Saturday, October 10, 2009

Boogie Wipes and Blabla Kids Giveaway Winners

The winner of the Two 30 Count Packs of Boogie Wipes is #9 amweeks! amweeks said that she could definitely have used these when her children were almost every day dropping them off at school! Now she knows that her niece could use them almost everyday!

The winner of the Blabla Kids doll is #73 Cindy! All her Tweeting really paid off!! Cindy said that she'd choose the DOLL Butterfly 'Chloe'.

Congrats again to all the winners! I will contact each winner by email. If you did not have your email posted please post it here so I can email you! Thanks to all those who participated and don't forget to enter in my contests/giveaways that are going on now! I will also be adding more posts and giveaways soon so stay tuned!

*All winners are chosen by my True Random Number Generator.

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