Thursday, April 2, 2020

Math-U-See Accelerated Individualized Mastery (AIM) for Addition and Subtraction Review #ComplimentaryProductReceived

Disclaimer: I received a complimentary copy of this product through the HOMESCHOOL REVIEW CREW in exchange for my honest review. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way.

My family had the privilege of trying the Accelerated Individualized Mastery (AIM) for Addition and Subtraction from Math-U-See for this review to use in conjunction with our own curriculum at home. This is a Homeschool Review Crew Review. All opinions expressed are my own or those of my family.

The Accelerated Individualized Mastery (AIM) for Addition and Subtraction Set has everything to teach older students who are struggling with math because they have gaps in their foundational skill set, specifically with single-digit addition and subtraction facts. This is generally targeting students age 8-16. With the use of proven methods and manipulatives from Math-U-See, AIM strives to give students the confidence to learn better methods to succeed in addition and subtraction and thus excel in more complex math continuing on in their education. Accelerated Individualized Mastery (AIM) for Addition and Subtraction has 22 lessons.
  • Accelerated – The opportunity for students to move quickly through a skill set they have not yet mastered, without extra distractions.
  • Individualized – Each student is different, as are their learning preferences. Using as many approaches as possible, the program creates an environment for a student to master the skills they still need at their own pace.
  • Mastery – In this program, mastery means that a student can recall all the math facts using as little mental energy as possible to remain engaged in the process of problem solving.

Accelerated Individualized Mastery (AIM) for Addition and Subtraction Kit

Accelerated Individualized Mastery (AIM) Contents:
  • Resource Guide Step-by-step guide that includes the techniques, components, and instruction for presenting fact strategies and practicing for mastery. Includes 22 lesson plans.
  • Integer Blocks Proven Math-U-See manipulatives illustrate strategies and are integrated within the instructional materials.
  • Colored Pencils Pencils aligned to the color of the integer blocks to help students transition from using the manipulatives.
  • Fact Check Cards Set of cards used for planning instruction and assessing mastery.
  • Math Facts Strategy Posters Individual posters illustrating the Math-U-See addition fact strategies.
  • Digital Pack Set includes code to redeem 12-months access to the AIM for Addition and Subtraction Digital Pack. This gives you access to all the online and downloadable activities and resources. This includes the AIM for Success Videos that highlight the key concepts and components that make up the AIM program.

Lesson 1 and 2 in the Digital Tool-Box.

Getting to and using the Digital Pack that comes with the kit after it has been purchased is easy. Once you have purchased the Accelerated Individualized Mastery (AIM) for Addition and Subtraction and it has arrived at your home you will receive a Digital Access card inside the box. This will give you access to the Digital Tool-Box online, just follow the directions to sign up. This gives you access to lesson videos, instruction, solutions, and printable resources. There is a pull down menu for Math-U-See and Accelerated Individualized Mastery on the left. Pick Accelerated Individualized Mastery. On the right hand pull down menu select Addition and Subtraction. Once you select a lesson you can play the Streaming Instruction Video and/or click on the pull down menus underneath each video with printable PDF links for a Lesson Summary and Lesson Solutions. There are also Additional Activities and Resources that you can also print out.

How We Used This and Our Thoughts:

I used this program with my daughter Zari, who is 9 years old. She uses her fingers and tallying to add and subtract and I would like to get her away from these ineffective strategies so that it doesn't become a stumbling block later. Zari and I are familiar with Math-U-See and how the program works because we had tried the Primer kit when Zari was in preschool. Now that she is in 3rd grade I believe the Accelerated Individualized Mastery (AIM) for Addition and Subtraction will get her back on the right track for math and help her become more positive in her skills.

First Zari did the Before AIM Assessment so that we could see where she was with her single-digit addition and subtraction facts. This assessment is an important step to know whether or not your student will need the Accelerated Individualized Mastery (AIM) for Addition and Subtraction kit. It is something I recommend doing with your child before purchasing. In this assessment 64 addition and 64 subtraction facts are asked verbally to the student in a stress free environment. Students being assessed can take a break after 2 minutes. If the student scores higher than 109 then AIM probably isn't for your student.  However, if the student scores below 108 then AIM will help the student with their math fluency. Zari was assessed as needing this instruction so we proceeded onto the lessons.

This is what I did before most lessons:
  • Watch lesson video
  • Read lesson instructions
  • Study example problems
  • Gather lesson materials

These are the sessions of most lessons:
  • Session A: Present Lesson Instruction (Lesson 1 only has this)
  • Session B: Demonstrate Understanding
  • Session C: Transition Math Facts to Visual Memory
  • Session D: Assess for Mastery

Zari doing the activities and resources in Lesson 1.

Zari loved the activities and resources parts of the instruction the most. In Lesson 1 her favorite was the matching game where we matched up pairs of numerals to integer block after she colored them the correct colors to match the real blocks with the colored pencils that came with the kit. I thought she did very well with the activity sheets too in getting to learn the colors that went with each block and numeral, 1-10. After mastering them we moved onto lesson 2.

Lesson 2 was all about addition with 2. In Session A Zari practiced counting by twos to ten. Then she practiced counting by odd numbers to 9 and took a break. Then in Session B we used the Build, Write, Say method to solve problems. She builds the equation with the manipulatives, writes it out in numerals and signs, and then says the equation out loud. After doing these we took another break. In Session C I assess whether she can draw, write, and say the math facts from this lesson and if not we work on those. Last, in Session D we use the fact check cards to see whether Zari can recall the facts covered in this lesson. If she can I color one star for each fact known and repeat until all 3 stars are filled in. After this we went onto the Digital Tool-Box and did one of the activities, Sum Solitaire. Zari did very well with this lesson, mastered all the facts, and so we moved onto the next one.

I think that Zari is having fun doing these lessons and learning addition and subtraction without counting on her fingers. The instruction of the Math-U-See Accelerated Individualized Mastery (AIM) for Addition and Subtraction is outstanding and well put together. I highly recommend it if your student needs this to succeed in math. Have them take the Before AIM Assessment to find out.

You can purchase AIM for Addition and Subtraction for $39. Please have your student take the assessment to see if they need this before purchasing.

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Accelerated Individualized Mastery (AIM) for Addition and Subtraction {Math-U-See Reviews}

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