Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Abby Ludvigson Sex by Design Review

My family had the privilege of trying Sex by Design from Abby Ludvigson for this review to use in conjunction with our own homeschool curriculum. This is a Homeschool Review Crew Review. All opinions expressed are my own or those of my family.

Abby Ludvigson is a inspirational and motivational speaker, author, and urban missionary that speaks about abstinence-until-marriage. Her mission is to reach youth ages 12 to 18 specifically with this message of purity. At age 12 she took a pledge to stay sexually pure until her wedding night. Abby went on to be a elementary educator in the public school system and saw how children were being inundated with bad peer pressure. Abby joined forces with The Navigators, an urban mission group, and created a curriculum to help parents educate their tweens and teens to stay pure. Abby is dedicated to helping young people in this day and age of increasingly sexualized culture to understand and honor God's design for sex.

Abby Ludvigson speaking in the film series of Sex by Design.

Sex by Design is a curriculum for parents of youth and youth to do together. This curriculum is for both girls and boys. This course is not a "sex education course", but a course that helps tweens and teens to assemble a Biblical worldview on God's design for sex and then apply it to their personal lives. This course consists of seven videos, a tween/teen workbook, and a parent manual.

Topics addressed in this curriculum are below:
  1. Plan Ahead: Living Pure in a Sex-Saturated Culture (video is 23 minutes)
  2. Counting the Cost: Every Decision Has a Price Tag (video is 23 minutes)
  3. Dating: Doing Relationships God’s Way (video is 19 minutes)
  4. Sex: God’s Purpose & Plan (video is 17 minutes)
  5. Modesty: God Cares What I Wear (video is 19 minutes)
  6. Pornography: It’s Deception & Steps to Get Out or Stay Out (video is 29 minutes)
  7. Secondary Virginity: Running Back to God (video is 18 minutes)

How We Used This and Our Thoughts:
We were given Abby's Parent Introduction Video, Josh McDowell's Product Endorsement Video, and the 7 segment film series by topic as links either to stream online or download. We also received a physical copy of the parent guidebook and a teen workbook/guidebook in the mail. I downloaded all the videos so that we could watch them offline if we wanted because my internet is slow. I previewed the videos and lessons before my teens watched/did them and then we watched/did them together. We had a fairly in depth study and discussion after watching the videos.

My son Delbin who is 17 and my son Jaedan who is 15 were very receptive of the content so far and Abby does make it a lot easier for the teens to open up in discussion with me. I am glad to have had the opportunity to do the first and second segment with them so far. It has been very interesting to find out the experiences my sons have had with this type of peer pressure and talk to them about these delicate topics.

This message of purity is not new to me or to my family. I have been taught the same values since I was very small and now have incorporated these teachings to my children. My church, The Church of JESUS CHRIST of Latter Day Saints, has very similar teachings as Abby Ludvigson. At age 8 we are given a symbolic ring that we can wear with "CTR" on it, meaning Choose The Right, so that we can remember to do so. We also have a pamphlet that the youth are given from the church called "For the Strength of Youth" that summarizes standards rooted in both scripture and the writings and teachings of our church leaders. This pamphlet talks about dating, modesty, entertainment and media, family, friends, language, music and dancing, sexual purity, etc. There is a card version as well so we could keep it in a purse or wallet as a reminder. For the Strength of Youth is free online for everyone to read and the principles are applicable to all age groups and non-church-members alike. We are very fortunate to have a wonderful church that provides these teachings.

Most tweens and teens aren't taught these biblical teachings and even if they have been taught these values tweens and teens in this society are constantly bombarded with media and pressure that say it's alright to have sex before marriage, wear revealing clothing, do drugs and alcohol, etc. I am very thankful I was brought up with the teachings of my church and parents which say otherwise. I am also very thankful that I saved myself for my husband and soul mate after I was married to him. These same values and morals have been down to my children. I feel that these biblical teachings are very important to have and keep as youth. These topics might be uncomfortable to talk about, but tweens and teens need to hear them from their parents or their caregivers so they know what to do and how to handle themselves if the pressure arises.

If you do not have a church that provides a program like this or want something a bit more hands-on then I would recommend Sex by Design developed by Abby Ludvigson. I very much like Abby's down to earth approach. Her ministry is really valuable in this day and age. Abby's curriculum is well thought out and created. She delves into a lot of topics that might be uncomfortable for parents to talk about with their child, but makes it a lot easier because she supports you, the parent, through the process talking about these things to your tween or teen. Abby is also a real role model for your child and has put together this content for you so you don't have to search it out yourself.

Some of the online resources from Topic 1.

Along with her powerful videos of her speaking we were given a Parent Edition and Teen Edition of books to help solidify what was taught. Instead of just reading a pamphlet, we are given the opportunity to watch the Sex by Design film series, participate in discussions, and the teen can fill out the workbook. There are also other resources Abby references in the books to help along the way. For example: in the first segment Abby mentions a purity pledge she made when she was 12...she has made a certificate for the tweens and teens to fill out on her website and she also suggests for them to start a journal to their future spouse...she has a PDF file of journal entry ideas for this on her website.

Parent Edition
Introduction: Getting the Most from this Series (including a helicopter view of the content)

How the Teaching Segments are laid out
  • A Note from Abby
  • Film Script
  • Film Outline (numbered key points, scripture verses, truth statements)
  • Follow up (discuss it, personalize it, apply it)
  • Key Topics From Segment
Appendix: Bible Study, The 1st Peter Principle, Endnotes

Teen Edition
How the Teaching Segments are laid out
  • A Note from Abby
  • Film Outline (numbered key points, scripture verses, truth statements)
  • Follow up (discuss it, personalize it, apply it)
  • Key Topics From Segment
Appendix: Bible Study, The 1st Peter Principle

I like that this series is very interactive. The hands-on activities and other resources make it a very balanced approach for teaching tweens and teens purity. I like that this curriculum brings together many learning styles. It is great for all types of learners. I highly recommend it.

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Film Series Set of Sex by Design (CD and both books) is $55. Extra Parent Guidebooks are $16 and extra Teen Guidebooks are $14.

Read other homeschool curriculum reviews for Abby Ludvigson Sex by Design...
Sex by Design {Abby Ludvigson Review}

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