Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Carole P. Roman Books and Collections Review

My family got to read these books from Carole P. Roman for this review to use in conjunction with our own homeschool curriculum. This is a Homeschool Review Crew Review. All opinions expressed are my own or those of my family. Affiliate links may be in this posting. Thanks for supporting my blog.

The three books from Carole P. Roman books and collections we received are:

Carole P. Roman is the author of many books including the Captain No Beard series, Oh Susannah series, If You Were Me and Lived in... Cultures Around the World series, and the If You Were Me and Lived in... Civilizations Throughout History series. She loves combining her teaching past with her love of exploration and interest in the grand world all around us. She also loves sharing history and culture with her readers.

If You Were Me and Lived in... Cultures Around the World Series currently consists of 21 books with more to come later. These softcover books take you to explore different cultures. Discover Mexico, Australia, Turkey, Hungary, Poland, France, India, Portugal, Scotland, Italy, South Korea, Peru, Kenya, China, Russia, Norway, Greece, Egypt, Brazil, Israel, and Germany. These give you an inside look into what culture is like in these countries. You can become a "world traveler" in the comfort of your own home. Recommended for ages 4 to 9.

If You Were Me and Lived in... Civilizations Throughout History Series currently consists of 10 books with more to come later. These softcover books take you back through time to visit different civilizations throughout history. Discover Ancient Greece, Renaissance Italy, Elizabethan England, Colonial America, Ancient China: The Han Dynasty, Middle Ages, American West, Viking Europe, Mayan Empire, and Ancient Mali Empire. These follow what it would have been like to live and grow up in these places through the eyes of a young person. This makes the books more relatable to children who read them. These physical books cover occupations, food, clothing, recreation, important people, etc. Recommended for ages 8 to 15.

Zari enjoying the Carole P. Roman books.

How We Used This and Our Thoughts:
We had been given the option of picking out three books from the ones we were offered to review. We have reviewed for Carole P. Roman before and we love her books! We picked out three books we didn't have: If You Were Me and Lived in...India, If You Were Me and Lived in...The Mayan Empire, and If You Were Me and Lived in...Viking Europe.

If You Were Me and Lived in...India is a softcover book by Carole P. Roman. The illustrations are fun and done in dark classic colors. This book has 28 pages with a pronunciation guide in the back. We learned about what the country looks like and a bit about it, about its capital, what the popular names for boys and girls there are, what you would call your mom and dad there, what money is called, what favorite your movies would be, places to see there, what food they enjoy there, what sports they enjoy playing, holidays they celebrate, and where they go to school. I love Indian food and I would love to visit the Taj Mahal someday. Playing cricket also sounds like fun. We are going to be using this with our unit study of India and Indian people.

If You Were Me and Lived In...The Mayan Empire is a softcover book by Carole P. Roman and Illustrated by Paula Tabor. These cartoon like illustrations are more realistic than the other books. This book has 66 pages with a special section on Famous Names in Mayan Culture and Glossary in the back. This focused on life on the Yucatan Peninsula in roughly 6th century BC. We thought it interesting: that men would plow because there were no animals to use, that Mayans ate corn at every meal, only nobles could wear colorful feathers, women wore crushed insects for red colored cheeks, the most attractive Mayans had flat heads and crossed eyes, they filed their teeth to points & got colorful tattoos, they traded for things and didn't use coins, the written language is made up of 800 symbols, they played a game called Pok-ta-Tok, and age 15 was considered an adult. This would be great to use with a unit study of the Mayans, Yucatan Peninsula, and Mayan Empire.

If You Were Me and Lived In...Viking Europe is a softcover book by Carole P. Roman and Illustrated by Mateya Arkova. The illustrations look like they are chalked in lovely pastel colors. This book has 76 pages with pages on Norse Gods, Vikings in History, and a glossary in the back. This focused on life in Northern Europe in the 9th century. We thought it interesting: that the word penny might have gotten its name from the Danish word penninge, they ate a lot of seafood, guests drank from a vessel made from a horn, to get salt they would boil sea water until it evaporated, every household had a loom and a spinning wheel,  the more colorful the clothing...the wealthier, it was illegal to pull a hat off someone's head, their age was measured by how many winters they lived through, they measured days by the meals they ate, they traded sons with other families to build allies, young women got betrothed at the age of 12-15, knatleikr and skaktafl were popular games, they had an alphabet called a runic with 24 characters, and they worshiped lots of Gods like Thor and Loki. This would be great to use with a unit study of the Vikings, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Danish, Norwegians, Scandinavians, and Norsemen.

The If You Were Me and Lived in... series is a wonderful supplement for history lessons in homeschool. These are great to be used with unit studies and wonderful even just by themselves.  My children loved reading these and learning so much more about these times and civilizations. I love how these cultural books teach a huge amount of children's history because they are through the eyes of a child. They are great for children's education!

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You can purchase the If You Were Me and Lived in... series: India, Mayan Empire, and Viking Europe on Amazon for about $14.99-$20 per book.

Read other homeschool curriculum reviews for Carole P. Roman Books and Collections...
Carole P. Roman books and collections {Carole P. Roman Reviews}

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