Saturday, December 17, 2016

Leonard's Beard Book Review

I received this book free to facilitate this review. Affiliate links may be in this posting. Thanks for supporting my blog.

Leonard's Beard Summary:
Each day Leonard’s beard grows longer and longer, and more wild and untamed, but he doesn’t notice because as a writer, he is so engrossed in writing his stories. After a large storm passes over his house, Leonard discovers just how out of control his beard has gotten. He finds strange things that have gotten stuck in there, including a mouse, a bird, and some apples. As Leonard removes the items from his beard, he comes to realize that being consumed with writing adventures has prevented him from having his own. For ages 3-6.

Our Thoughts:
The book, Leonard's Beard, written and illustrated by Nancy Cote is so adorable! We love the sweet, funny illustrations on each of the 32 pages! This book got giggles from my girls as they read what Leonard had to pull from his beard. Aside from the lyrical words of the story that rhyme and wonderful illustrations, this book has a great message. You've likely heard the age old adage: “Energy flows, where attention goes”. This holds very true in this book. It shows how important it is to give attention to where it needs to go and live your life to the fullest. We should have adventure, play, fun, friendship, family, discovery, passion, inspiration, and also love life, not just write these things in stories or live in our fantasies. Such a great message in a wonderfully written and illustrated book! I recommend Leonard's Beard very highly!

Read about how the author and illustrator got the idea for this story HERE.
Nancy’s Twitter: @nancycote31
Nancy’s Instagram: @nancycote31
Nancy's Flickr: 


DISCLOSURE/DISCLAIMER: I received this product for free to facilitate this review. My thoughts are mine and my family's own opinion and have not been altered by anyone else. I did not receive any other compensation for doing this review. Affiliate links can be found in this post. Thank you for your support of this blog!


  1. This looks like a fun illustration! I teach Illustration in college, so before I even read a book I judge it by the cover.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Maybe Leonard had some great ideas that he needed to take care of first. I like the story for my grandchildren.

  4. Thus is an informative book for my grandchildren to read.

  5. A cool learning book would be good for my nieces and nephews.

  6. I'd love to give this wonderful book to my grandchildren.

  7. An amazing tale my nieces and nephews could definitely learn from.

  8. A magical story, like Leonard's, would be very entertaining for my children.
