Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Everyday MOMents: Discovering Christ in the Details of Motherhood Book Review #MyEverydayMOMents

I received Everyday MOMents by Jessica Poe for free to facilitate this review. Affiliate links may be in this posting. Thanks for supporting my blog.

Every mother has felt exhausted, overwhelmed, discouraged, unimportant, and unappreciated at some point in their mothering career. As mothers, some days feel like they are mundane and repetitious. Sometimes we end up feeling like train wrecks at the end of the day. It is hard to feel close to Christ when we get so lost in going about our daily responsibilities that we lose sight of our spiritual importance. Believe me, I have been there!

I am a mother of 4 children currently. I had a daughter, Tatiana, who was disabled and medically fragile. She was our little miracle child and we were lucky to have her as long as we did (for 6 years) because she was only given a year. She was so happy all the time, but in and out of the hospital so much. While she was alive she reminded me everyday that Heavenly Father had tremendously blessed my family and when she passed away I felt my heart was being ripped apart. I had two to three other children while she was alive and even though days were difficult and demanding I still made it through it all. I know now that I couldn't have done it at all without my faith in Christ and my daughter's smile. Throughout all of my family's many trials, tribulations, and everyday moments we try to stay strong and "Hold to the Rod"*. Together we have made it through a lot and I know that even though there might be rough times ahead, together, with our faith in Christ, we can move mountains. He has always been there for me through thick and thin, guiding me by the Holy Spirit and she was the one that reminded me to think of Him always. She was my spiritual eyes, ever so innocent and in tune. I miss this connection that I had with Christ. As my children grow older I feel the need to have more guidance from the Holy Spirit than ever before.

In the book Everyday MOMents the author, Jessica Poe, sets out to help "any mothering hearts who seek to come closer to Christ" by discovering Christ in the details of motherhood. Everyday MOMents is an inspiring and uplifting book that shows us that even in the monotonous days we can become closer to Christ by gaining a spiritual perspective for all things no matter how small or large. We should always look for Christ in everything so that we think of Him always and feel His enlightened presence beside us. In this we will gain a better understanding of our sacred duties as mothers and be more receptive to the Spirit so that we can act on the messages He sends us, feeling ever closer to Christ.

Get your free study guide by clicking HERE.

I am glad I came across Everyday MOMents. I love that Jessica Poe has given us her own life lessons to ponder in this book. After each chapter there are things to reflect upon and apply to our own lives. It has reminded me that my duties as a mother are important, worthwhile, and filled with Christ. Chapter 6 is all about Tuning Out to Tune In. I have become more aware recently of my tech habits and how much I am physically and mentally attached to my computer. I have been trying to work on having a family day where we all tune out technology to tune in each other. This is HUGE for my family because we seem to have gotten out of having Family Home Evening now that my oldest is a teen and I feel we need to become more connected with each other again. Besides this little gem, Jessica has so many other great stories, suggestions, insights, and inspirations in this book that will help you and your family gain a more Christlike existence.

I would recommend this book to all mothers or soon to be mothers. It would be a great gift for someone on Mother's Day.

*See the story of Lehi's Dream.

DISCLOSURE/DISCLAIMER: I received this product for free to review. My thoughts are mine and my family's own opinion and have not been altered by anyone else. I did not receive any other compensation for doing this review. Affiliate links may be in this posting. Thanks for supporting my blog.

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