Saturday, March 13, 2010

Gigi God's Little Princess: Gigi's Big Break by Sheila Walsh Review

This DVD, Gigi God's Little Princess: Gigi's Big Break, is very cute and tells the story of a young girl by the name of Gigi. In the first story she tells a white lie and everything backfires. She ends up learning the value of telling the truth and that even if you get into trouble it is best to do what is right and say what really happened. In the second story Gigi has always been the first in her life and learns that sharing her parents' love with a new blessing in her life will only give her more joy and happiness, not less.

Download a free God's Little Princess Party Kit. I will be using this for Teela's upcoming Birthday :)

This was my first encounter with the God's Little Princess stories and I loved that they each have a wonderful message for children. My kids, especially my youngest daughter, enjoyed watching these and learning. They especially liked the cooky cat. I feel that this DVD is great for teaching all younger children lessons about honesty and loving siblings even though they are very much aimed towards little girls.

DVD Description on Thomas Nelson's Book Sneeze:
Two new, fully-animated heart-warming stories and a fun sing-along song.

The White Lie: Sheila Walsh reminds little girls that it’s no fun getting in trouble. But when we do wrong and try to cover our sin, things only get worse and our hearts get heavy with guilt. But we have a God who knows our weaknesses and loves us anyway. Teaches the lesson of 1 John 1:8-9 "If we say we have no sin, we are fooling ourselves, and the truth is not in us. But if we confess our sins, he will forgive...and cleanse us from all the wrongs we have done." (ICB)

The Pink Surprise: Sheila Walsh says: "Isn’t it fun to be the first in line? When I was young, all the kids would run to get as close as possible to the front. It’s a little like being the only child in a family—you get one hundred percent of your parents’ attention, and can sometimes even feel like the world revolves around you. But it turns out that there are other blessings in life besides being first, and Gigi has been blessed with an adventure that will last a lifetime." Teaches the lesson from Jesus’ prayer in Luke 10:21 "Father, you have hidden things from the people who are wise and smart... but shown them to those who are like little children." (ICB)

DISCLAIMER: I received this DVD free from Thomas Nelson Publishers as part of their book review bloggers program. My thoughts are mine and my family's own opinion and have not been altered by anyone else. I did not receive any other compensation for doing this review.

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