Saturday, August 11, 2012

Pizza Hut BOOK IT! Program

I have fond memories of the Pizza Hut BOOK IT! Program I still have my purple button with the white open book and rainbow tucked away in my button box (a box full of fun pins, buttons and pretty brooches).

When I was little we rarely ate out at restaurants. My mom was a great cook and had the time to cook meals for us. Eating out was saved when we were spoiled rotten by our Grandmother when she came to visit us or we came to visit her. Those days were few and far in between.

I went to public school when I was growing up. When the teacher handed out the Book It! buttons and explained we could get a Personal Pan Pizza from Pizza Hut (what a tongue twister!)  for free if we read books I was thrilled! This free pizza would be  the bonus I needed in between Grandmother visits. I loved reading anyway so it was easy and worth it.

In order to get the pizza you also needed to get a total of 5 yellowish gold star stickers to add to the button. These stickers were kinda small and hard to apply to the button accurately. I remember them sticking more to the tips of my fingers and less to the button. I also remember loosing a few before I ended up putting a piece of tape over them to better secure them in place.

I read and read to get those stars and finally got my personal pan pizza. Those were the days...

Well little do most know, the Book IT! Program is still going strong AND it is not only offered to teachers in public or private schools, but also parents and caregivers like me that homeschool their kids. I know that it is a promotional gimmick for parents to buy more pizza while they are at Pizza Hut, but I still support it because it is a great incentive for my kids to read...not that they don't already like crazy.

All you have to do to sign up is this... Go to the enrollment form, pick which type of school you teach at and fill it out. It is that simple! Go ahead and help your child/student read their hearts out. Hurry to enroll though because you only have until Sept. 1st to sign up. The program will run from Oct. - March of the 2012/13 school year and is available for kids in grades Kindergarten through 6th grade. It is completely free and totally fun!

DISCLOSURE/DISCLAIMER: I wrote this blog post because I thought you might be interested in knowing this information and taking part of this opportunity. My thoughts are mine and my family's own opinion and have not been altered by anyone else. I did not receive any compensation for doing this post.


  1. This is really nice program by pizza hut, kids really like it.

  2. I am excited and I know my daughter will be too. I requested this thanks to you sharing it. :)
