Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Wordless Wednesday It's A Girl! Meet Zari Katana!

My not so Wordless Wednesday Post:

Zari Katana came into this world October 19th, 2010 at 11:23 am. We now have another girl to even the score again :) She currently has dark brown hair and grayish-blue eyes. She was 7 pounds, 4 ounces and 20 inches long.

My contractions started to be more regular and closer together in the morning of the 19th. My mother had come to help out the night before. I was admitted to the hospital at 5:25 am, contracting every 1-2 minutes with them lasting 50-60 seconds, dilated to a 6, effacement 100% and station -1. My mom stayed with me acting as my labor coach. My husband watched the kids and the dog at home while I delivered.

The doctor broke my water at 6:30 am and checked my progress some time after that. I was dilated a 7 at that point and the doctor said the baby had her hand sticking out above her head so he could shake it. He said that if he didn't get it back below the baby's chin that I would have to have a c-section. I was in a lot of pain already, but was doing OK with just the medication they gave me and without an epidural at this point. The doctor told me that an epidural would make my pain a whole lot better while he adjusted the baby, so I agreed to have one. He got the baby adjusted better, but the baby's face was positioned the wrong way too until the doctor checked the baby later and determined it was in the correct position finally. I seemed to be stuck at 7 dilation though, so they started Pitocin to speed things along. I hate Pitocin because it makes the contractions a whole lot worse.

My labor started to speed up and I was actually glad I had the epidural this time although afterwords my back ached from the catheter being there. When I finally got to push (Oh my gosh, I so wanted to push earlier than they told me I could!) the baby's head started to emerge and I touched the crown. Then when the baby's head emerged more the doctor said that both her fists were tucked under her chin and that he would have to make a small episiotomy incision. Finally I got to meet my new baby girl! I held her for the first time and was so glad that the labor and delivery was over!

A day after birth her daddy and her siblings came to visit us in the hospital. They each got to hold her and admired how little she was. Teela, my youngest daughter who is 2 and a half says, "I like my new baby." and "I am petting the baby." (when she pats Zari gently). My recovery has been good and my precious little baby girl is breastfeeding well. I am so thankful to have a great family and friends who have been so very helpful to me throughout my pregnancy, delivery and afterwords.

If you are participating in Wordless Wednesdays, click on the Mister Linky image, enter your name and URL in the form, and press Enter. Please also leave comments on this post! I love reading them!


  1. Congratulations! She's beautiful! So glad to hear that you're all doing well.

  2. Congrats! I was looking forward to hearing your birth story. :) It sounds like everything went smoothly, thankful you didn't have to have a c-section! Can't wait to see more pictures!

  3. Congratulations. She is beautiful.

  4. congratulations- i hope you get some rest and take care of that beautiful baby.

  5. Congratulations to you and your family on another beautiful baby girl!!!

  6. Congratulations on the birth of your beautiful daughter!

  7. Glad that everything turned out okay! Congrats!

  8. Congratulations on you beautiful baby girl!

  9. Absolutely beautiful and I love her name!

  10. Zari in Arabic means blossoming flower, splendor, dawn; in Slavic it means water priestess; in Swahili it means beautiful; in African it means golden. Also could be a Hebrew nickname of Zara, Zariah, and Zarya...which is an offshoot of Sarah or Sariah which means princess and radiance.

    Katana is Japanese and is a samurai sword that is also used as a female name in Japan.

    So...she will essentially be a dangerous beauty :)
