Monday, September 21, 2009

World Gratitude Day

It is World Gratitude Day today! So I would like to take time and thank each and every one of my readers and soon to be subscribers. You are wonderful! I also want to take time to thank God for all the trials and tribulations in my life that have made me stronger. I am so very blessed to have a wonderful family who looks out for me and wonderful friends who are there for me. Thanks! I am grateful to you all!

These pictures of Tatiana were taken shortly after Christmas of last year. She had to spend Christmas in the hospital and my parents helped watching her while she was there so she would not feel alone. The hospital staff gave her Patti the pink platypus to hug and cuddle. During that time we had trial after trial thrown at us at home: our toilet backed up, our water heater broke, and our furnace broke. When my husband went to go see Tatiana in the hospital both back tires on our van blew out and we had numerous times the chains on his tires kept breaking. In January our family and friends sent blankets to keep us warm while the furnace was being fixed and despite the trials we got through it all. I am so grateful to my friends, family and strangers that helped pull us through.

I am also posting this video from Mom Fuse. They and Tiny Prints asked several well known bloggers to volunteer their time and to take part in a 21 day challenge that encouraged them to take note of the brighter side of life. Now they are asking for more participation. Join the Gratitude Challenge! Seek out things that that you feel gratitude for and share them on your blog, Facebook, Twitter or wherever you express yourself.

Follow them on Twitter @TakeNoteGiveThx hashtag: #GratitudeChallenge
Fan them on Facebook. You can even add an interactive 21-day gratitude calendar widget to your blog or website.

Thanks to Mom Fuse POP (Post Our Pitch) Alerts for this information!


  1. wonderful post! Just submitted to Kirtsy:

  2. Thanks Rick! I am so grateful to people who read AND comment on my posts :) And you went the extra mile submitting it to Kirtsy and tweeting too!
