Tuesday, February 26, 2019

WorthyKids The Secret of the Hidden Scrolls Book 3 & 4 Review

My family had the privilege of reading the third and fourth books in the series, The Secret of the Hidden Scrolls from WorthyKids, an imprint of Hachette Book Group for this review to use in conjunction with our own curriculum. This is a Homeschool Review Crew Review. All opinions expressed are my own or those of my family.

WorthyKids is an imprint of the Hachette Book Group. WorthyKids/Ideals has kids' Christian and inspirational books. This line of colorful, interactive children's books includes such notable titles as: VeggieTales and Berenstain Bears. They reach the top 10 best-selling children’s books during the Easter and Christmas seasons each year.

M.J. Thomas is a scholar in Bible studies and an author to The Secret of the Hidden Scrolls book series. When his son Peter was 9 he tried to find books that taught about the events in the Bible in a enjoyable, exciting, and captivating way. He didn't find any, so he decided to write his own. The main characters of the stories are named after his son Peter, his niece Mary, and his dog Hank.

The Secret of the Hidden Scrolls by M.J. Thomas are a time-traveling adventure book series that helps kids explore the Bible and increase in faith. These stories combine biblical accuracy with mystery, wonder, imagination, adventure, danger, and excitement. Peter, Mary, and Hank have discovered ancient scrolls that help them travel back in time. These scrolls have clues to solve and the three must solve them before time runs out or they will become stuck in the past forever. You will also meet Great-Uncle Solomon, the eccentric archaeologist who discovered the scrolls, and the angel Michael, who aides the children on their quests. These are recommended to emerging readers ages 6-9, homeschooling families, and others that love adventure.

We have reviewed the first two books in the series, The Secret of the Hidden Scrolls and now we get to read the third and fourth books as well:
If you read below, just know there are spoilers...

In the third title of the series, The Secret of the Hidden Scrolls: The Great Escape; Peter, Mary, and Hank were exploring a room in their Great-Uncle Solomon's home that had a sarcophagus and other treasures from Egypt when the call of the lion beckons them once more to open another scroll. This time they are thrust into ancient Egypt where they meet Princess Sephara, her father the Pharaoh, Moses, Aaron, and others at the time of the Exodus. They witness the pyramids, the palace, the Great Sphinx, devastating plagues, freedom of the Israelites, and parting of the Red Sea. With the help of Michael, an angel, they battle the forces of evil, the Great Magician who is Pharaoh's advisor and his black panther, Midnight. Will they solve the secrets of the scroll before the time runs out in fourteen days?

In The Secret of the Hidden Scrolls: Journey to Jericho Peter, Mary, and Hank find a secret room in Great-Uncle Solomon's home that has a bunch of spy stuff. They learn something about Great-Uncle Solomon that they didn't know before and then get called by the lion's roar once again. This time they are called to the ancient desert outside the huge fortified city wall of Jericho. The time traveling trio meet Joshua, Caleb, Phinehas, and Rahab in their quest to solve the scroll. They get to watch as the Israelites take down the city wall. Will they solve the secrets of the scroll before the time runs out in fourteen days, the wall comes down, and the scheming Man in Black gets the scroll from them?

Teela Reading The Secret of the Hidden Scrolls The Great Escape book.
How We Used This and Our Thoughts:
Teela, my ten year old daughter, and I read these books separately. The third has 120 pages and 12 chapters. The forth book has 120 pages and 13 chapters. These were both a quick, fast paced read for the both of us. We both thought the books held our attention well. They also have some black and white drawings here and there in the books that were fun. At the end of each book there is a page that has where to read the actual story and synopsis in the authors own words of the chapters in the bible. These books had a lot of action and adventure throughout which made them fun to read.

I liked that the story basically follows with what happens in the bible fairly well. Even though there are fictitious elements in these books...like the kids traveling in time...they tell the story from the bible and make it come to life. Teela loved all the imaginative things that the author adds to make it seem like you are also there with main characters. The scrolls were a great idea also to make it even more of a challenge for the trio to get back to their time and we like that Peter writes things in his adventure journal that are included in the pages as well.

Teela and I enjoyed reading these books from The Secret of the Hidden Scrolls series. She told me they are fun books to read and she likes the series a lot. We love that these Christian kids books teach kids about the bible. These have a great lesson also to trust in God and he will always be there for you. We liked the action and adventure as well. These were fun books to read. We hope to be able to read more books from the series once they come out.

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Read other homeschool curriculum reviews for WorthyKids, an imprint of Hachette Book Group...
The Great Escape & Journey To Jericho {WorthyKids Reviews}

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