Thursday, June 24, 2010 Sale Ends Tonight!

I have been getting this fantastic newsletter called HerbMentor News that you can sign up for free on and a couple days ago emailed me about a great deal they are having! I really do with I would have told you about this sooner, but hopefully those that want to can jump on the bandwagon and do this before the offer expires. I ordered mine!

Kids and Herbs is a naturally simple course for parents on herbs and remedies that released for a limited time last Fall now they are re-releasing it for a very short period of time again!!

Kids & Herbs online course is free with a 50% off Wildcraft, a cooperative board game that teaches edible and medicinal plants. Go HERE to get to the information about the sale.

$19.99 plus shipping gets you the game AND Kids & Herbs + other bonuses! This is a $74 value! Wildcraft is usually $37 and Kids & Herbs was $37. You get both for $19.99 plus shipping for this short SALE ENDING MIDNIGHT, June 24! That is today folks so hurry!

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Herbal Medicine Making Kit

Wildcraft Board Game

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