Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Bringing Baby Home

I just recently brought home my new daughter, Zari Katana. Here I am finally home with her. Bringing home a new baby from the hospital is something that shouldn't be stressful. You should be able to enjoy your baby and not be bombarded by chores or things that have piled up while you were away at the hospital.

Here are 10 Tips For New Moms (or well versed moms) Who Are Bringing A New Baby Home:

1. Have an adequate support system! Someone to provide emotional support, help with chores and cooking, run errands, watch other siblings, etc. Sometimes you just need some time alone with baby or a nap once in a while!

2. Spoil your newborn. Give your new baby loads of attention, lots of love and affection. Hold your baby and cuddle it.

3. Babywear your baby safely! I am a big promoter of babywearing! When done safely there are so many bonding experiences you can share with your new little one!

4. Go Green! Use reusable cloth diapers, eco-friendly cleaning products, etc. These are better for the environment and better for you and your family!

5. Make sure pets are prepared for baby's arrival. Here is a great resource for doing so. Pets need to be accustomed to babies and introduced to this early so that they don't react in a negative way.

6. Start Going to Bed a little earlier. You need your sleep and so does baby. Being well rested is essential to being a mom and not feeling so stressed!

7. Make noise while baby is asleep! It really doesn't need to be totally quiet for baby to sleep peacefully. I have found that making noise while baby is sleeping helps baby come accustomed to everyday life around my house and become more of a sound sleeper.

8. Give other family members and pets your attention too! Hubby needs some lovin' too. Don't forget to include the pet and the other siblings in activities with the new baby or some one on one attention while baby is getting held by someone else.

9. Breastfeed if you can! Breastfeeding is so much healthier for baby than formula. It helps baby ward off sickness too. It also creates more of a bonding experience and helps you lose that unwanted post baby fat that you gained during pregnancy!

10. Enjoy your newborn! Your little one won't stay little for long. Take lots of pictures and/or videos of your infant. Babies keep changing and they change quickly ...so get it captured and write down those precious moments in a keepsake book of some sort.

Do these 10 tips and I assure you life will be better and less stressful for everyone. Make time for yourself, the other members of your family, and your pets. Cherish the precious time you have with your baby...they grow up so quickly!

DISCLOSURE/DISCLAIMER: I wrote this blog post while participating in the TwitterMoms and Lysol® Wee Wisdom blogging program, making me eligible to get a $50 gift card. For more information on how you can participate, click here.

Lysol Mission for HealthNewborn Baby

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