Sunday, May 3, 2009

A Welcome Home and a Visit to Tatiana

My husband came home last night from a long stay in Orlando, Florida because of a family emergency (I will not be going into, don't ask). Anyway, I was glad he was home. I missed him so much while he was away!! He had me order Red Lobster and he picked it up on his way home from the airport. It was delicious! We settled in for the night and watched episodes of Lost and Heroes that we had missed.

Today he treated all of us (minus one, Tatiana) to a breakfast at the Pancake House. Double yum!! Then he drove us to Portland to see Tatiana. She has been staying at the Providence Center for Medically Fragile Children since April 6, 2009. I couldn't believe it when I walked in to see her. She had gotten a very cute haircut since the last time I saw her and lost two of her bottom baby teeth. I gave her lots of loves, kisses, and hugs and after about two hours visiting we had to leave. I was sad to go without her again. I will be so glad when she is stable enough to come back home. I miss her terribly and I have missed a month roughly of her growing up. She has also missed stuff at home: Easter 2009, Teela's first Birthday, etc. I wish I could be there with her like I was almost every hospital stay she had, but then I would be missing the same stuff with my other kids and this is supposed to be for my respite. It breaks my heart that I had to leave her, but I know she is in good hands! Hopefully she can come home soon.

1 comment:

  1. Congrats! You've been tagged!
