Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Teach Your Child Herbs With Herb Fairies!

Herb Fairies is a magical tale of plants and their remedies as told by wonderful storytelling and fairies that look like the plant they are named after. These interactive e-book stories were written by Kimberly Gallagher, the creator of Wildcraft! An Herbal Adventure Board Game. These help young and old alike learn herbs in a fun way. I love to use these in homeschooling! Both my sons and daughters love these.

Kimberly's husband, John of LearningHerbs.com will be releasing some really cool FREE recipes, coloring sheets, posters, activities and information packs along with information about how you can join the Herb Fairies book club along the way. So, make sure to sign up so you won't miss any of the fun!

Sign up here at HerbFairies.com to learn more and get instant access to the FREE stuff :)


Also, I received a really neat kids activity pack free to give to my readers that goes right along with the Herb Fairies. This activity pack introduces you to Stellaria, the Chickweed fairy and gives you information on chickweed, a coloring sheet as well as a yummy recipe to use the herb in. Go ahead and download it and share it with your kids, Grandkids, or Godkids.

(right click to download)

Sign up now to get instant access to more free downloads and information on how you can join the Herb Fairies Book Club! Right now they are showing a clip about the Herb Fairies Film Festival and you can download a color sheet on Viola, the Violet Fairy and a poster of her too. In the days ahead there will be more free downloads so you won't want to miss it!

DISCLOSURE/DISCLAIMER: I wrote this blog post because I thought you might be interested in knowing this information and taking part of this deal. My thoughts are mine and my family's own opinion and have not been altered by anyone else. I did not receive any compensation for doing this post. Affiliate links can be found in this post. Thank you for your support of this blog!


  1. These sound really cute. I love to educate my children about the garden and cooking

  2. What fun!! I really like this concept. Cute way to get into gardening.

  3. thanks for sharing this my daughter would love this packets!

  4. This seems like an interesting way to educate children. Although in a gender separated society this may only be used for girls.

  5. so flipping cool! i am putting a link to this from my homeschooling mommybot blog for all my hippie pals!

  6. Kat Hoar, I have a lot of friends who love to garden, forage and learn about herbs that are both male and female...these surely are not gender separate activities. As fairies go, the stories in Herb Fairies have both male and female fairy characters. I do not share your belief that "this may only be used for girls". These might appeal more to the female gender at first, but my sons both enjoy learning about the herbs right along with my daughters with these books. I don't see any harm in this at all.
