own curriculum at home. This is a Homeschool Review Crew Review. All opinions expressed are my own or those of my family.

The Accelerated Individualized Mastery (AIM) for Multiplication with a Bridge to Division Set has everything to teach older students who are struggling with math, specifically with a mastery of multiplication facts. This instructor-guided intervention program is generally targeting students age 10+. With the use of proven methods and manipulatives from Math-U-See, AIM strives to give students the confidence to learn better methods to succeed in multiplication and thus excel in more complex math continuing on in their education. Accelerated Individualized Mastery (AIM) for Multiplication with a Bridge to Division has 10 lessons for multiplication learning and 2 lessons with a bridge to division.

  • Accelerated – The opportunity for students to move quickly through a skill set they have not yet mastered, without extra distractions.
  • Individualized – Each student is different, as are their learning preferences. Using as many approaches as possible, the program creates an environment for a student to master the skills they still need at their own pace.
  • Mastery – In this program, mastery means that a student can recall all the math facts using as little mental energy as possible to remain engaged in the process of problem solving.


Accelerated Individualized Mastery (AIM) for Multiplication with a Bridge to Division Kit


Accelerated Individualized Mastery (AIM) Contents:

  • Resource Guide Step-by-step guide that includes the techniques, components, and instruction for presenting fact strategies and practicing for mastery. Includes 10 lesson plans for multiplication and 2 with a bridge to division.
  • Integer Blocks Proven Math-U-See manipulatives illustrate strategies and are integrated within the instructional materials.
  • Fact Check Cards Set of cards used for planning instruction and assessing mastery.
  • Math Facts Strategy Posters Individual posters illustrating the Math-U-See multiplication fact strategies.
  • Digital Pack Set includes code to redeem access to the AIM for Multiplication with a Bridge to Division Digital Pack. The Digital Pack includes lesson videos, instructions, solutions, and
    printable resources required for successful implementation of the AIM for Multiplication
    program. This gives you access to all the online and downloadable activities and resources. Internet access is required to utilize the Digital Pack. 


Lesson 2 in the Digital Tool-Box.

Getting to and using the Digital Pack that comes with the kit after it has been purchased is easy. Once you have purchased the Accelerated Individualized Mastery (AIM) for Multiplication with a Bridge to Division and it has arrived at your home you will receive a Digital Access card inside the box. This will give you access to the Digital Tool-Box online, just follow the directions to sign up. There is a pull down menu to select a product on the left. Pick Accelerated Individualized Mastery (AIM). On the right hand pull down menu select Multiplication. Once you select a lesson you can play the Streaming Instruction Video and/or click on the pull down menus underneath each video with printable PDF links for a Lesson Summary and Lesson Solutions. There are also Additional Activities and Resources that you can also print out.

How We Used This and Our Thoughts:

I used this program with my daughter Zari, who is 11 years old. She takes a long time with solving multiplication facts. Zari and I are familiar with Math-U-See and how the program works because we had used the Primer kit when Zari was in preschool and the AIM for Addition and Subtraction last year. Now that she is in 4th grade I believe the Accelerated Individualized Mastery (AIM) for Multiplication with a Bridge to Division will get her back on the right track for math and help her become more positive in her skills.

First Zari did the Before-AIM Assessment so that we could see where she was with her multiplication facts. This assessment is an important step to evaluate your student's progress and mastery. There will also be a After-AIM Assessment that will show you if your student achieved the goals. In this assessment 81 multiplication facts are asked verbally to the student in a stress free environment. Make a slash through the facts they answer correctly. Students being assessed can take a break after 1-2 minutes. You will then tally up the number of correct answers at the end.

This is what I did before most lessons:

  • Watch lesson video
  • Read lesson instructions
  • Study example problems
  • Gather lesson materials

These are the sessions of most lessons:
  • Session A: Present Lesson Instruction
  • Session B: Demonstrate Understanding
  • Session C: Transition Math Facts to Visual Memory
  • Session D: Assess for Mastery


Color by Block Value Activity

Lesson 1 was all about the integer blocks. This was review from last year. Zari loved the activities and resources parts of the instruction the most. In Lesson 1 her favorite was the color by block value activity. I thought she did very well with the activity sheets too in getting to learn the colors that went with each integer block. After mastering them again we moved onto lesson 2.


Zari watching Lesson 2 in the Digital Tool-Box.

Lesson 2 was all about rectangles, factors, and product. This lesson only has a session A. This lesson was also review for her. She also reviewed about area of a rectangle. After this we went onto the Digital Tool-Box and did the activity sheet that went along with the lesson. She did the Build, Write, Say method with the sheet. There are activities A-C on this sheet. Zari did very well with this lesson and knew how to solve for the area of a rectangle, and so we moved onto the next lesson.

I think that Zari is having fun doing these lessons and learning multiplication without taking so long. The instruction of the Math-U-See Accelerated Individualized Mastery (AIM) for Multiplication with a Bridge to Division is outstanding and well put together. I highly recommend it if your student needs this to succeed in math.

You can purchase AIM for Multiplication with a Bridge to Division for $45.

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Math-U-See Accelerated Individualized Mastery (AIM) for Multiplication with a Bridge to Division Reviews