Sunday, February 20, 2011

My Valentine's Day

My husband works a rotating shift and so sometimes he works on holidays and sometimes he doesn't. This Valentine's was great because my husband was off work and I got to spend it with him. We watched Netflix movies and he brought home cheese biscuits from Red Lobster and a sour cream lemon pie from Shari's. When my husband bought my Vitamix as a belated Christmas gift for me from Costco we got it cheaper with a Costco membership so, on Valentine's we also all went to Costco and picked up a dog bed for Prince, doggy biscuit treats and I gave him one of Tatiana's blankets she had from a hospital stay that I must say quite suits him :) It has doggies, paw prints, and dog bones on the fabric. Yes, he is one very spoiled pup!

I also just bought myself a bangle bracelet and a scarf as a late Valentine's day gift because one of my favorite stores, Sir Alistair Rai, was having a 75% off sale online on some of their items and Brian said I could get something for myself :) My mom sent a package with her fudge, fruit leather, dried apples and Valentine's. She also found a pie plate, a pretty crocheted snowflake doily and a carved wooden box for me at an estate sale.

Zari is rolling all over to get places now. She wants to be where her siblings are. Teela had croup which is a viral cough that sounds a lot like barking this past week and the doctor said that we just had to wait it out and let it pass and get better over 6 days...and it mainly has. Teela loves to go outside and play when it is nice out. It has been rainy a lot lately here. Both Teela and Zari received a jacket from their Nonnie for Valentine's Day too. Teela received a nice rain coat that is just Teela's style (Teela adores pink, purple, and ponies) and Zari received one with Baby Einstein critters all over it :) The boys received some Almond Toffee from her as well.

How was your Valentine's Day? I hope it was great too!

1 comment:

  1. It sounds like you had a nice Valentines Day :)

    That pie looks so tasty and so do those biscuits!

    I can't wait to see photos of the bangle bracelet you got!

    Glad Teela is feeling better!
