Saturday, April 9, 2011

Eco-Friendly Green-Our-Earth-Contest

Earthday is coming up on the 22nd of this month and what better way to celebrate than to enter to win some green Earth Day goodies! ImagiPLAY and Seven other Eco-Friendly Companies are Honoring Earth Day this year with a Green-Our-Earth-2011 Contest giving away $800 in earth friendly prizes!

For the month of April, children and their families are invited by ImagiPLAY and seven other eco-friendly companies to send photos and descriptions of their “green deeds” to the Green-Our-Earth-2011 Contest. All participants will receive a 15% coupon code good on our sponsor’s websites through the month of April and will be entered into a raffle to win hundreds of dollars worth of earth-friendly prizes. Winners will be announced on May 1st.

The contest is the brainchild of Malini Goel, founder of Global Green Pals. “I am a huge fan of the participating companies, whose business practices show that it is possible to both be successful in business and do the right thing,” says Goel. “My Grandfather told me, ‘Use your education as a broom to clean up Mother Earth and find like-minded people to do it with you.’ And here we are doing just that - companies and customers working together to promote earth stewardship.”

“These small companies make some of the finest, most innovative earth-conscious products on the market – but because we’re all small, we can sometimes be difficult to find,” adds Barbera Aimes of ImagiPLAY Toys. Instead of staying to ourselves and competing with each other, as most companies do, we’ve decided that a cooperative effort like this is much more in keeping with our values of earth stewardship and fair play and creates a win-win situation for us and our customers.”

The eight participating companies and their websites are as follows: (wooden toys and soft dolls)
Global Green Pals - (soft dolls with eco themes)
Eco-Kids - (art supplies made from natural ingredients)
Mimi the (eco-coated organic cotton tablecloths, bibs & more)
Kids (stainless steel lunchbox solutions)
Uncle (USA-made alphabet blocks) (stainless steel lunchbox solutions) (musical instruments from all over the world)

It’s easy to enter:

1) Go to
2) Click “Enter Contest”
3) Submit a description of what you do to Green Our Earth and/or a photo showing the same
4) You will automatically receive a coupon code good for 15% off all eight sponsor’s websites through April
5) You will be entered into a raffle to win $100 worth of prizes from our sponsors! (8 winners will be selected on May 1st)
6) Visit their group facebook page to see your entry & share with friends! Green-Our-Earth Facebook Page

So get out your camera, sharpen your pencil, and tell them about all the great ways you help our good old Mother Earth, from recycling cans to planting trees to using solar energy and saving whales. I can’t wait to see what you’ve been up to, so please also share here!

Open to all 18 years of age or older. Contest begins on April 1, 2011 at 12:00 a. m. Eastern Time ("ET") and ends on April 21, 2011 at 11:59 p. m. Eastern Time. See more rules on website.

Here is my entry:
I homeschool and love to teach my children the importance of being Earth friendly. In my experience in teaching I find that it helps to learn by doing, especially if by doing you can make the world a better place. As a family we reduce, re-purpose, reuse and recycle. We also try to: open windows to let in fresh air and sun when it is a nice day, save rainwater for our lawn and garden, plant a food garden each year, save electricity by turning off lights when not in use and using eco efficient light bulbs and appliances, buy local and go to farmers markets, use reusable containers for food and drink (including when we are out traveling), swap clothing and other things with people or give them to thrift stores or consignments or re-purpose things, use rechargeable batteries, use natural cleaning supplies and hygiene products and cloth diaper. We try to buy organic, all natural, nontoxic, eco-friendly, biodegradable and/or sustainable products when ever possible. I have included a picture of my oldest son. He has been collecting pop tabs to donate to the local Ronald McDonald House, one we have stayed at when my daughter, who passed away April of 2010 at the age of 6, was in the hospital nearby.

DISCLOSURE/DISCLAIMER: I received an email about this contest this on Facebook and entered this myself and thought my readers would like the chance also. My thoughts are mine and my family's own opinion and have not been altered by anyone else. No monetary exchange took place.

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