Monday, December 23, 2019

Carole P. Roman Books Review and Giveaway #CarolePRomanBooks

My family got to read these books from Carole P. Roman for this review to use in conjunction with our own homeschool curriculum. This is a Homeschool Review Crew Review. All opinions expressed are my own or those of my family. Affiliate links may be in this posting. Thanks for supporting my blog.

The two books from Carole P. Roman books and collections we received are:

Carole P. Roman is the author of many books including the Captain No Beard series, Oh Susannah series, If You Were Me and Lived in... Cultures Around the World series, and the If You Were Me and Lived in... Civilizations Throughout History series. She loves combining her teaching past with her love of exploration and interest in the grand world all around us. She also loves sharing history and culture with her readers.

If You Were Me and Lived in... Civilizations Throughout History Series currently consists of 11 books with more to come later. These softcover books take you back through time to visit different civilizations throughout history. Discover Ancient Greece, Renaissance Italy, Elizabethan England, Colonial America, Ancient China: The Han Dynasty, Middle Ages, American West, Viking Europe, Mayan Empire, Ancient Mali Empire and Mars. These follow what it would have been like to live and grow up in these places through the eyes of a young person. This makes the books more relatable to children who read them. These physical books cover occupations, food, clothing, recreation, important people, etc. Recommended for ages 8 to 15.

How We Used This and Our Thoughts:
We were given two books from the ones we didn't currently have. We have reviewed for Carole P. Roman before and we love her books! The books we received were: If You Were Me and Lived in...the Middle Ages, and If You Were Me and Lived in...the Ancient Mali Empire.

If You Were Me and Lived in...the Middle Ages is a softcover book by Carole P. Roman. The illustrations are fun and done in pastel colors by Mateya Arkova. This book has 97 pages with Famous People in the Middle Ages and a glossary in the back. We learned about when you would be born, what a rural village looked like and a bit about it, about who ruled, about feudalism, what the order of government (classes) looked like, who the serfs were, what the popular names for boys and girls there would have been, what your dad would do there for a job, what your house was built out of and what parts it had, what things your home had in it, what your favorite things to do there would be, how your family was, what hobbies you had, what food they enjoyed there, where you sat at the table, what you ate with, what your father wore, what the farmers wore, what you and your mom wore, about arranged marriages, what your siblings were doing, about religion, how the peasants lived, what cities were like, what tradesmen/craftsmen did, about sickness and medicine, about money, what people did for fun, about church, about travel, and about learning and school. I would love to visit faraway castles someday. We are going to be using this with our unit study of Middle Ages and Medieval times.

If You Were Me and Lived In...The Ancient Mali Empire is a softcover book by Carole P. Roman and Illustrated by Mateya Arkova. The illustrations look like they are chalked in lovely pastel colors. This book has 77 pages with pages on Famous People in the Mali Empire, and a glossary in the back. We learned about: when you would be born, what the word Mali means, about what a city looked like in ancient times, about Mali, what the economy was like, what the popular names for boys and girls there would have been, where you lived, what religion was like, what the spoken language was, what your house was built out of and what parts it had, what the family was made up of, about mosques, what the weather was like, about the surrounding places, about trade, about the royal palace, what the king wore, what instruments musicians played, about the people who served the king, the history of the Mali people, what job your grandfather and father held, what the army was like and their weaponry, other jobs in the area, punishment, travel, school, what your siblings did, arranged marriage, what the clothing was like, burial rites, what food you ate, the king, salt, and kola nuts. We are going to be using this with our unit study of Africa.

The If You Were Me and Lived in... series is a wonderful supplement for history lessons in homeschool. These are great to be used with unit studies and wonderful even just by themselves. My children loved reading these and learning so much more about these times and civilizations. I love how these cultural books teach a huge amount of children's history because they are through the eyes of a child. They are great for children's education!

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You can purchase the If You Were Me and Lived in... series: Middle Ages, and Ancient Mali Empire on Amazon for about $12.99-$14.99 per book.


What: win the Carole P. Roman ‘Introduction to Civilizations Around the World’ prize pack—includes a $100 gift card!
  • One (1) grand prize winner receives: An autographed set of the If You Were Me and Lived…Introduction to Civilizations Around the World series (10 Books) and A $100 Amazon gift card
  • Three (3) winners receive: An autographed set of the If You Were Me and Lived…Introduction to Civilizations Around the World series (10 Books)

When: Giveaway begins December 2, 2019, at 12:01 A.M. PST and ends January 2 2019, at 11:59 P.M. PST.

Who: Open to legal residents of the 50 United States and the District of Columbia, who are eighteen years of age or older in their state or territory of residence at the time of entry. Void where prohibited by law.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

DISCLOSURE/DISCLAIMER: I received this complimentary product to facilitate this review. I did this review in partnership with The Children’s Book Review and Carole P. Roman. My thoughts are mine and my family's own opinion and have not been altered by anyone else. I did not receive any other compensation for doing this review. Carole P. Roman is responsible for prize fulfillment.


  1. I would love to time travel. I love history.
    Flyergal82 (at /yahoo ?dot !com

  2. I would love to win these for my granddaughter. She is starting to learn about cultures and things in history so this would be amazing for her. I love the colonial America book for her.
