Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Download N Go Summer Sensations Review and Giveaway

Many of you know that I homeschool my kids by having read my blog. I use what is known as the eclectic way of homeschooling, meaning I combine all sorts of different kinds of homeschooling together to make a curriculum that suits my children and I. The Unit Studies Method is one way I have done some of my curriculum. With the unit study method, we choose one topic and tie it into the different subjects somehow. We try to tie as many of the subjects in as possible for the study.

We love the Download N Go unit studies by Amanda Bennett because they are really fun and we learn a lot. We first learned about them on The Old Schoolhouse Magazine website. They focus specifically on content for K - 4th grade students. Each Download N Go unit study is a week long and has five daily lessons with book list suggestions, hyperlinks to go to online and learn and lapbook elements for each day. Lapbooks are a mini-book that you put together yourself covering key details that you've studied. They are a fun way to enhance the learning experience and give your child some hands on. All they need is a little bit of ingenuity and creativity. A few inexpensive items are needed for the lapbook: a simple file folder, a glue stick, safety scissors, a piece of ribbon, a stapler, and crayons or markers. The Download N Go unit study is complete and they are ready to use as soon as they are downloaded!

I received the Download N Go Summer Sensations unit study free to review and try out. It goes into depth about how seasons change, what summer is all about, how
shadows work, why trees are important in the summertime, and the history of ice cream. This unit study has full color pages that my kids can fill out. We loved the nature walks the best. My kids love getting outside and observing nature especially when they find treasures along the way and can document what they have found. We had a lot of fun with this unit study!

Download N Go unit studies are fun for homeschooling and during the summer for a fun learning activity. They are very affordable at $7.95 each and there are many titles available to purchase! Just go HERE for purchasing options.

I have been given the opportunity to also give one of my readers the Download N Go Summer Sensations unit study in PDF version to win and then download for their own use.

1. Go to the Download N Go website and tell me what other Download N Go unit study you would be interested in trying.

Additional entries:
1. Subscribe to my blog by feedburner or by email and let me know which way. (2 extra entries each)

2. Become my fan/like on facebook AND write that you are entering this giveaway on my wall. (1 extra entry)

3. Blog about this giveaway on your blog and provide me with the link. Make sure you have the link to this post and Download N Go in your blog entry or it won't count. (2 extra entries)

4. Grab My Button (see sidebar to the left) AND/OR Put My Blog URL in Your Blogroll - Leave Your Link. (1 extra entry)

5. Technorati my blog and let me know your link. (1 extra entry)

6. List this giveaway on any giveaway listing website or blog and tell me where you listed it. (2 extra entries)

7. Follow me on Twitter. (1 extra entry)

8. Tweet this: @finamoon WIN A Download N Go Summer Sensations Unit Study PDF #giveaway
(Daily Extras are Available)

9. Fave me on Momfaves. (2 extra entries)

10. Comment on any of my other posts or enter my other giveaways and let me know which post you commented on. (1 extra entry per post you comment on)

11. Fan/Like Download N Go on Facebook. (1 extra entry)

12. Fan/Like Amanda Bennett on Facebook. (1 extra entry)

13. Follow Amanda Bennett on Twitter. (1 extra entry)

Make sure you leave me your email in all posts so that I can contact you. If you subscribed, blogged about this, listed it, or faved me on Momfaves leave 2 entries saying you did. This contest ends on Friday August 27, 2010 at midnight (GMT-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada). This Giveaway is open to anyone 18 years or older with a email address only!!

DISCLOSURE/DISCLAIMER: Thanks to Amy Lathrop of Litfuse Publicity Group for sending me a free Download N Go Summer Sensations PDF to download, use and review. This giveaway is also provided free from Amy Lathrop of Litfuse Publicity Group. My thoughts are mine and my family's own opinion and have not been altered by anyone else. I did not receive any other compensation for doing this review.