Friday, December 24, 2010

Cinch! by Cynthia Sass Review

With New Years just around the corner it is the perfect time to make New Years resolutions. My New Years resolution is to eat healthier with my new Vita-Mix blender and to actually do my daily aerobic workout.

One of the biggest resolution made on New Years is to loose weight. The obesity crisis in America costs the nation as much as $147 billion and an untold number of lives every year. Nearly two-thirds of American adults are either overweight or obese and childhood obesity is triple what it was a generation ago.

I just read an article about how one-third of 9-month-olds are already overweight or obese even before starting on solid foods! This to me is outrageous! I feel strongly that my choice to breastfeed exclusively has helped my children not be obese or overweight. I feel that formula is not as safe or as healthy for babies. Past and present recalls for formula make me even more thankful I don't use the stuff. I know not every woman can breastfeed exclusively or safely, but if given the chance should if circumstances allow. Formula is not the only thing that could lead to obesity. Not feeding your family a healthy well balanced meal and not exercising certainly does contribute also.

There is a book out that is being released soon called Cinch!. I received an prerelease of this book for free to read and review. This book has fabulous sounding recipes and a diet plan that doesn't involve irregular meal schedules, pills, binge eating, or undereating followed by rebound overeating. No more starving, restricting, or depriving yourself! This book will help you loose weight while still feeling energized, nourished, and satisfied. The recipes in this book like the Mediterranean Broccoli Couscous Platter and Zesty Cinnamon Basil Berry Tea are divine and so delicious!! I love the daily chocolate escape and the plan is so simple to follow. This is such a better, healthier way to diet!

The books author, Cynthia is appearing on The Early Show January 3 and The Rachael Ray Show January 5. Be sure to tune in to listen to Cynthia talk about the Cinch! plan.

Like Cynthia on Facebook. Follow Cynthia on Twitter.

DISCLOSURE/DISCLAIMER: Thanks to One2One Network for sending me a free book to read to and review and the information to share with my readers. My post is also eligible for a gift card via random drawing by One2One Network. My thoughts are mine and my family's own opinion and have not been altered by anyone else. I did not receive any other compensation for doing this review.

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