Friday, March 5, 2010

What's In the Bible? by Phil Vischer Review and Giveaway

I have loved the Veggie Tales since they first came out and have shared them with my children and other family and now they love them as well. My mother-in-law actually just made us Veggie Tales pillow cases for a Valentine's Day present :) Anyway, the creator of Veggie Tales is coming out with a great new series called "What's In the Bible?" and it is really cute! Instead of animated anthropomorphic vegetables telling about the gospel we have puppets and animated cartoons to illustrate and tell about the Bible. We received a free advance viewer copy of both episodes 1 (In the Beginning) & 2 (Let My People Go) from Tyndale House Publishers because I am a part of the Tyndale Blog Network. My children loved watching "What's In the Bible?" and I enjoyed it very much too. My boys were laughing so hard at "The Bible is a Book" song that the country western puppet, Chuck Wagon, was singing and enjoyed themselves thoroughly through the whole thing. My husband also watched the first episode and had to post on his Facebook about it because he liked it so much. These are not only very entertaining, but very informative too. I even learned some things :)

Take a look at an introduction into the DVDs and some clips from them...

Official Stop On The What's In The Bible Blog Tour

The first 500 people to order Buck’s Bundle (DVDs 1&2) will receive a free music CD (valued at $10). The CD features 12 songs from DVDs 1&2 as well as two JellyTelly bonus tracks! Enjoy the first 2 DVDs – "In the Beginning" and "Let My People Go" – and a Sing-Along CD for just $24.99!

Christy from Tyndale House Publishers has generously offered 2 Free Product Award Certificates (one for the first episode on DVD and the other for the second episode on DVD) to give away to two of my readers! So to clarify: 2 winners will be winning one certificate each.

1. Go to the What's In the Bible website and tell me which DVD you would love to win the most (Episode 1 or Episode 2?).

Additional entries:
1. Subscribe to my blog by email and let me know. (2 extra entries)

2. Become my fan on Facebook. (1 extra entry)

3. Blog about this giveaway on your blog and provide me with the link. Make sure you have the link to this post and "What's In the Bible?" in your blog entry or it won't count. (2 extra entries)

4. Grab My Button (see sidebar to the left) AND/OR Put My Blog URL in Your Blogroll - Leave Your Link. (1 extra entry)

5. Technorati my blog and let me know your link. (1 extra entry)

6. List this giveaway on any giveaway listing website or blog and tell me where you listed it. (2 extra)

7. Follow me on twitter and retweet this: @finamoon: @whatsinthebible 2 WINNERS: What's In the Bible DVDs #giveaway
(Daily Extras are Available)

8. Fave me on Momfaves. (2 extra entries)

9. Comment on one of my other of my posts and tell me which one. (2 extra entries per post)

10. Fan "What's In the Bible?" on Facebook. (1 extra entry)

11. Follow "What's In the Bible?" on Twitter. (1 extra entry)

Make sure you leave me your email in all posts so that I can contact you. If you subscribed by email, blogged about this, listed it, commented on another post, or faved me on Momfaves leave 2 entries saying you did. This contest ends on Friday March 26, 2010 at midnight (GMT-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada). This Giveaway is open to U.S. only!!

DISCLAIMER: Thanks to Tyndale House Publishers because I am a part of the Tyndale Blog Network for letting me know about this product and for sending me a free advance viewer copy of both episodes 1 (In the Beginning) & 2 (Let My People Go) to watch and review. This giveaway is also provided free from Tyndale House Publishers. My thoughts are mine and my family's own opinion and have not been altered by anyone else. I did not receive any other compensation for doing this review.


  1. I think I would start with Episode 1

    lkish77123 at gmail dot com

  2. rss subscriber

    lkish77123 at gmail dot com

  3. would love to win any one of these dvds for my 4 yr old but if I had to choose let me go with 2.Loves Veggie Tales so this would be great!

  4. I would like to win episode 2.

    denise_22315 at yahoo dot com

  5. email subscriber 1.

    denise_22315 at yahoo dot com

  6. email subscriber 2

    denise_22315 at yahoo dot com

  7. I follow you and tweeted.

    denise_22315 at yahoo dot com

  8. I thik I would prefer episode 1. I like to start at the beginning of anything.

  9. fan of whats in the bible on facebook

  10. following whats in the bible on twitter @avrilsgranny

  11. I would choose Episode 1.

  12. I am an e-mail subscriber. #1

  13. I am an e-mail subscriber. #2

  14. I am a Facebook fan.

  15. I follow What's In The Bible on twitter as frugalmomto4.

  16. I follow on twitter and tweeted.
