Saturday, December 31, 2011

2011 Year in Recap and New Year's Resolutions

So as 2011 ends and 2012 begins I would like to share with you some of our family's highlights for 2011 and then make a few New Year's resolutions.

My son Jaedan started 2011 with a bang and joined his older brother in Cub Scouts. He made his first derby car and entered it in the pine wood derby race with style. Both Delbin and Jaedan had fun at day camp with the rest of the scout troops in the area and Delbin advanced to Boy Scouts.

I received a new sewing machine from my husband and a new to me sewing table with all the bells and whistles free from a church friend that needed more space in their home. We made new curtains for my living room and dining room with it and took down the old blinds that were looking fairly damaged from kids and pets. I also made a skirt for myself and some other things with it. I plan on sewing a whole lot more. I also got some new knitting looms and some yarn to learn knitting on.

When the weather turned good my husband and some church friends helped us put new shingles on the roof of our home and put a new skylight in above our kitchen. It took a few days to finish because of rain and we had to put tarps over our home to cover it so the roof wouldn't get damage in between fixes. With our cars, boat and trucks out front in various states of repair and a pile of shingles and old roofing on the side of our place we kinda looked very ghetto. I bet our neighbors were really glad when that project was done.

We received word from some really good friends of ours that have a farm at the edge of Rainier that the owner of a mini pony had abandoned it and wasn't making payments for it to be boarded there anymore. So since we love horses and ponies we took up the payments for it and have been feeding it and caring for him ever since. His name is Gizmo and he is a registered mini pony stallion. He has warmed up to us nicely and now that winter is here has fluffed all out like a pony puff ball, LOL! Have you seen the animated movie Despicable Me? Remember the clip where Agnes gets the unicorn toy from the carnival and says, "It's so fluffy!"...well that is what I feel like saying about our mini pony :)

My sister, Jennifer, returned from her LDS mission in Hawaii and came to visit us in May. We celebrated multiple birthdays and her return at the zoo. It was Zari's first time and when we went back to the zoo in October to celebrate Zari's first birthday Zari was even more thrilled to be there. She loved the elephants and the primates the best.

My husband, Brian's mom came to visit us and we went to Ape Caves. For about a month previous to that visit Brian was feeling not quite himself and had to take off work because he was feeling dizzy, light headed, and brain fog every time he stood up and it was getting worse. While we were at Ape Caves he had to sit down a lot and take it easy. He was finally diagnosed with what is known as Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome, POTS after a whole lot of persuasion from him to his regular doctor and a visit by an actual Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine (D.O. or DO). He is being treated now, is feeling better and has been back to work for a while now.

Brian has been tremendously busy with all his various projects. He has been doing a lot of house remodeling like the roof project, vehicle repair and renovation, and trying to get our business, Pony Feathers, up and running...all of this while working at the power plant and dealing with his health.

Our dog, Prince has been having fun chasing a green laser across the floor that my husband got to point at celestial bodies in the night sky for use with our homeschool astronomy lessons. He is also very spoiled with lots of hugs, petting and love from all of us. Zari's favorite word is dog and she says it every time Prince is scratching on the door to go out or in, barking, trying to nibble on Zari's food when we are not looking or she sees him or any other dog.

Teela has been loving her play food and small play kitchen. She is quite the little imaginative cook. I have been trying to have her help out in the real kitchen with food preparation and she is a wonderful helper. She also loves her dolls and rocking horses.

Zari has been growing a lot! She is walking, running, saying some words like mom, dad, dog, Delbin, Jaedan, baby, etc. She has 8 teeth all in front and some molars coming in. She loves books and enjoys music a lot. She loves giving big hugs and kisses. She absolutely adores her sister Teela and loves playing with her.

Delbin my oldest son was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes. It has been an interesting ride so far with this and we are still trying to figure out how to manage the carbohydrates he eats in foods. We still haven't gotten quite away from prepackaged food and drink yet for him because it is easier just looking at a label for what the carbs are. For now it is really hard for me to figure out carbs for a casserole or other mixed dish I normally make for dinner but maybe we will someday get the hang of it.

We had a really great Christmas. We received unexpected gifts from Secret Santa and the Rainier Gift Giving Program this year. We had a real Christmas tree donated to us, got gifts for the kids from giving souls off the Rainier Giving Program (sorta like the angel tree) and received an unexpected knock on our door and two bright red sleds with a large bag of peanut M&Ms left at our doorstep. My oldest has been asking for a sled every winter. Our neighbors sang carols at our door too like they do every year even though they were super busy with the giving program and even though it didn't snow for Christmas it was still wonderful!

My sister, Melody welcomed her new baby girl into the world at close to the end of December. This will be her first child. She along with her husband will learn so much parenting skills and gain so much experience and knowledge by doing. I know I have.

So, my New Years resolution is to have a healthier happier home. What ever I can do to achieve this I will try my best to accomplish. I wish to make healthier meals for my family including Delbin. We bought passes to the local YMCA so that we can go swim and workout so I want to do that more, gain some more upper body strength, and maybe tighten my abs :) I would love to spend more time with my family doing things we all love to do and I am trying to live a better more eco-friendly lifestyle. All in all our 2011 was pretty good. How was yours and what are your New Year's resolutions??

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