Wednesday, August 25, 2010

IntelliGender and IntelliCeuticals Review and Giveaway

With this new pregnancy I haven't really had much luck with finding out the baby's gender. The first ultrasound was with the ultrasound tech and she couldn't determine because the baby was being shy. My OBGYN read the second and third ultrasound and even though he told me that he isn't as good at interpreting the pictures as the ultrasound tech is, both times he said he was fairly certain he didn't see any boy parts.

I have been hearing about this new Gender Prediction Test (GPT) called IntelliGender on other blogs that I read. I guess curiosity got the better of me because I asked if I could review it and received an IntelliGender GPT along with some of IntelliGender's new IntelliCeuticals Elasti-Oil to test and review for free.

IntelliGender’s Gender Prediction Test (GPT) is a simple-to-use urine test that uses first morning urine and a proprietary mix of chemicals which reacts with a combination of hormones that, as early as 10 weeks into your pregnancy (8 weeks post- conception), provides immediate gender results in the privacy and comfort of the home. In minutes, the IntelliGender GPT indicates your gender result based upon an easy to read color match. Green indicates boy and yellowish-orange indicates girl!

I did some homework before doing the test myself to see what other responses were about the test and apparently stumbled on a bit of a find. My GPT's directions said to read the test at the 5 minute mark, at 8 minutes the test is over and further color change is irrelevant. The box it came with also says Clear Results In Just Minutes! The older tests used to say on the box, "Get Clear Results In 10 Minutes!" and the people that blogged about them waited a full 10 minutes for the results. So, I wonder what if anything has changed about the product other than the directions and packaging. I also have been told by others that it is just a fancy PH test, but IntelliGender denies this on their website. My husband didn't think that my hormones would influence whether my baby is a boy or girl and the unborn baby won't produce any sex hormones until puberty. I guess I am just as skeptical about the results I got. Before the test I read through the instructions completely and followed them accurately to the best of my knowledge. At the 5 minute mark I read the IntelliGender test and it was greenish, so possibly a BOY? Although, at 10 minutes I re-read the test again and it was yellowish, so possibly a GIRL? So...As for the gender of my baby I guess only time will tell, LOL!

I also got the chance to test out IntelliGender's new IntelliCeuticals Elasti-Oil. I am glad to have had the chance to test this product and liked the results far better than the GPT. IntelliGender's new IntelliCeuticals Elasti-Oil is wonderful for stretch marks! I love the smell of the warmed aromatic oils when I gently massage it on my belly. The ingredients are heavenly! It has Mandarin essential oil from the outer peel of the mandarin fruit, Neroli essential oil from the blossom of the bitter orange tree, Patchouli essential oil from the bushy herb of the mint family, Rose Geranium essential oil from the rose geranium herb, Rosehip essential oil from the fruit of the rose plant, and Vitamin E oil. When used as recommended (2.5-5ml single dose), one bottle of 60 ml Elasti-Oil will provide 12-24 applications. My skin feels great after using this oil and my belly doesn't feel like it is being stretched completely out of shape anymore.

You can get the IntelliGender GPT on the IntelliGender website for $34.95 or pick it up at these retailers. Get the IntelliCeuticals Elasti-oil for $36.95 HERE.

Valerie from IntelliGender has generously offered a IntelliGender GPT Prize Pack (has one GPT and a gender neutral receiving blanket) for one of my readers to win. So, if you are as curious as I was to try to find out gender...go ahead and try to win!

1. Go to the IntelliGender website and tell me what IntelliCeuticals you would love to try AND what you think the gender of my baby is going to be (Do Both or Be Disqualified).

Additional entries:
1. Subscribe to my blog by feedburner or by email and let me know which way. (2 extra entries each)

2. Fan/Like me on facebook and write that you are entering this giveaway on my wall. (1 extra entry)

3. Blog about this giveaway on your blog and provide me with the link. Make sure you have the link to this post and IntelliGender in your blog entry or it won't count. (2 extra entries)

4. Grab My Button (see sidebar to the left) AND/OR Put My Blog URL in Your Blogroll - Leave Your Link. (1 extra entry)

5. Technorati my blog and let me know your link. (1 extra entry)

6. List this giveaway on any giveaway listing website or blog and tell me where you listed it. (2 extra entries)

7. Follow me on Twitter. (1 extra entry)

8. Tweet this: @finamoon: @intelligender WIN An IntelliGender Gender Prediction Test Prize Pack #giveaway
(Daily Extras are Available)

9. Fave me on Momfaves. (2 extra entries)

10. Comment on any of my other posts or enter my other giveaways and let me know which post you commented on. (1 extra entry per post you comment on)

11. Fan IntelliGender on Facebook. (1 extra entry)

12. Follow IntelliGender on Twitter. (1 extra entry)

Make sure you leave me your email in all posts so that I can contact you. If you subscribed by email, blogged about this, listed it, commented on another post, or faved me on Momfaves leave 2 entries saying you did. This contest ends on Friday September 24, 2010 at midnight (GMT-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada). This Giveaway is open to U.S. only!!

DISCLOSURE/DISCLAIMER: Thanks to IntelliGender for sending me a free IntelliGender GPT along with some of IntelliGender's new IntelliCeuticals Elasti-Oil to test and review. This giveaway is also provided free from IntelliGender. My thoughts are mine and my family's own opinion and have not been altered by anyone else. I did not receive any other compensation for doing this review.


  1. I would love to try the Peace of Mind Flower Essence, and I just found out Friday that I'm having a boy. :) But I would love to try this anyway and see if it works.

    Thanks for the great giveaway!

    ladyufshalott at yahoo dot com

  2. Following you on Twitter! @kindred_spirit

  3. Tweet tweet!

  4. I'm following Intelligender on Twitter! @kindred_spirit

  5. Fan of Intelligender on Facebook!

  6. Have you just come to know that you’re pregnant? It's natural that you must be curious about baby's gender.
    Baby Gender Prediction

  7. I would want to try the baby’s best milk drops! I think you are having a boy!
    reynoldsmommy at gmail dot com

  8. Subscribe to your RSS feed via google reader!
    reynoldsmommy at gmail dot com

  9. Subscribe to your RSS feed via google reader!
    reynoldsmommy at gmail dot com

  10. "Like" you on FB and I wrote on your wall! (Ashley Reynolds)
    reynoldsmommy at gmail dot com

  11. Follow you on twitter! (@reynoldsmom)
    reynoldsmommy at gmail dot com

  12. Follow IntelliGender on twitter! (@reynoldsmom)
    reynoldsmommy at gmail dot com

  13. Entered Wow! Wow! Wubbzy! giveaway!
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