Friday, October 14, 2011

I Love Yarn Day

I just learned that it is I Love Yarn Day today :) I wanted to share because of my love of yarn. I think it is one of the best craft mediums out there. There is so much you can make with yarn. You can use it to: crochet, knit, loom knit, tie quilts, make fiber art, and many other crafts. It is so versatile. I am teaching myself to loom knit and loving it! It is so much fun and so much easier in my opinion than needle knitting.

On the 24th of September I attended the the Oregon Flock and Fiber Festival in Canby, Oregon. It was so much fun to see all the awesome trade show vendors, artists, demonstrations, and animals! They had all sorts of neat things to see and purchase including: yarn, wool, fiber, flannel, cashmere, fleece, mohair, angora, roving, hand beaded yarns, spinning wheels, spindles, knitting looms, crochet and knitting needles and tools, handmade knitted items, handmade crochet items, handmade needlepoint items, fiber arts, homespun works of art, hand felted items and needle felting supplies, woven items and weaving supplies, fiber dyes, mutton and lamb meat, goats/sheep milk soap, cheese, and other items; bolga baskets, woven lavender wands, related patterns, books and magazines; honey, hand and skin moisturizers, lambs, sheep, goats, alpacas, llamas, bunnies, etc.

My friend, Erin, from Connected2Christ blog went to the Flock and Fiber Fest the day after me, took some great pictures and shared on her blog. We wanted to meet at the festival but certain circumstances got in the way...maybe next year. Read her post here.

If you want to celebrate with me and show your love of yarn you can post banners or buttons on your blog or webpage from the Craft Yarn Council. My friend, Bethany Dailey, over at Gettin' It Pegged - Loom Knitter's Clique blog is also celebrating! I just received her awesome new book, Loom Knitting for Little People, in the mail on Tuesday and can't wait to make something from it!! Yay!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you had a lot of fun at the fiber festival! :) I just love attending those things, don't you?

    Thanks for the mention about I Love Yarn Day! Happy Looming!
