Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Tupperware's Chain of Confidence Challenge

I just entered the Tupperware's Chain of Confidence Challenge, a ‘pay-it-forward’ contest which invites you to share your story of inspiration on Chain of Confidence by nominating a friend, relative, or member of the Tupperware community, who has empowered you through an act of kindness. Three winners will receive $5,000 to donate to the charity of their choice. My mom was my choice of women. Come vote for my essay and enter your own: She Is There For Me.

Here is my essay:

My now five year old daughter, Tatiana, has been through more than anyone should. At 8 months of age she was diagnosed with a brain tumor that when resected took her sight, caused her endocrine problems, and cerebral palsy. My mom flew out from Utah to be with my family in Florida during that tough time. She grew up in Alaska so the heat there didn't agree with her, but she was still there giving her support.

Now that my family has moved to Oregon. My mom and my dad have dropped everything to move out to Oregon also to try and be closer to us to help out more. There has been many hospital stays for Tatiana where my mom was there watching out for her when I couldn't. She has been a Godsend!

April 2008 was a particularly stressful time. I was pregnant with my 4th child and Tatiana went into the hospital again. She was given an antibiotic, had a severe hemolytic reaction to it, and almost died. I was to be induced to labor in a different hospital merely days from that and my mom went with me and my dad stayed with Tatiana. The same day I went into labor we received word that Tatiana had to have an ileostomy because her small intestine had developed a hole. I was devastated, but my mom comforted me and empowered me to have strength to have my baby. In the end everything went fine.

With each experience I have learned a lot of things and grown as a person. One thing I have learned is that my mom will always be there for me. Thanks Mom!

Thanks to TwitterMoms and their Reach A Mom Blogger Online (RAMBO) Alerts (A special newswire designed to connect marketers, advertisers, and members of the media with influential mom bloggers, like yourself!) for this information. Join TwitterMoms too and you can get the Rambo Alerts also if you list your blog.

Also, thanks to Mom Fuse and their Post Our Pitch (POP) Alerts and Blog Friendly PR for this information as well.

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